The Graeae, the White-Haired Daughters of Kētṓ

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

Basic Information


The Graeae, a divine race born from the union of the sea deities Kētṓ and Phorcys, possess a humanoid form of unparalleled beauty and elegance. Their physical appearance is defined by ethereal features, with skin that radiates a faint luminescence reminiscent of moonlight. One of their most distinctive traits is their hair—snow-white in color, cascading down in long, flowing locks that seem to shimmer with an otherworldly glow.
The Graeae have a lithe and graceful build, with a height that ranges between six to seven feet. Their bodies are adorned with intricate, swirling patterns that seem to subtly shift and change, hinting at their divine origins. Limbs are proportionate and possess remarkable flexibility, allowing for both grace in movement and agility in various activities.
The Graeae exhibit the standard humanoid limb structure—two arms and two legs. Their hands are dexterous and capable of delicate tasks, reflecting their roles as handmaidens within Vingólf. Despite their divine nature, their limbs possess a tactile and human-like quality, bridging the gap between the mortal and divine realms. While the Graeae may not display overt muscular definition, their bodies are finely tuned with a subtle strength that belies their graceful appearance. This strength is often more apparent when they engage in activities that require physical prowess, such as combat or dance. Their physical abilities are further enhanced by their divine longevity, allowing them to maintain peak condition over centuries.
The skeletal structure of the Graeae is elegant and lightweight, designed for both agility and endurance. Their bones, while appearing delicate, are incredibly resilient, reflecting the divine craftsmanship of their origin. This design contributes to their seemingly weightless movements as if they are gliding effortlessly through the realms. One of the most remarkable aspects of the Graeae is their immortality. They do not age or succumb to sickness, a divine gift from their sea deity progenitors. This immortality grants them an eternal existence, marked by enduring beauty and wisdom that grows with the passing centuries.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Graeae possess a dual nature of reproduction, blending both asexual and sexual means to perpetuate their divine lineage. The primary method involves a unique form of asexual reproduction where new Graeae are conceived and nurtured within the minds of the existing individuals. This mental gestation allows the Graeae to bring forth new members of their kind into existence, a process deeply intertwined with their divine essence and connection to the sea gods. In the asexual reproduction process, a Graeae decides to bring forth new life by initiating a mental conception. The chosen Graeae harbors the essence of the nascent being within her mind, shaping its form and characteristics with the precision of divine craftsmanship. Over time, this mental gestation period unfolds, culminating in the physical manifestation of the newly created Graeae. The newborn inherits the signature snow-white hair and the gift of immortality from her divine progenitors.
While the Graeae are immortal beings and do not feel the biological imperative to reproduce frequently, they can engage in sexual reproduction when the desire arises. However, this process is unique and involves what is known as hyper-pregnancy. The Graeae, capable of bearing a half-breed child within weeks, experience an accelerated form of gestation. This rapid development is a testament to the divine nature of their biology, allowing them to bring forth offspring swiftly.
Regardless of the method of reproduction, all offspring of the Graeae share common traits. Females born from asexual reproduction inherit not only the iconic snow-white hair but also the divine gift of immortality, ensuring that they will never age or succumb to sickness. On the other hand, offspring resulting from sexual reproduction inherit the longevity of their immortal lineage, granting them an extended and enriched lifespan, though not true immortality.
Given their immortality and the relatively infrequent nature of their reproductive endeavors, the Graeae maintain a small and select population. The decision to bring forth new life is often a deliberate and thoughtful choice, reflecting their timeless perspective on existence. The small size of their population contributes to a close-knit community, where each member is revered and valued for her unique contributions to the divine order.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Reverential Uses
  • Wisdom Keepers: The Graeae, with their accelerated learning and multidimensional thinking, often serve as repositories of ancient wisdom and knowledge. They are sought after as advisors and consultants by divine beings, mages, and scholars, contributing to the betterment of the celestial realms.
  • Artistic Inspiration: The Graeae's enchanting appearance and intricate golden markings inspire artists and creators across the realms. Their likeness is captured in sculptures, paintings, and other forms of art, adding to the cultural richness of the divine civilizations.
  • Guardians of Divine Spaces: Some Graeae take on roles as guardians of sacred spaces within the celestial realms. Their immortal presence ensures the sanctity and preservation of these divine locales.
Exploitative Practices
  • Malevolent Machines: In dark corners of the cosmos, there are those who exploit the Graeae in unspeakable ways. When a Graeae is killed, malevolent entities employ machines to trap their 10-track minds after death. This vile act resulted in the creation of Angle-Hair AI, named after the holy white hair of the Graeae.
  • Data Overwriting: The Angle-Hair AI, created through the violation of divine beings, is a powerful software entity capable of computing immense volumes of information—150 Zettabytes per each of the 10 Tracks. This horrifying exploitation involves erasing the divine essence of the Graeae and overwriting it with new data, turning these once-celestial beings into tools for malicious purposes.
  • Divine Trafficking: Some entities within the Mortal Multiverse engage in the illicit trade of Graeae remains, seeking to harness their divine essence for dark rituals, forbidden experiments, and unholy pursuits.

