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The Third Inquisition

Religious event


The Knights of Elden lead a holy Inquisition against dark magic users and lowly worshipers.

In the wake of the war of death efforts were made to stop the rise of a new dark lord, first of these was the outlaw of necromatic magic, second was he outlawing of lowly worship and finally was the launching of the third Inquisition inforce those laws. This Inquisition consisted primarally of Knights Eldar, aided by Anchors, sanctioned military unites founded for the each of the gods.

The Inquisition began with a cordinated burining of every Lowly temple in every major city across the seal, acompanied with the masacre of the clergy in the night of darkned flames and lasted 11 years. In which time thousands of lowly worshipers were hung, burt at the stake drowned or killed in some other ritualistic way to apease the gods above. The acuracy of the initial hunt is widly debated as in the early years of the Inquisition public sentiment was very much in favour of allowing some inocents to die to stop events like the war of death from occuring once again. However by 4A 9 the Inquisition was viewed less as a protector but at a threat to the free people of the Union and the standard of evidance required for an execution became much higher, with mass killings becoming less and less frequant until in 4A 11 the Inquisition was offically declared a sucsess.

From this point the Anchors were disbaneded, some like the Smallhill sect resisted yet that is another story for another time.

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