The Cynocephaly, Lords of the Hunt

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford | The Superpower Wiki
The Cynocephaly Breed Groups
Before the advent of sentience and intelligence, the Cynocephaly were a slave-race used by various empires and races for everything from guard dogs to pets for children. The various Breeds of Cynocephaly are vast and diverse, but they can be separated into 7 major groups, defined by what each Breed was most commonly used for and what that Breed was bred explicitly. These Groups have remained ingrained in Cynocephaly society and culture with the gift of intelligence, and they have developed basis and stereotypes not only for Breeds of Cynocephaly but for whatever Group that Breed belongs to.
  1. The Working Group: Athletic, intelligent, and watchful, Cynocephaly in this Breed are considered to be the most capable. These Working Group Breeds are usually Large in size, have strong and willful personalities, and are not fast to submit.
  2. The Herding Group: Like the previous group, the Herding Breeds have great intelligence, separated by their heightened responsiveness and awareness of their surroundings. Before intelligence, these breeds were used to herd and control other non-sentient lifeforms, hence their name.
  3. The Hound Group: The Hound Breeds have exceptional senses and directional capabilities, they were used as Hunters during their dark age and are unrivaled in this capacity.
  4. The Sporting Group: Cynocephaly Breeds of this Group are marked by their connection to the Working Group Breeds for their capability but also to the Hound Breeds for their hunting and sense skill. They are also slightly on the more submissive side when compared to Working Breeds. During the Dark Ages, they were companion pets for the elderly.
  5. The Non-Sporting Group: This Group of Cynocephaly Breeds is defined by its stark contrast to the previous Group, or any non-athletic Breed of Cynocephaly falls here. They are on the submissive side and were the most common Group used for pets during the Dark Ages.
  6. The Terrier Group: The Terrier Breeds were used as guard dogs during the Dark Ages, being the single group with the largest amount of genetically bred Cynocephaly for one single purpose. They can be considered Sporting Breeds, but are far more aggressive and dominant. They are considered to be independent and predator-driven.
  7. The Toy Group: The Toy Group of Cynocephaly Breeds are the physically smallest and the most submissive, but the most aggressive as well.
Cynocephaly socially like to find mates within their own groups and some groups are objectively seen as inferior to others.

Basic Information


The Cynocephaly, a unique and fascinating alien species, is characterized by its distinctive dog-headed appearance. Possessing a bilateral symmetry, they exhibit a humanoid structure with two arms and two legs. These intriguing beings stand upright, showcasing a remarkable blend of canine and humanoid features. At the core of their physical form lies a pair of hind legs, characterized by robust muscles that contribute to their impressive strength and agility. These hind limbs are a testament to Cynocephaly's evolutionary adaptation, providing them with a dynamic and efficient means of movement. Their distinctive tail, an extension of their spinal column, aids in balance and coordination, further enhancing their overall mobility.
The hands of the Cynocephaly are equipped with five fingers each, demonstrating a level of dexterity and manipulation comparable to that of many humanoid species. This feature has played a crucial role in the development of their unique tool use and craftsmanship. The fingers are adorned with small, non-retractable claws, which serve both practical and aesthetic purposes, allowing them to grasp objects with precision.

Biological Traits

  • Survival Empowerment: The power to gain strength from survival. Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they survive, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from their affinity or even slow or stop aging. In short, what doesn't kill the user simply makes them stronger. So, if you try to kill a Cynocephaly, aim for the head and make it count.
  • Temperature Regulation: The power to maintain a certain body temperature for extended periods of time. The user can maintain different levels of their own body temperature for extended periods of time, if not, indefinitely. Some users may even be able to manipulate their own body temperatures at will.
  • Supernatural Stamina: The power to possess supernatural levels of stamina. Users possess a transcendent amount of stamina, being able to engage in physically strenuous activity for days to centuries before tiring out.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cynocephaly engages in sexual reproduction, requiring the involvement of both a Male Cynocephaly and a Female Cynocephaly for the propagation of their species. The reproductive cycle of the Cynocephaly people is intricately linked to a unique physiological phenomenon known as "heat." This state, occurring once in an Imperial Standard Year, spans a brief two-month period. The onset of heat is a crucial biological trigger that enables Cynocephaly to engage in reproductive activities.
The frequency at which a Cynocephaly enters an active state of heat varies and is influenced by factors such as the Cynocephalyian Breed, as well as the age of both mates. Typically, a Cynocephaly may only experience active heat 4-5 times throughout their lifetime. This limited reproductive window contributes to the overall exclusivity and significance of the breeding process within the Cynocephaly population. Upon successful mating during the heat period, Cynocephaly gives birth to a litter of offspring. The litter size varies, ranging from 2 to 12 individuals. This diversity in offspring quantity adds an element of unpredictability to the reproductive process.
Cynocephaly genetics exhibit a unique pattern in the inheritance of traits. Offspring inherit a random combination of traits from both the male and female parents. However, in some instances, individuals may predominantly express traits inherited from a single parent, introducing an additional layer of genetic variation within the Cynocephaly population.

