Biopollutant Accumulation

The Closed Ecology Life Support Systems (CELSS) used on all but the smallest spacecraft and installations in the Sealed Kingdoms Region are just that: closed biochemical systems designed to recycle metabolic waste products excreted or exhaled from the residents and convert them into food, clean water, and breathable atmosphere through the application of energy. However, because not all CELSS systems function perfectly and not all crew waste products are easily broken down by generic CELSS systems, it is possible for certain hazardous substances to accumulate in the life system and, if this buildup is left unchecked, for this biopollutant accumulation to cause significant threats to life and equipment.   For example, aboard Cobalt Protectorate long-haul vessels, the death of human or near-human crew members may simply be a part of life. Deceased crew members - often colonists - will usually be cremated using super-critical water oxidation (SCWO) reactors to recover vital trace elements, improve morale, and reduce the danger of contagion. Shipboard life support technicians or medical officials must monitor the waste streams from these reactors however, because human neurological remains may contain prions which, if the cremation process is not thurough enough, may subsequently enter the food or water supply. Prions can cause other protiens in the body to misfold into more prions, causing diseases like spongiform encephalopathy. Biopollutant accumulation may also occur when radioactive isotopes or heavy metals enter the waste stream as a result of combat against other nuclear-capable powers, exposure to radiation from drive systems, or simply form inadequate industrial hygiene. Unlike prions, these elements of the waste stream generally cannot be burnt away with SCWO, but might be sequestered away for later disposal or, rarely, returned to auto-fabricators for use in the manufacture of durable goods.


Sensor systems within the CELSS and waste processing systems of a vessel can indicate the presence of rising levels of pollutants. Once detected, special waste treatment systems may be employed to process or sequester the polluted content away from the main throughput for the safety of the crew and more sensitive environmental systems.

Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: by Beat Schuler (edited by BCGR_Wurth)


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