Sir Ywain, the Knight of the Lion

"Good cousin... I didn't want to believe the rumors... why?"

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

King Consort of Brocéliande, the Conquering King, Legendary Dragon Knight, Ywain le Fay Rhegdon the 1st- Landuc

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Yin Yang Re-Convergence: Re-convergence is a technique of the Yin Yang Paths that separates the energies and then rejoins them together, acting as a sort of hard reset for your Magic. This is useful if a Mage has been poisoned with a Magical affliction linked to their Magical Energy, allowing them to purify themselves. It can also be used to cure Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE), the most common sickness that can kill your ability to use Magic. Yin Yang Paths are difficult to learn, but doing so is vital to becoming an Eight Arts Mage.
  • Healing Factor: The users can Heal themselves and restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.
  • Magic Art Evocation: Mahābhūta Transformation: The Mahābhūta is the basis of all creation within the cosmos and the elements that all Mages can manifest an affinity for. A Mage's Magic naturally manifests with its Mahābhūta embedded within, this is called the Magic Attribute or the Attributes of a Mage's Craft. Ywain's Innate Lower Mahābhūta is Akasha (Ether or Space): Akasha represents the element of space or ether and is associated with the concept of space as the container of all other elements. It is the element that provides the space for the other elements to exist and interact.
Eight Arts Mage
The 8 Magical Arts is a system used to classify all Magic based on its primary effect and function. They are the eight recognized Arts by beings native to the 5th Dimension of Magic and are widely employed. To learn all 8 and master them all can take a lifetime or a few years depending on many factors, but those who do master all 8 earn the right to call themselves an "Eight Arts Mage", and those who take their abilities further are dubbed "Great Mage Equal to Heaven". Ywain has earned the title of Eight Arts Mage for his mastery of all 8 Magical Schools of Study and the title of Great Mage Equal to Heaven for his mastery of all avenues of Magic. Ywain's Magical Energy reserves are classified as Gon = "Everday/ Often"
  1. DIVINATION: Divination is a magical art and practice that involves seeking knowledge, insight, or guidance through supernatural or mystical means. Divination is used to gain information about the past, present, or future, as well as to uncover hidden truths or understand the deeper aspects of a situation or individual's life. It is often employed as a tool for making decisions, predicting outcomes, or gaining spiritual insight. It is important to note that divination is not an exact science and does not guarantee absolute predictions or outcomes. The interpretation of divinatory tools and methods is subjective and can vary based on the individual practitioner and the specific circumstances involved. Divination should be approached with an open mind and used as a tool for reflection, self-discovery, and gaining insight rather than relying solely on it for decision-making.
  2. NECROMANCY: Necromancy is a magical art that involves the manipulation and interaction with death, the deceased, and the energies associated with the afterlife. It is often depicted as the study and practice of dark and forbidden magic, as necromancers deal with taboo subjects and have the ability to control or communicate with the spirits of the dead. Necromancy encompasses a wide range of practices and abilities. Some necromancers specialize in divination and communication with spirits, seeking knowledge or guidance from the deceased. Another aspect of necromancy involves the reanimation or manipulation of dead bodies or skeletal remains. Necromancers can also employ spells or rituals to manipulate death energy, draining the life force from living beings or harnessing the power of death itself.
  3. CONJURATION: Conjuration is a magical art that involves the summoning, calling forth, or creation of beings, energies, or objects through magical means. Practitioners of conjuration, known as conjurers, can bring forth entities from other planes of existence, create illusions or manifestations, or even summon and control elemental forces. Conjuration is a versatile and powerful school of magic that allows spellcasters to manipulate and interact with the fabric of reality. The practice of conjuration typically requires a deep understanding of the desired entity or force being summoned. Conjurers must be knowledgeable about the characteristics, nature, and potential risks associated with the beings they call upon. They employ rituals, spells, sigils, and incantations to establish a connection and draw forth the desired entity or energy.
