Orison Coin

May this iron in my pocket stitch a feather to my soul.
Void Priest and poet Inos Pace, The Buoyant Stars
  An orison coin, also known as a 'rememberance coin' or 'duty token,' is a ritual object originating in Evermornan culture. Usually consisting of a heavy metal coin carved with a geometric pattern meant to be discernable by touch alone, an orison coin is a physical reminder of an important oath or ideal.


Orison coins originated with the Cobalt Knights as a means of inspiring mindfulness when one is making a difficult decision that touches on the oaths and responsiblities attendant to that profession. Like the feudal knights they are modeled after, a Cobalt Knight is expected to uphold a certain standard of honor, courage, and professionalism even when that isn't easy to do; the weighty presence of an orison coin in one's pocket is a simple mnemonic for this responsibility, as when someone might tie a string around their finger to remind themselves of an important event. Just as with Time and Place, the official magazine of the Cobalt Knights, an orison coin is also intended to have a spiritual significance related to the Ancestral Patronist faith and is often imbued with the symbology of that faith, but is also frequently used by more secular members of that organization as a sort of meditative focus or fidget toy in stressful or boring situations.   Eventually, as Cobalt Knights died and passed their worldly effects onto their children as heirlooms, orison coins and the intentions behind them entered the public consciousness. Among Evermornans - but also increasingly among Feldeans and Lepidosians - objects similar to orison coins have come to be used as reminders of other, similarly important bonds or oaths one has undertaken in life. For example, Feldean salvage crew foremen have taken to carrying carved coins as a reminder to always put the safety of their crews ahead of a lust for rich salvage deposits, while lawmen with the League of Lepidosian City-States have adopted orison coins inscribed with Raikepist imagery to remind them to choose arrest, investigation, and a fair trial over the pre-existing predilection in their culture for 'frontier justice.'

Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Orison coins are fairly common across Protectorate space and, as more subcultures discover them, become more common over time.

Raw materials & Components
Most orison coins are heavy, being comprised of red iron or brass, but may also be constructed as embroidery on the inside of a pocket or some other piece of clothing in a place that will be noticeable to the wearer without causing undue chafing during regular wear. The point of an orison coin is to be a constant reminder, not an unneccessary discomfort.

Cover image: by Beat Schuler (edited by BCGR_Wurth)


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Aug 1, 2024 22:52 by George Sanders

I enjoyed the origin story of the items and how they spread to other roles/jobs that had important bonds to protect.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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