Growth Rate & Stages

  1. Puphood (0-2 Imperial Standard Years): The initial stage of a Cynocephaly's life is marked by puphood, lasting from birth until approximately 2 Imperial Standard Years. During this time, the young Cynocephaly undergoes rapid physical and cognitive development. Pups are dependent on parental care, learning essential survival skills, and establishing early social bonds within the family unit.
  2. Adolescence (2-20 Imperial Standard Years): As the Cynocephaly enters adolescence, a period extending from 2 to 20 Imperial Standard Years, they experience a notable growth spurt in both size and maturity. This stage is characterized by the development of distinct physical features, the refinement of motor skills, and the acquisition of knowledge through social interactions and educational experiences. Adolescent Cynocephaly actively engages in playful activities, honing their abilities for the challenges that lie ahead.
  3. Maturity (20-300 Imperial Standard Years): Upon reaching maturity around 20 Imperial Standard Years, Cynocephaly attain their full physical and intellectual potential. This stage, spanning the majority of their lifespan, is marked by active participation in various aspects of Cynocephaly society. Maturity brings forth the ability to contribute to the community, pursue occupations, and engage in complex relationships. During this phase, Cynocephaly may experience the onset of heat cycles, marking the beginning of their reproductive capabilities.
  4. Senescence (300-374 Imperial Standard Years): In the later stages of their life, typically beginning around 300 Imperial Standard Years, Cynocephalyians enter the senescent phase. Senescence is characterized by a gradual decline in physical vigor and cognitive sharpness. Despite this decline, elderly Cynocephaly remain valued members of their community, often assuming roles as advisors or historians. The duration of the senescent phase can vary, with individuals displaying resilience and adaptability well into their later years.
Life Expectancy (Up to 374 Imperial Standard Years): Cynocephalyians exhibit an impressive lifespan, with the potential to live up to 374 Imperial Standard Years. This longevity is attributed to their unique physiology and the intervention of King Epaphus, who bestowed upon them enhanced vitality along with intelligence and sentience. The extended lifespan contributes to the accumulation of wisdom and experience within the Cynocephaly society, fostering a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of generations.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Supernatural SensesThe power to possess transcendent senses. Users's sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are super-unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe. They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground, and water. In some cases, the user can develop a sixth sense and various ESP abilities, allowing them to perceive/sense things no ordinary senses can detect.
  • EmpathyThe power to fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others. The user can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through them and can use this knowledge to play against them. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left in the environment or objects. Usually over time, an Empath's power grows to the point that they can manipulate emotions in others, and possibly use them to empower themselves.
  • Night Vision: The power to see clearly in darkness. The user has excellent night vision, and the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.
  • Compass Sense: The power to possess compass-like senses. Users can sense directions like a compass, knowing where a specific direction is.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

  • The Kynokephaloi Dogma: A religious movement originating from Canisar but originally formed during the Dog Wars. The Dogma is the dominant faith of Planet Canisar and it teaches the Cynocephaly that they were created by their God Lords, Duamutef, Wepwawet, and Anubis, for a divine purpose. They have come out of their dark age of ignorance, a punishment from their lords for a lack of faith, and that to reach their true status in the universe, they must return to the faith of the Dogma. The church is extremely popular among the Cynocephaly, allowing them to cope with the countless years of humiliation their people suffered.
  • The Kingdom of Canis: The Canis Kingdom is the primary ruler of the Cynocephaly race, their Seat of Power being planet Canisar itself. The control of the Kingdom is always exchanging hands, the last ruler being the feared Hue-Go.
  • The Black Hounds: Formally classified as a terrorist organization, despite being funded by Canis Kingdom governments, the Black Hounds are an old order of warriors and Rōnin who follow the inherited will of Alpha Blaidd. They believe that Blaidd meant to oppose the Imperium and that the signing of the Canisarian Accords was a mistake made by the race-traitor Alpha Reximaus.