  4. ENCHANTMENT: Enchantment is a magical art that involves imbuing objects, creatures, or locations with magical properties or abilities. Enchanters harness mystical energies to infuse an item or being with magical essence, enhancing its attributes, granting it special powers, or altering its nature. Enchantment can make objects more potent, provide protection, enhance abilities, or even bestow sentience upon inanimate objects. The process of enchantment typically involves the use of spells, rituals, and incantations. Enchanters draw upon their knowledge of magical principles and the specific properties of the object or creature they seek to enchant. They channel and direct magical energies into the target, imbuing it with the desired enchantment.
  5. ILLUSION: Illusion is a magical art that involves the manipulation of perception, creating sensory experiences that are not based on physical reality. Illusionists use spells, tricks, and subtle manipulations to deceive the senses, altering what individuals see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. Through their mastery of illusion magic, practitioners can create convincing illusions, deceive others, and shape their perception of the world. Illusion magic often requires a deep understanding of perception and psychology. Illusionists study how the mind processes sensory information and exploit its tendencies to create convincing illusions. They employ techniques such as misdirection, suggestion, and the manipulation of subtle cues to deceive the senses and make the illusion seem real.
  6. EVOCATION: Evocation is a magical art that focuses on the manipulation and control of elemental energies and forces. It involves the summoning and commanding of spirits, creatures, or energy manifestations to achieve various effects. Evocation is often associated with the direct manipulation of raw power and the ability to unleash destructive or transformative forces. Practitioners of evocation, known as evokers, harness the elemental energies present in the world around them or tap into metaphysical realms to bring forth and direct these forces.
  7. ALCHEMY: Alchemy is a mystical and ancient magical art that combines elements of science, philosophy, and magic. It is often associated with the transformation of base metals into precious ones, such as turning lead into gold, but alchemy encompasses much more than just material transmutation. Alchemists seek to understand the fundamental nature of matter, energy, and the universe, aiming to unlock hidden knowledge and achieve spiritual and physical transformation.
  8. ABJURATION: Abjuration is a magical school or art that focuses on protective and defensive magic. It involves the use of spells and rituals to ward off and negate harmful effects, banish or repel creatures, and create barriers of protection. Abjuration magic is often associated with shields, barriers, and dispelling magic. Abjuration spells and rituals often require concentration, focus, and a deep understanding of the magical energies involved.
Ywain's Nirvana
Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength. Just as a star, radiant and undaunted, shines at its brightest when it follows its destined course through the cosmos, so too does a mage's power reach its zenith when in sync with their Dharma. Nirvana is the physical manifestation of a Mage's Dharma, it is their own world of enlightenment and the truest expression of their Way and sense of self.
Ywain's Nirvana is extremely simple but difficult to counter. When cast, his Nirvana opens up within 2 seconds and covers a radius of 5 miles. It enforces no condition onto the victims but prevents them from leaving until it is dispelled by Ywain. Because of its simplicity, Ywain can cast it without depleting his magical energy multiple times, and more so, he does not need to be within Nirvana when it is cast. Essentially, he can capture anyone he wants, granted the power of his own magic surpasses their ability to break his Nirvana from the inside or outside.
Every Nirvana has pseudo existence, in the sense that, unlike base Barrier Techniques that are cast and cease to exist when uncast, a Nirvana always exists in some capacity and as such can be used as an external storage for a Mage. These Dimensional Storage spaces are commonly used to house weapons or items or devices that a Mage either won't or cannot carry on their person or leave elsewhere. When called forth, great magical limbs, like arms, manifest from the user holding the desired object. These are called Mantles and the number of Mantles a Mage can manifest dictates how many objects they can house within their Nirvana. The number of Mantles a Mage possesses is determined by the nature of their Nirvana and the Nirvana itself is just a manifestation of their Dharma. Ywain's Nirvana has 12 Mantles which is where he stores a number of his weapons and spells.

