Qarînah, the Lust Eaters

Basic Information


The Qarînah exhibit a basic humanoid form with two upper limbs and two lower limbs. What sets them apart is the presence of a single pair of great wings extending from their back. These wings are a defining feature, contributing not only to their aesthetics but also playing a crucial role in their locomotion and environmental adaptation. The wings of the Qarînah are a marvel of evolutionary design. Composed of a lightweight yet durable structure, they are capable of graceful flight. The wing structure incorporates a complex network of bones and muscles, allowing for both powerful strokes and intricate maneuvers in the air. The wingspan tends to vary among individuals, influenced by factors such as age, genetics, and environmental conditions.
One of the most distinctive features of the Qarînah is the presence of long, fleshy appendages known as Onsi. These appendages protrude from the head, with two extending forward and falling over the chest. The Onsi undergo significant growth with age, making them a visual indicator of an individual's maturity. The muscular system of the Qarînah is finely tuned to support their aerial capabilities. Strong pectoral muscles facilitate the powerful flapping of wings, while the lower limb muscles contribute to stable takeoffs and landings. The presence of specialized muscles around the base of the Onsi allows for controlled movement and articulation of these unique head appendages.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Qarînah engage in sexual reproduction with partners of any species. This openness to inter-species mating promotes genetic diversity within the Qarînah population. Upon successful copulation, Qarînah females undergo a gestation period of one month. This relatively short period is a testament to the species' efficiency in reproductive processes. Qarînah females typically deliver 3-4 offspring per gestation cycle.
Qarînah possesses the extraordinary ability to engage in dream intercourse, a unique form of asexual reproduction. During dreams, a Qarînah can connect with another being, regardless of species, and initiate a reproductive process. Females, whether Qarînah or not, who participate in dream intercourse with a Qarînah will experience real-world pregnancy. This mysterious and ethereal method results in the birth of offspring known as Cambions. Cambions inherit their genetic makeup mostly from their mother, but they also acquire attributes, skills, and abilities from the other parent involved in the dream intercourse. This blending of traits makes Cambions a unique and diverse subset of the Qarînah population.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The primary source of sustenance for the Qarînah is sexual energy. This energy is harnessed from various aspects of sexuality, including experiences, emotions, and the intimate connection between individuals. Qarînah possesses the ability to absorb and metabolize this energy to nourish themselves and fuel their unique powers. This feeding mechanism establishes a symbiotic relationship between the Qarînah and the diverse species with whom they engage in sexual encounters. The exchange of energy is not only vital for the Qarînah's well-being but also enhances the experiences of their partners.
While the Qarînah can consume regular food, it provides little to no substantial energy or sustenance for them. Their digestive system is not optimized for processing conventional nutrients found in typical diets. Qarînah may engage in the act of consuming food as a cultural or social ritual, acknowledging the practices of other species they interact with. However, the nutritional aspect remains secondary, and their primary sustenance comes from the energetic exchanges of sexuality.
Tantric Metabolization not only sustains the Qarînah but also enhances their overall vitality and longevity. The absorbed sexual energy contributes to their physical well-being, mental acuity, and the maintenance of their unique physiological features, such as wings and Onsi.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Supernatural Senses: The power to possess transcendent senses. Users's sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are super-unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe. They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground, and water. In some cases, the user can develop a sixth sense and various ESP abilities, allowing them to perceive/sense things no ordinary senses can detect.
  • Hypnosis: The ability to make suggestions to the subconscious of others. The user can put others in a trance, making them highly suggestible and allowing the user to affect or directly influence their minds to their commands.
  • Kiss of Death: The ability to be able to kill someone with a kiss. The user can kill with a single kiss, using varying means.
  • Claw Retraction: The power to possess or generate sharp claws/talons. The user can project/retract razor-sharp claws/talons of energy, bone, metal, keratin, etc., from their fingertips/hands/wrists/fists/feet for various (mostly offensive) purposes.
  • Pheromone Manipulation: The power to manipulate the pheromones of oneself or others. The user has complete control over the pheromones, a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species, of oneself and others, including releasing pheromones that induce attraction between subjects (or within a subject for oneself), to exuding pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change/influence emotions, draw crowds, etc. Pheromones may induce pleasure or may put subjects into a state of high suggestibility (either of which is useful for limited mind control). Other uses of these pheromones can be used to mark territory (causing people to feel the compulsion to not go into a certain area) or to leave a pheromone path that others can follow. The user's pheromones may even increase stamina, slightly stimulate the healing process, or (used offensively) cause foes to become disoriented, violent, or extremely sick.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names
  1. Aernil
  2. Borenixan
  3. Rizarigar
  4. Nyrrad
  5. Ohirniran
  6. Ohirsan
  7. Garansan
  8. Mazerrith
  9. Harez
  10. Qurvix
  Female Names
  1. Bwynyla
  2. Sharesh
  3. Kelyla
  4. Prislenne
  5. Fyserynore
  6. Orinoth
  7. Jaenelin
  8. Tinerris
  9. Sharney
  10. Irinysh

