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The Plane Between Worlds

"I held her body in my arms as tears ran down my face, whiping them away my despare turned to steely determination, pulling out my spellbook, I flipped to the back, to the spells I swore never to use. Clasping my sword I drew a line glyph in the air as the book instructed. Looking down to see if my daughter would wake up I was pulled from this plane and found myself on a grassy bank.

Never will I forget the despare of this place, the world was gray, the bank surrounded by shaddows, before me an archway radiating an arcane energy unlike anything Material, I could feel the glyph on my forhead and with one hand on the hilt of my blade the other clasping my spellbook, I proceeded on over the bridge fearing the whisperings of the shaddows, calling out for Telmari, the shaddows whispered louder and despare took in. I ran forwards calling her name, through the Arch and across the bridge, 'Telmari! Telmari!' and before me in the fog, past yet anohter Archway a great mangled beast, one hand on my a ghostly shaddow of my daughter, guiding her towards a gateway. My heart filled with dread, I knew not how, but I was sure that should she pass through she would be beyond my power to save. I rushed forwards, blasting this guide back into the gateway I drew my sword and stood between it and Teli 'Its okay sweetie pappys here'. The beast looked up at me and shot a horribe Grin I gripped her hand, 'Run!' and we did, as we passed back over the bridge a spiritual essance omitted from the Archway into a glyph on my Telis head and she became more whole, passing back over the first Archway another essance shot into her. The guide chased behind us, but seemed unable to pass the first bridge. Hugging my daughter we fell out of this plane and returned to the realm of the living, and in my arms, breathing steadly Telmari, alive once more."

The Briges

In lore the river stiks exists in the plain between worlds, where the dead go when they die, If they were not absorbed there spirit, soul and lifeforce cross over to the plane. it consists of a dark monochrome walkway within the void, shadows looming in on each side and those who stray off the path tend to lose there way, there are three tributary's of the river stiks at different points up the path, crossing each are arcane archway bridges. "The Guide" will take the dead to there plain of rest.

The first archway checks for lifeforce, taking the lifeforce to re-join the sands of Lin and Mord. If the deceased doesn't have its lifeforce it cannot pass through, the spirit and/or soul remains there on the first bank, at the thinnest point between the planes in what is called the vail from which ghosts and the likes come from.

The second archway checks for spirit, drawing the spirit away to be reborn as the soul passes through. Should the spirit not be present then the soul will remain on the second bank, known as the pool of souls, powerful casters can draw souls from this plane for use in there magic.

The third and final archway checks the soul, unlike the others this does not check for the existence of the soul but more the quality and desire, all go to Stalinas plain, but other deity's have pockets within it in which there faithful can spend there life eternal, the archway gauges that and with the help of the guide brings them to there final resting place.

Travel between the planes

Adding to this when someone travels to the plane between worlds they will always appear on the first bank, but will not be able to interact with the dead there, should they go through the arch then there lifeforce will be sucked from them, and should they leave the plane, will die instantly as they no longer have a lifeforce, there spirit will end up on the first bank, and be unable to pass the first gate, after passing the first gate should the traveller continue then should there soul and spirit be unbound then they will pass on through to the afterlife.

When spells that bring back the dead are cast then the caster and those they are linked with them are brought to the plane between worlds, on there forehead will be an amber warding glyph, created from the material components, the only colour in the plane.

A basic one (Revivify) will allow the caster to interact with the dead, but passing the first gate will still result in a loss of lifeforce. A more complex glyph (Reincarnate) will allow the caster to pass the Archway bridges once the being there reviving is found then they will be able to draw back the essences lost to the archways as you return through them. Should someone with this glyph attempt to pass through the final Archway it would be like walking into a force field.

A completed glyph (Resurection) will allow the caster to go on to the final gate, and call the soul back from beyond in Stalinas plane, like the one before they will still not be able to pass through Stalinas Arch.


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