Code of Evermorn

The Code of Evermorn is the founding document of the Cobalt Protectorate. Concieved of by the Evermornan exiles after their triumphant return from servitude under the Iron Talon Mining Concern and further refined upon the consolidation of the twelve major tribes of Evermorn, the code is inspired in equal measure by the desire to see the human diaspora to enjoy broad freedom in seeking its own destinies and by the knowledge of what is required to survive in a hostile universe. Clan Lords, Cobalt Knights, and other individuals who would wield authority over the Evermornan peoples are bound to the tenets of the Code by oath.


The Code of Evermorn is not only designed to lay out the form of government the Protectorate will have, how its various branches will be administered, and what rights and responsibilities are accorded to individual citizens, but also to explain why these provisions were put into place to inform later interpretation and lawmaking within the confines of the Code. The Code also serves to bind together the tribal coalition that formed the early Protectorate in a more stable form, establishes rules for the induction of new citizens and periphery states, and provides for a limited degree of flexibility in terms of adaptation to future unpredicted circumstances.   The vbyifabids Goh'ro and Myrdin, as well as the emoxi Rachet Chitterwell, advised the writers as representatives of more advanced cultures in the hopes of producing a stable state in the Sealed Kingdoms Region that would eventually grow to responsiby wield its rapid technological development. Wurth Harkin was carefully drip-feeding the knowledge of science and technology to his bronze-age contemporaries at the time, but there was a real concern among the elder species that the Evermornans would, in their justifiable retributive zeal against the Chitiquish Consortium and under the influence of the famously murderous Shank Moswen, unleash weaponry that would destroy more than just the chitiquish and themselves. As allies to the diaspora, the vbyifabid and emoxi representatives provided advice on fostering public political support and establishing alliances with minimal recourse to force; the more liberal elements of Protectorate politics can be directly attributed to these alien contributions.

Historical Details


The Code of Evermorn represented a break from the previously tribal, feudal, and oligarchical power structures present on Evermorn at the time of the Protectorate's founding. Geopolitical struggles up to that point had been fought with stone and bronze weapons on a scale limited by the technology and continent-bound aspirations of the time. The swift unification of the twelve largest tribes, creating the Great Clans, and the imposition of the Code sparked a transition towards a more pluralistic, representative form of government and a more magnanimous foreign policy (at least among human cultures). Hundreds of years of variously sound leadership under the auspices of the Code forged the supranational Evermornan ethnicity without fully drowning out the influences of the various clans. Now, the Code provides a blueprint for Protectorate interactions with human-descended cultures in the post Harkinite Expedition push to create a protective umbrella against non-human threats to the surivival of the species as a whole.


The original body of the Code is considered immutable and permanent for so long as the Protectorate lasts as an entity. Legal precedents are established by laws with strong in-line ties to the Code rather than amendments to the Code itself.

Decree, Governmental
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by Beat Schuler (edited by BCGR_Wurth)


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