Courtship Ideals

A crucial aspect of courtship begins with the exchange of scents and pheromones. Cynocephaly possesses scent glands that play a pivotal role in communication. Prospective mates engage in a delicate dance of exchanging scents, allowing them to assess compatibility on a biochemical level. The unique chemical signals emitted during this phase convey information about health, genetic compatibility, and emotional state. To showcase their suitability as a mate, the Cynocephalyian engages in displays of physical prowess. These demonstrations often involve feats of strength and agility, providing a visual representation of their capabilities. Potential mates may participate in playful sparring or collaborative activities, fostering a sense of cooperation and unity.
Gift-giving is a cherished tradition in Cynocephaly courtship. Potential mates exchange symbolic and meaningful gifts, ranging from crafted objects to tokens representing shared experiences. These gifts serve as tangible expressions of commitment and appreciation, solidifying the emotional connection between individuals. Upon mutual agreement to enter into a committed relationship, Cynocephaly may partake in ritualized bonding ceremonies. These ceremonies vary across different communities and may involve symbolic gestures, sacred vows, and communal celebrations. Such ceremonies are not only a declaration of commitment but also an affirmation of the couple's place within the larger social fabric.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The major domestic language among the kin of the Cynocephalyians is Barkarian, it is their Mother-Tongue and one tongue all Cynocephalyians are expected to speak to some degree.


The genesis of the Cynocephaly is intricately tied to the divine tapestry woven by three powerful deities—Lord Duamutef, the Son of Horus and Protector of the Dead; Lord Wepwawet, the God of Royalty and War; and Lord Anubis, the God of Funerary Rites and Protector of Graves. Crafted as a creation of divine design, the Cynocephaly initially found themselves in servitude under the Sobek Empire, enduring an epoch of subjugation as a mere slave race. Abandoned by their celestial patrons, they served as simple-minded guard dogs and playthings for the Sobek children until the intervention of the Imperium of Miðgarðr.
The turning point came under the leadership of King David, whose benevolence spurred the emancipation of several enslaved races, including the Cynocephaly. Despite this newfound freedom, they continued to be consigned to servitude, becoming beasts of burden in the hands of various superpowers. It wasn't until the compassionate gaze of King Epaphus, the Lord of Egypt and demigod son of Zeus, that their fate took a transformative turn. King Epaphus bestowed upon them the gifts of intelligence and sentience, lifting the veil of ignorance that had shrouded their existence. With newfound awareness, the Cynocephaly rose against the Imperium of Miðgarðr, vehemently protesting the injustices they had endured under the Sobek Empire and subsequent rulers. Their impassioned cry for justice echoed through the corridors of power, reaching the ears of the Empress herself.
However, the Department of Morality (DOM), the Judicial Body of the Imperium of Miðgarðr, remained obstinate, refusing to acknowledge the Cynocephaly as a legitimate race due to a technicality—the absence of a designated planet of origin. In the throes of this turbulent period, emerged the 1st Cynocephalyian Alpha, a formidable leader named Alpha Blaidd, often referred to as the Black Hound. Under his charismatic leadership, the Cynocephaly engaged in the Dog Wars against The Starguard, the Imperial Department of War, showcasing surprising strength as they finally harnessed the divine power coursing through their veins.
The culmination of the Dog Wars heralded the creation of the planet Canisar for the Cynocephaly, a sanctuary crafted by the dwarf Kings. It was Alpha Reximaus, the grandson of Blaidd, who would bring an end to the conflict with the signing of the Canisarian Accords. These accords, recognized by the sitting Empress, bestowed upon the Cynocephaly the long-sought status of Sentient Species under Imperial law, marking a pivotal moment in their history and a testament to their unwavering resilience and pursuit of justice.

Historical Figures

  • Alpha Blaidd the Black Hound
  • Alpha Reximaus the Unwed

Cynocephalus as depicted in the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514)
Scientific Name
Phylum: Xenotheria, Class: Canidomorphia, Order: Cynocephalida, Family: Divinuscanidae, Genus: Intelligenscanis, Species: Sapienscanis
375 SIY
Average Height
2.63 Meters | 8 ft. 7 Inches
Average Weight
110 - 140 kg. | 240 - 310 Pounds
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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