
The lakshu are tall, beautiful, muscled, celadon-skinned women who were magically engineered to be among the most powerful species in the galaxy. Their ancient masters, the Reigar magically crafted the lakshu to function as their enforcers and the laskshu were terribly effective. Thousands of worlds were laid waste by these gruff, armored harridans.   During the Long Dark after the Crystal Shells were broken the Reigan Protectorate collapsed from within, with the lakshu rebelling against their former masters. When the Core Worlds reached the lakshu they found a free, albeit bellicose, people willing to join the greater galaxy.   Lakshu are virtually identical in physical appearance, resulting in most lakshu adopting tattoos and brands to differentiate from one another. Hair color and styles are also used to signify individuality, but their height and weight remain as chosen by the reigar centuries ago remains.   Lakshu are deadly in combat. They are known as dangerous foes, even when unarmed. Strong and tough, lakshu were trained to fight to the death. Their capabilities aren’t limited to their physical prowess, as the lakshu were also taught artificer techniques by the reigar and are considered accomplished engineers.   Lakshu reproduce through parthenogenesis. Each lakshu is expected to give birth by their 30th year, with the young lakshu being raised by lakshu elders in a creche with other offspring.  

Lakshu Traits

Ability Score Increase. Increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase 3 different scores by 1.   Age. Lakshu mature at 15 years of age and live about 90 years.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Lakshu and Common.   Size. Your size is Medium. Lakshu all stand 7’ tall and tend to weigh about 200 lbs.   Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.   Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.   Martial Training. You are trained in a martial style and may select one Fighting Style option of your choice.   Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.