Specialized Equipment

la Bague de Murmure Innocente
When hunted by the Brocéliande Knights, Ywain received this magical ring from Duchess Lunete of House Balzac to aid in his escape. It allows him to become invisible and intangible, undetectable by most technological means and magical sensory types. The ring was an heirloom of the Balzac house but was officially gifted to King Ywain when he was wed to Queen Laudine.  
Sword of Fable, Starshatterer
Starshatterer was a massive great sword gifted to Sir Ywain by his mother Queen Morgana when he became a knight of Camelot. The weapon was forged from a falling star and enchanted by Morgana. With Ywain's command, the sword calls forth meteors and falling stars from across the Realms to rain down on his enemies. Starshatterer is a perfect fit for Sir Ywain who uses it in combination with his Innate Lower Mahābhūta is Akasha (Ether or Space). With Starshatterer and his control of Akasha, Ywain would soon come to pierce space itself and tear open holes in space-time. Though he seldom went that far. The blade itself was immensely dense and unwieldy for lesser beings.  
Hsvyras, The Ocean-Runner: An Enigmatic Steed Of Majestic Lineage
Hsvyras is no ordinary equine companion; she emerges from the legendary Fields of Basil as a Phantom Steed, bound by an unwavering loyalty to Ingimund. Her origins trace back to the lineage of Uchchaihshravas, a mythic seven-headed white horse known to serve Lord Indra, a deity of immense power in the pantheon. Hsvyras, inheriting the distinctive seven heads and donning an immaculate white coat with a resplendent golden mane, exemplifies the lineage's grandeur and magnificence. What sets Hsvyras apart from the standard Phantom Steeds of the Fields of Basil is her remarkable size, which surpasses that of her contemporaries.
When called into service by her master, Hsvyras wields an extraordinary ability that distinguishes her from all others. In response to Ingimund's summons, she can evoke a devastating tidal wave, a torrent of violent rivers that engulfs and sweeps away his adversaries. This uncanny power transforms her into a force of nature, capable of reshaping the battlefield itself, unleashing the very essence of the ocean upon those who oppose her master. Hsvyras, as a Phantom Steed, exhibits a range of extraordinary capabilities. Unlike traditional mounts, she defies the conventions of terrains and surfaces. Her ethereal nature allows her to traverse any landscape, including the most daunting waters. Despite her ability to communicate with mortals, Hsvyras chooses to do so in a cryptic and enigmatic manner, speaking in riddles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ywain le Fay Rhegdon the 1st was born the Prince of the Highlands to the infamous Morgana le Fay and his legendary father King Urien Rhegdon. Prince Ywain spent most of his youth training as a Knight under the knights of the Highlands and eventually served as a Knight of King Arthur Pendragon during the Great War in Heaven. However, despite his glory, Ywain would face defeat at the hands of Mordred the Black, bastard of Arthur and traitor to the Dragon Knights. Mordred slew Ywain, and several of his brothers, and decimated his knights. A grim end to a noble lord.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Death of Ywain and the Slaughter of His Kin
"Do not speak to me of sacrifice, boy. My husband and my sons are dead, and what little remains of them and my broken heart, I will mourn.", Morgana le Fay, Queen-Consort of the Highlands, Mother of Ywain the 1st.
The betrayal of Sir Mordred was inevitable, all could see it and him for what he truly was, and the ruin he would bring to the Dragon Knights, but Fate bound the hands of men and this tale would have its say. It began where the slaughter happened, the planet Fagrland in the Fag-Harold System where the Black Legion was amassing to launch their attack on Brittania and slay Arthur. Sir Ywain was en route, with his brothers Rhilwallon, Elffin, Rhun, Ywain the 2nd, and Pasgen, and their Bannermen and their Knights. Ywain the 1st was also joined by his twin daughters Laudra and Launa, his son Morgans, and his other son Ywain the 3rd. Sent by the wizard Merlin to intercept Mordred, they were to try and cut off the head of this black dragon before it grew too powerful.
Ywain and his forces met the Black Legion the day before they prepared to depart and a great battle took place over the skies of Fagrland. The Black Legion was caught unaware but not unprepared and launched a counter-offensive. The Black Legion's starships never landed but sustained heavy damage, but they punched through the fleet Ywain had quickly put together and divided them up. Sir Ywain departed his starship and boarded the vessel carrying Mordred the Black, seeking to cut off the head and shatter his force's resolve, though doing so would only embolden them to fight harder had he succeeded. But Sir Ywain did not prevail, for it was not written. Mordred defeated Ywain and slew him in cold blood before dealing death to his children, his siblings, his bannermen, and his coveted knights.
The aftermath of the battle was not a sight for the weak. The Legion sank all the Starships and took no prisoners of any kind, regardless of their station. What forces they did not kill they left stranded on the planet ravaged by Mordred's Black Winter. The lucky ones freeze to death, and the especially strong ones eat the weak before they too are taken by the Black Ice. Ywain II, Rhun, and Pasgen were brutally killed, and little remained of their bodies. Rhiwallon was left mentally handicapped from blunt head trauma, and Elffin died days later in his mother's arms. The bodies of all of Ywain's children were discovered except for Morgans, who had been absorbed by the Black Winter after he failed to avenge his father. His soul is no more and his power forever belongs to Mordred.
Morgana was hysterical, she lost her husband and now her sons, and this war that took so much saw no end in sight. But she had no more tears left to weep and no more will to fight in the Great War. By imperial decree the Highlands ceased all connections with foreign parties and withdrew from the war, resorting to only defending their Realms. The loss of not only Arthur but also Morgana and her support somewhat crippled the Order moving forward. The Brocéliande Kingdom took heavy losses during this conflict and would never recover, later falling to infighting and rebellion. The Death of Ywain is a tragic point in the Great War in Heaven and displays how far Mordred had fallen. One who slays his own kin is one most foul.



