The seal The Geneva War
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The Geneva War

Military: War


The Geneva War, or 7th war of Nochini sucsession was the bitter war fought in Idria and Nochi that lead to the writing of the geneva convention.

The Geneva War, or 7th war of Nochini sucsession was the bitter war fought in Idria and Nochi that lead to the writing of the geneva convention.

The war broke out when, after a reign of worsening reations between Nochi and Idria King Richard IV died without declaring an heir. To make matters worse, the Kings eldest child was a bastard, born to an Idrian barroness, and his oldest legitamate child was only 8 years old.

Whilst its unclear how much influence the Idrian Crown had over him Lord Septim the bastard, instantly steaked his claim to the Nochini throne. Outraged at the prospect of an Idrian bastard on the throne the Earls crowded around the young princess Margret. So the sucsession seemed decided, that was until word came that a call to arms had rang out across Idria, and an army commanded by Septims uncle, General Geneva, Lord of Rasport.

The Idrian army struk quicky, landing at two points along the Nochini coast. General Geneva landed in and slaughtered the port of Valdrin while Lord Septim landed in Whitsands. He failed to take the castle but layed seige to it before retreating to link up with his uncle. By this point the General had victored against and masacared the Earls and their serfs. The way was now clear for King Septim to take the throne, quickly becoming a puppet of his uncle.

But all was not well for Septims reign. King Feanor the voice of the Dragon looked on the Generals tactics with a grim counternance. If the killing of nobles and civilians became part and parcel of war then the Union would face a grim fate. It was thus declared that his tactics were unheavenly and called for him to be removed from power.


King Ragnar of Idria, also horrified at Genevas actions, obliged and denounced Geneva stripping him of his rank and medals. Geneva was outraged on finding out this news and went on a warpath towards the Idrian capitol Dawnhelm. He committed many horrible deeds as him and his army of loyal fanatics riped there way through Nochi and Donsteed. The Crown King brought together a coalition army and laid seige Genevas army in crosroads city to the north east of Dawnhelm, Geneva was defeated there and the city was named Genevas stand, there the 8 Kings and the eternal crown came together to lay down the laws on what is and is not allowed in wartime, writing the Geneva Convention.

King Septim would rule Nochi bringing it into a golden age of relations with Idria.

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