Planar Nexus

A planar nexus is a sort of hub region, where one or more wormholes connect to the various Outer Planes. These areas are naturally occurring throughout Wildspace, but most well-known nexuses have an established local presence and are maintained as trade routes that typically carry a hefty fee for their use.   To determine the routes of a newly discovered planar nexus, roll 1d8 to determine the number of wormholes present, and then roll on the Planar Connection table below that many times to determine which plane each wormhole connects to. If the same result is rolled twice, either reroll or connect the wormhole to another location within the same plane. The destination of a wormhole in a planar nexus can be determined by a colored light that erupts from the wormhole as objects travel into or exit from it.   Planar Connection
d20 Plane Wormhole Color
1 Ysgard Indigo
2 Limbo Jet black
3 Pandemonium Magenta
4 The Abyss Amethyst
5 Carceri Olive
6 Hades Rust
7 Gehenna Russet
8 The Nine Hells Ruby
9 Acheron Flame red
10 Mechanus Diamond blue
11 Arcadia Saffron
12 Mount Celestia Gold
13 Bytopia Amber
14 Elysium Orange
15 The Beastlands Emerald green
16 Arborea Sapphire blue
17 The Outlands Leather brown
18 Ethereal Plane Spiraling white
19-20 Material Plane Silver