Merlin the Trickster Character in The Seal | World Anvil
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Merlin the Trickster

Merlin the Trickster is the human god of Deceit and Magic, its said he was a mortal king who tricked the Warmother into granting mortals the power to wield godly power but as punishment was made to watch over magic forever more. Often depicted as white haired man Merlin caused a split in the Warmothers path. The "Faithful" believe Merlin to be the hero of humanity, proof of superiority over Elvenfolk, they see magic as a gift and believe it is the gods will for it to be used. The "Unyielding" believe Merlin to be on par with Dom-Zar and that his deeds were humanities darkest moment, spending time repenting for his sins.

Rites to Merlin often involve the study and use of the arcane. The devout are often seen in robes and shave but once annually for the years life



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