Gender Ideals

Succubi (Female Qarînah)
  • Succubi are revered for their elegance and grace. Their physical beauty, combined with the mesmerizing quality of their wings and Onsi, creates an alluring presence. The ideal Succubus is often depicted with a harmonious blend of ethereal charm and captivating intelligence.
  • Succubi are associated with nurturing qualities, fostering emotional connections and understanding in their interactions. They are seen as protectors of the emotional well-being of those they engage with, ensuring consensual and positive exchanges of sexual energy.
  • The wings of Succubi are considered symbols of both freedom and enchantment. Their ability to gracefully navigate the skies is often intertwined with notions of liberation and the pursuit of desires.
Incubi (Male Qarînah)
  • Incubi are characterized by a charismatic and magnetic presence. Their ability to forge deep connections extends beyond the physical realm, encompassing shared experiences and intellectual engagement. The Incubus is often seen as a companion in both pleasure and meaningful discourse.
  • Incubi are esteemed for their strength and protectorship. The ideal Incubus is often depicted as a guardian, possessing a powerful physical presence that instills a sense of security. Their wings symbolize not only strength but also the ability to soar to great heights.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  1. Lilithian Tongue: The Lilithian Tongue is the ancient language believed to have been spoken during the reign of Lilith, the revered Queen of exceptional magical prowess. It is characterized by intricate incantations and profound knowledge of the mystical arts. Though not as widely spoken in contemporary times, the Lilithian Tongue holds a sacred status and is often used in ceremonial rituals and magical incantations.
  2. Agratian Vernaculars: Derived from the lineage of Agrat bat Mahlat, the Agratian Vernaculars encompass a set of dialects that flourished in the aftermath of the War of the Fallen. These dialects are deeply rooted in the history of the Qarînah, reflecting the resilience and adaptability of their people. The Agratian Vernaculars vary across different regions, each carrying a unique blend of Lilithian influences and local adaptations.
  3. Eishethian Warchants: Originating from the short-lived kingdom established by Eisheth the Martyr in the Realm Gamaliel, the Eishethian Warchants were once battle cries and rallying calls. Over time, these warchants evolved into a distinct linguistic expression, spoken by those who revere Eisheth's legacy. The dialect holds a sense of defiance and loyalty to Eisheth's ideals, making it a symbol of resistance against Lilintora's reign.
While Qarînish remains the common language for interrealm communication, the existence of these major language groups and dialects underscores the intricate cultural mosaic within the Qarînah civilization.


The Qarînah are a species native to the Unholy Multiverse, in the Realm Slullarona. They are one of the oldest races to walk the Unholy Sphere and were once led by three Queen, Agrat bat Mahlat, Naamah, and Eisheth Zenunim. All three rebelled against the Fallen Angels after the Morningstar's Failed Rebellion but were crushed after the war, and Slullarona was ravaged, and rendered unlivable. In modern times, the Qarînah is one of the most common species in the Unholy Multiverse.

Historical Figures

  • Lilith: Lilith was a Qarînah of exceptional note. She was originally the first wife of Ursama-Adam of Midgard, but she rebelled against her husband. Lilith spoke the seven-part name of God and returned to her home, where she was revered as a Queen and master of magic. During the War of the Fallen, where the fallen celestials from Lucifer's Failed Rebellion In The White City (1612 Σειρά - 1628 Σειρά) came to the Unholy Multiverse in a bid to conquer it, Lilith wed Samael, the Blindness of God. Lilith created The Hidden Province, a new Realm for her people, and placed her daughter Lilintora as Empress over it. Lilith is an exceptionally powerful being, having learned all Seven Names of God, mastery of Magic, the Gift of Smithing from the Dwarf folk, and power in the Dark Arts.
  • Agrat bat Mahlat: Agrat is the daughter of Mahlat bat Lilintora, making Agrat the great-granddaughter of Lilith.
  • Eisheth the Martyr: is a noble warrior born of the hero Quidd of Midgard. Eisheth rebelled against the War of the Fallen against the Morningstar and rejected the rule of Queen Lilintora. She would establish a new home for the Qarînah at the Realm Gamaliel, in opposition to Lilintora's reign. Her kingdom was short-lived, and after Mephistopheles, son of Lilith, shattered her forces, Eisheth was put to the sword. Her loyal followers made a martyr of her and continue to oppose the new regime to this day, though to significantly less effect.
  • Na'amah the Fallen: Queen Na'amah is the daughter of Zohnriad, son of Agrat the Great, of the line of Lilith. Na'amah was the Empress of the Qarînah Queendom when the Great War in Heaven began when the Holy Multiverse fell upon the Unholy Multiverse in a display of arms that had never been seen before. The Hidden Province was one of the Realms to be destroyed by the War and at its climax, Na'amah was corrupted by Khaos and became a Khaos Champion, a tool of entropy.

Scientific Name
Phylum: Xenophila, Class: Seducidae, Order: Carnaliformes, Family: Libidinidae, Genus: Amorivorus, Species: Qarinah Lustrans
7,500 Standard Imperial Year (SIY)
Average Height
2.2 meters to 2.5 meters | 86.6 inches to 98.4 inches
Average Weight
120 kg to 180 kg | 264.5 lbs to 396.8 lbs
Average Length
2.5 meters to 3 meters (Wingspan: 4 meters to 5 meters) | 8.2 feet to 9.8 feet (Wingspan: 13.1 feet to 16.4 feet)
  • MALE(s): Incubus
  • FEMALE(s): Succubus
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Cover image: Incubus by Vincenz Georg Kininger (1767–1851)


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