The Reserve Tank

The Reserve Tank was a hole in the wall in the sense that it was a dingy little establishment, dimly lit in desaturated fluorescent greens and yellows and reeking of bitter beer. It was also a hole in the wall in the literal sense – it was built within the crumbling carapace of an old warehouse, the high-vaulted ceiling patched with corrugated steel and the massive industrial fans set in opposite ends of the space keeping what would otherwise be an oppressive humidity in check. The perimeter of the room was lined with round tables seating a motley assortment of passers-through, cloaked in suggestive shadow except near the neon-choked façade windows. Seedy synth music trickled from a holographic screen set into the center of the bar counter, the grinding electronic tones accented by countless bass thumpers concealed among the roof cantilevers.   Enzo tucked himself onto a stool at the bar and gestured for the bartender, a somewhat rotund fellow with massive forearms that surged with every wipe of the glass. “Anikokeuri Special,” Enzo ordered, sliding a hexagonal carbohydrate chip across the table. “Dirty, on the rocks.” A low cheer erupted from a raucous bunch of off-duty espatiers watching a televised prize fight at the opposite end of the bar, drowning out the last part of the order.
  The Reserve Tank is a bar on Evermorn in the port city at the foot of the Grand Loop. Heavily visited by members of the Cobalt Knights, deep space colonists headed for work with the Evermorn Strategic Colony Initiative, and others headed for parts unknown, the owners of the ramshackle little watering hole take some pride in knowing that, while the clientele is mostly transient, men and women of legend have passed through the doors of the ol' Reserve.


The Reserve Tank got it's name from the fact that it used to be a metal fabrication workshop and a warehouse for empty spacecraft tankage before it was converted into a bar. Indeed, the front-of-house portion of the Reserve is situated within the carved-out walls of a particularly large pressure vessel. Algae- and grain-based brewer's vats sit beyond these walls alongside the kegs and machinery for the pressurized taps up front. Neon signage and audiovisual equipment were added almost as an afterthought, but lend the place a sort of antique charm in their second-hand state.


The reserve tank is situated beyond the protective walls of the airfield on a street that lies parallel to the runway leading up to the foot of the Grand Loop. Stairwells in the adjacent alleyways lead up to an observation deck. Here, visitors can have a drink while they watch the SSTOs come and go without being exposed to the potentially hazardous exhaust plumes, though few avail themseves to this opportunity.

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Cover image: by Beat Schuler (edited by BCGR_Wurth)


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