The Death of King Esclados and the Siege of the Kingdom of Brocéliande
The Kingdom of Brocéliande, ruled by the Landuc Clan, protected a magical wellspring of great power. This was known as the Well of Brocéliande and with it, one could conjure cosmic storms that obeyed their whim. This well was protected by the Lord of the Clan, King Esclados Esau, the Red Knight. The Red Knight would come to cross blades with Sir Calogrenant, son of Mazoe le Fay and Arwan Rhegdon. The result of this battle left Calogrenant defeated but escaped with his life and later told the tale to his kin. Serval years later, Sir Calogrenant traveled with his cousin Sir Ywain and his knights on an expedition for the Rhegdon Clan which saw the Highlands claim serval new territories, one of which was the Kingdom of Brocéliande by Ywain's hand.
When Ywain came to Brocéliande Space, his forces punched a hole through their defenses, partly because of inside information from Duchess Lunete, the Queen's Hand whom Ywain had gained the support of. Their Seat of Power, the planet Brécheliant, was where Ywain came to face the Red Knight once again, to cripple the enemy and avenge his cousin's defeat years ago. Esclados and Ywain fought for 3 days straight while Ywain's forces laid siege to the planet and on the third day, Ywain slew Esclados with great effort. The Knight was far more powerful than even Calogrenant suspected and Ywain was forced to use the La Bague De Murmure Innocente, a ring gifted to him by Lunete which made him impossible to detect.
Lunete aided Ywain once again when she manipulated her Queen's forces so that Sir Calogrenant could defeat and capture Prince Mark the 4th, forcing Queen Laudine to finally surrender under threat of his death. From an advantageous position, terms of surrender were drawn up in favor of the Rhegdon Clan over the Landuc Clan. By command of King Urien Rhegdon, Ywain was to wed Queen Laudine to bridge the two powers and officially bring the wealth and power of the Landuc's under their umbrella. Prince Mark the 4th, son of Esclados, was spared death and instead sent to squire under Arwan Rhegdon, King Urien's brother.  
The Founding of the Little Céliande Colony
Duchess Lunete of the Celiandet Clan
Lunete Balzac was the duchess of the Balzac Clan, a Clan that was thoroughly defeated an age ago when they were exiled from the Celestial Empire and have since been slowly dying. Lunete was the last true hope of her lineage and she found her place in the court of Queen Laudine and King-Consort Esclados but her biggest success was the aiding of Prince Ywain Rhegdon the 1st in his siege of the Kingdom of Brocéliande. Ywain used her knowledge to punch through the Kingdom's defenses and easily claim victory. For her part, Ywain promised her a Kingdom of her own, planning on giving her Brocéliande to rule, but when his lord father declared that Ywain himself would wed Laudine and maintain the Landuc Clan through his blood, her plan was wasted, but Lunete was not forgotten.
Lunete would have a number of children in secrete with King-Consort Ywain, many of whom would go on to be knights for Camelot like their father. To further legitimize them and their honor, Ywain enacted the Little Céliande Colony directive which would settle a new colony closer to the Inner Worlds Ring of Midgard, an entire Ring away from the heart of the Brocéliande Kingdom. Ywain established Little Céliande with Duchess Lunete creating the Celiandet Clan (little Celiande) as a branch of the Landuc Clan. While done initially to socially benefit his offspring by Lunete, when the Great War in Heaven broke out, Brocéliande was almost completely ravaged and laid to waste and the new heart of the Brocéliande Kingdom shifted to the growing Little Céliande Colony, a move that benefitted the Dragon Knights later, serving as a forward operating space and a move King Ywain always claimed was planned, however doubtful.

