
Astrella is an aspiring astronomer who was apprentice to the scientist
  Played by Yakabo

Former apprentice astronomer of the Prism Observatory. She is now trying to raise enough money to reclaim the observatory.

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Light Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, slightly freckled

The Journal Entry’s title

Session 11 Katana that lights up blue with gold inlaid designs. +1, inherits the last wielder.   Clast turns into the halfling and stead his clothes and sword You there meets with Olive Argo and Ninad arrive shortly after Olive is speechless at Argo’s actions regarding the theft and Ninad. She now understands Astrella’s breakdown from earlier in the day. Argo begins to blackmail Ninad. She starts crying and agreeing to help if the safe is returned. Olive and You there call him an idiot Argo reveals that he thought he was doing this for Ninad’s own good by bringing her away from the scene of the crime. You there uses a bag of holding to hold the safe then hands it to Ninad. Guards start to congregate towards the alleyway as You There calls Astrella and tells her to come to the Observatory. She sounds very distressed. Astrella calls everyone on to the cart beginning a chase sequence. Rendell and Astrella roll barrels into the guards. The six remaining guards group cast a lightning bolt, heavily damaging the cart and everyone on board. Malachi is instantly killed an tumbles out of the cart Rendell is electrocuted by the metal railing that he is grabbing. He is paralyzed by the electricity as a passing sign knocks his head off his shoulders. Dot is able to push another barrel to take out a few more guards before confirming Astrella’s suspicions that he is very much dead Astrella voiced her concerns that Malachi’s body could be used to cast speak with dead. She then casts speak with animals to yell at to Edward to “RUN!” She is met by the sounds of an extremely loud sewing machine that rapidly speeds up to meet her command. Clast is able to get enough distance to escape as everyone now realizes Rendell died. Everyone freaks out with their frizzled hair. You There calls again before they all arrive There is no time to recuperate since You There confirms Crimson Sundelver is at the observatory. As they try to A dead god watches Rendell as he passes away
Character Portrait image: by Caramel Witch


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