God Shattering Star

"...the fabled Rainbow-Diamond blade; God Shattering Star! This weapon is legendary, your father, the Star Javelin, used it to hunt the Kháos Dragons and many a lost Demigod back in his day. But it was said to have been destroyed! Where did you find it?"

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford | Also Known as The Sun Which Pierces The Very Heavens Of God or Amaterasu Totsuka-no-Tsurugi

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Enchantments and Attributes
  1. Kiss of Vanaheim: God Shattering Star (GSS) has a blade made from materialized Aesoteric Energy, an abstraction of the Concept of Order, borderline of Khaos. This blade is capable of many extraordinary feats, the primary one being its ability to permanently sever the life of any being who suffers a fatal blow resulting in death. Mortals, Spirits, Gods, and Demons, all fall before the weapon and know better than to face it. Wounds inflicted by GSS will never heal and its light can pierce the depths of the Unholy Realms.
  2. Realm Travel: This sword was bathed in the Light of Alfheim, which allows it to summon the Bifröst for travel between the Realms for individuals on command. Additionally, as a function of the sword, it can cut space itself and segment it for a short time when used by experienced swordsmen.
  3. Manifestation of the Emotional Matrix: The Emotional Matrix is the root of the power the Witches of Vanaheim wield and it is at the root of this sword's power as well. This Enchantment manifests as two attributes, 1) GSS scales directly to the emotional state and emotional well-being of its current master and 2) GSS has power over the emotions of others who do not control their own emotions.
  4. The Storage of Power: GSS can store the magical power of its master and does so under two precepts. The first case is passive, where the sword will consume and store a portion of its master's current power to add to the Reservoir, the pool of energy and power the weapon stores from all previous Masters of the weapon and which is actively used to amplify the powers and abilities of the current Master. The second case is when the current master, for whatever reason, may need to separate or otherwise remove a portion of their total power and store it within the sword for retrieval later.
  5. The Goddess of Dawn's Ignorance Deity: Sanctus Amaterasu Ōmikami is a Holy Goddess of Sunlight who aided in the creation of the blade's logic and blessed it with Sanctus Ōhirume, one of her many Avatars, who resides within the sword. Sanctus Ōhirume allows the weapon to emit a Holy Aura which wards off evil and is responsible for choosing the masters of the weapon. Failure to meet her measure will result in death or banishment. Sanctus Ōhirume can be fully manifested by the master of the sword, drawing upon the power and raw might of an avatar of Sanctus Amaterasu Ōmikami.


The Creation of God Shattering Star and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Æsir-Vanir Wars
Maedra-Freyaluna was the first Witch Queen of Vanaheim after St. Michael cut down the Archons who once ruled their Realm. Maedra-Freyaluna was a High Vanir and mastered the Emotional Matrix to bring about the Aesoteric Flames, becoming a full Goddess in her own right. It was she who defended Vanaheim from an incursion by the Æsir, led by Allfather Búri. Freyaluna used her witchcraft to forge the God-Shattering Star in defense of her home, touched by the power of Sanctus Amaterasu Ōmikami. Freyaluna used GSS to defeat the Allfather and repel his Einherjar from her Realm. This was recorded as the First Æsir-Vanir War, and the Second would commence with the death of Maedra-Vatnsvana, daughter of Freyaluna. Her husband, Maedra-Njord accused the Æsir and used GSS to slay the Allfather, provoking a response from his heir and the new Allfather, Bör the Beast. 
The Second Æsir-Vanir War ended with Maedra-Njord being fatally wounded, Ásgarðr annexing much of Vanaheim, and Bör seizing GSS as a prize of war. The Third and final conflict was the rebellion of the Vanir to the Æsir forces that occupied their Realm, this time led by Bör's son, Allfather Odin, against Maedra-Freyja and her consort, Maedra-Freyir, twin children of Njord. Before the war could fall into more turmoil, the Allfather had his uncle, the Skáld Mímir go and parley with Freyja and Freyir. It was through Mímir that Vanaheim was returned to the Vanir entirely with GSS, but it was also by his hand that the Allfather was to wed Freyja to forever join the Æsir and Vanir. GSS became less of a weapon and more of a symbol of peace and stability between the two clans of Gods.
The Founding of the Arcane Lineage and the Defeat of Charlemagne
God Shattering Star would remain in Vanaheim under the care of the Witch Queens for an age before it was stolen by Njordarik, one of the children of Freyja and Freyir before their marriage was annulled. Njordarik would make off with the sword from the Holy Realms and come to reside within the Mortal Realms for many of his adventures. His exploits were many and will not be recounted here as they fall outside the scope of this article, but chiefly among them, concerning GSS at least, was the piercing of the Utgard which protects Jötunheimr, a veil that not even the Bifröst can penetrate, and the Bombar Incident where GSS rend time itself to slay an Immortal (this attribute was removed by the Time Lords of the 4th Dimension and Njordarik was penalized 100 Years).
Njordarik would change his name to Balphus and establish the Arcane Lineage, a bloodline of Mages with purple hair and a strong connection to the Emotional Matrix. One of Balphus' offspring was his heir, Balfroy Valentine, who inherited GSS and was a pivotal figure in the war with the Thinking Machine God, Charlemagne, who threatened to eradicate Mortal Life in the cosmos. Balphus used GSS to slay Charlemagne and destroy the machine menace forever and made GSS a relic of Clan Valentine.

Item type
Weapon, Melee
  • Saijō Ō Wazamono Grade Weapon
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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