Family Ties

  • Morgana Le'Mahieu le Fay | Parent
  • Urien Rhegdon | Parent
  • Morfydd Rhegdon | Sibling ♀
  • Mabon Rhegdon | Sibling ♂
  • Ywain Rhegdon the 2nd | Sibling ♂
  • Rhiwallon Rhegdon | Sibling ♂
  • Elffin Rhegdon | Sibling ♂
  • Rhun Rhegdon | Sibling ♂
  • Pasgen Rhegdon | Sibling ♂
  • Laudine Landuc | Spouse
  • Morgans Landuc | Offspring ♂
  • Ysanne Landuc | Offpsring ♀
  • Laudra Landuc | Offspring ♀
  • Launa Landuc | Offpsring ♀
  • Erdudvyl Landuc | Offpsring ♀
  • Heledd Landuc | Offpsring ♀
  • Maredudd Landuc | Offspring ♀
  • Ywain Landuc the 3rd | Offspring
  • Ywaino Landuc | Offspring ♀
  • Caswallawn Landuc | Offspring ♀
  • Lauan Landuc | Offspring ♀
  • Uchdryd Landuc | Offspring ♀
  • Lunete Balzac-Celiandet | Concubine 
  • Edwige Celiandet | Offspring
  • Mathias Celiandet | Offspring
  • Timothé Celiandet | Offspring
  • Djeferson Celiandet | Offspring
  • Sandrine Celiandet | Offspring
  • Roseline Celiandet | Offspring
  • Edouard Celiandet the 5th | Offspring
  • Miryam Celiandet | Offspring
  • Amand Celiandet | Offspring
  • Clémence Celiandet | Offspring
  • Thibaut Celiandet | Offspring
  • Maximilien Celiandet | Offspring

The le Fay Clan Shield
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord of Brocéliande
  • King Consort of Brocéliande
  • Lord of the Landuc Clan
  • The Conquering King
  • King of the Greater Brocéliande Kingdom
  • Legendary Dragon Knight
  • The Knight of the Lion
  • Son of Urien & Blood of Morgana
  • Scholar of Avalon
  • Founder of Little Céliande
Circumstances of Death
Slain of Sir Mordred
Dark Stormy Grey
Straight White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White / Grey Fur
250 Lbs.
Other Affiliations
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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