The Darwinian Wheel of Evolution

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” ― Leon C. Megginson

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Darwin's Wheel is a Celestial Treasure that evolves the user to survive, contend with, and eventually negate/overcome any and all attacks, events, and phenomena that, in some way, shape, or form, affect the user. Evolutions made by the wheel can be observed to follow a system dubbed VISTA.
  1. Variation: Tailored to each individual user, the evolutionary path for survival differs, reflecting the unique attributes, strengths, and weaknesses inherent to each person connected with the Wheel.
  2. Inheritance: Building upon the user's physiology, subsequent evolutions inherit elements from previous adaptations. This adaptive lineage considers the user's history, tweaking and refining each evolution to better align with the challenges at hand.
  3. Selection: Limited by its ability to focus on one danger at a time, the Wheel selects the most imminent threat. Its adaptive process prioritizes the peril that poses the greatest risk to the user, ensuring that the subsequent evolution provides the highest chance of survival.
  4. Time: Darwin's Wheel, functioning as a temporal artisan, requires adequate time and exposure to craft suitable evolutions. Patience is integral, allowing the Wheel to fine-tune adaptations to perfection.
  5. Adaptation: The culmination of the process involves a semi-permanent alteration to the user's body, mind, and/or soul. Iterative improvements refine the adaptation until the user not only contends with the danger but, if persistent, gains the ability to negate it entirely.
Darwin's Wheel is an incredibly powerful and dangerous Treasure to possess, once exposed to a threat, it continues to turn and develop adaptations to it even after the threat has been dealt with. If the user exposes it to enough diverse threats, the Wheel will begin to compile a composite evolution, a form of the user that offers them the highest form of survival ever. This is known as the Apex Lifeform Protocol, and the Wheel is always developing this composite form and updating it when new and exotic threats are discovered.
Darwin's Wheel adapts to threats differently based on its current user and their capabilities, as the Wheel's goal is not to change the user but to adapt to threats and if this happens to change the user physically, then so be it. The only downside to the Wheel is the fact that once a user receives it and once a user dies, it never stops turning, which may result in them adapting to things they wished they hadn't. Case in point, Lord Darwin himself, the creator of the Wheel, had accidentally adapted to the idea of Death. After 40 thousand years of existence, he gave his body mind, and soul over to Khaos, Entropy, the very idea of anti-ideas, and YIG the 1st Scholar of the Formless Mother. Yig deconstructed Darwin before his Wheel could adapt, which was his only release, but death by Khaos destroys the soul, no afterlife.


Darwin's Wheel was created by the scientist Dr. Robb Darwin of the Darwin Clan of the Midsommar House. The Wheel is a Celestial Treasure and was created when Darwin was granted a glimpse into the mighty works of the Chakravarti1, he viewed Yggdrasil in its entirety and lived to tell the tale. The song he sang was this treasure, his Wheel of Evolution. Darwin was a man of science, and when he viewed the whole of Saṃsāra2, a man like himself logically thought to adapt to the Wheel itself. Darwin lived with his Wheel for over 40+ thousand years until he had adapted to death itself but was no closer to mastering Saṃsāra than what he was 40 thousand years prior. Darwin violated Creation and invoked the name of Yig, the 1st Scholar of the Formless Mother and Entropy incarnate, and allowed himself to finally die.


  • Can be used to become Deathless

Darwin's Wheel is an imperfect form of the Dharmacharka (Wheel of Dharma), a Celestial Treasure created by beings who are on the path to escaping Saṃsāra. The Dharmacharka is supposed to allow them clarity and enlightenment in this process, but Lord Darwin failed to reach this state of being, and instead, his Wheel seeks to become a chakravartin, an ideal king of the Wheel.

Item type
  • Darwin's Wheel is the only Celestial Treasure of it's type, but other Treasures exist which can emulate some measure of the Wheel's effects to varying degrees of success.
Base Price
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria
  1. The absolute and ideal ruler of the cosmos


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