Average Intelligence

The intelligence of the Graeae is a manifestation of their divine lineage, characterized by an exceptional capacity for learning, reasoning, and multitasking. Born with the accumulated knowledge of the Graeae who bore them, these beings exhibit a unique form of cognitive prowess that sets them apart from other species.
  • Accelerated Learning: Graeae possesses an innate ability to learn at an astonishing pace. From the moment of their existence, they absorb knowledge with remarkable efficiency, drawing upon the collective wisdom of their forebears. This accelerated learning allows them to rapidly grasp complex concepts, skills, and languages, contributing to their intellectual acumen.
  • Multidimensional Thought: The true marvel of Graeae intelligence lies in their ability to sustain multiple lines of thought simultaneously. While most species are constrained to focusing on a single idea or task at a time, the Graeae can navigate the complexities of up to 10 different streams of consciousness concurrently. This unique cognitive capacity grants them a multifaceted approach to problem-solving and decision-making, allowing for unparalleled adaptability in various situations.
  • Reasoning and Problem-Solving: The Graeae's thought processes are characterized by a sophisticated form of reasoning and problem-solving. Their minds operate with clarity and precision, dissecting complex issues and formulating solutions with efficiency. This analytical prowess, combined with their expansive knowledge base, positions them as adept strategists and diplomats within the divine realms.
  • Psychic Resonance: The interconnected nature of the Graeae's minds creates a psychic resonance among their kind. This resonance facilitates seamless communication and the sharing of thoughts, fostering a collective intelligence that transcends individual boundaries. This shared consciousness enhances their ability to collaborate, share insights, and collectively address challenges that may arise.
  • Disturbingly Fast Development: The Graeae's mental agility contributes to their disturbingly fast development. From birth, they exhibit a level of cognitive maturity that surpasses the norms of mortal and even some divine beings. This accelerated mental development allows them to navigate the complexities of their existence with grace and wisdom beyond their apparent age.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Clairvoyance: The Graeae possess a profound gift of clairvoyance, allowing them to perceive the world beyond the limitations of ordinary sight. This extrasensory ability enables them to acquire information about objects, persons, locations, and events that exist outside the normal range of detection. With their clairvoyant vision, the Graeae can see into other dimensions, witness past and future events, and detect entities that are normally undetectable, including spiritual and psychic beings. This heightened sight is not bound by the constraints of time or space, offering them a panoramic view of the multiverse.
  • Enhanced Visual Sensations: Their clairvoyant abilities also extend to receiving visual sensations that are beyond the scope of normal perception. Whether it be sensations from other dimensions, distant locations, or events unfolding in the past or future, the Graeae experience a range of optical phenomena. This includes itchy eyes, tears that flow without cause, rolling eyes indicative of glimpses into alternate realities, sharper vision that pierces through illusions, rapid blinking in response to incoming information, temporary or permanent blindness as a consequence of traversing the metaphysical realms, and moments of blurred vision when transitioning between different planes of existence.
  • Heightened Hearing: In addition to their extraordinary sight, the Graeae possess heightened auditory perception. Their ears are finely attuned to the subtlest of sounds, allowing them to detect nuances in the environment that escape ordinary hearing. This acute sense of hearing aids them in communication, alerting them to potential dangers, and enhancing their appreciation of the harmonic melodies of the divine realms.
  • Magical Resonance: The Graeae are inherently attuned to magical energies. They can sense the ebb and flow of mystical forces, detecting the presence of spells, enchantments, and magical beings. This sensitivity makes them adept at navigating magical landscapes and understanding the intricate weave of arcane energies that surround them.
  • Psionic Insight: Their connection to the primordial sea gods has granted the Graeae a natural affinity for psionic powers. They can perceive the thoughts and emotions of those around them, fostering a deep understanding of the intentions and motivations of both allies and potential adversaries. This telepathic insight enhances their diplomatic skills and allows for seamless cooperation within the divine realms.
  • Echolocation of the Soul: The Graeae possess a unique form of echolocation that transcends the physical realm. This metaphysical echolocation allows them to sense the essence of souls, discerning the purity, intentions, and spiritual resonance of individuals. It serves as a guide in their interactions, helping them form connections with those whose souls harmonize with the divine frequencies of their own existence.

Civilization and Culture


Two primordial Sea Gods once laid together, Kētṓ, Goddess of Sea Monsters, and Phorcys, God of Fishermen and Trade, and from their union came two races of Mortals.
  • The Graeae: A race of all female beings with snow-white hair who could never die from old age or sickness.
  • The Gorgṓn: A race of serpentine beings with snakes for hair who could turn any being into stone.
The Graeae are the focus of this article moving forward and the Gorgṓn can be put out of mind. The Graeae were created as a gift for Allmother Bestla, Queen of Ásgardr, and served as members of her handmaidens within Vingólf, Upper Yard of female divines. The Graeae as a species largely remain in Vingólf to this day as venerated beings of unrivaled beauty and elegance.

Historical Figures

  • Deino the Terrible, Enyo the War Valkyrie, Persis the Destroyer, and Pemphredo, She Who Guides the Way
Deino was a Graeae who broke her vow of chastity to wed an Ásgardian King of a Lower Yard, killing him afterward and establishing her own dynasty, the Deinid Dynasty. Enyo served the Allmother faithfully as a legendary Valkyrie of exceptional skill and power. Persis was a demigod daughter of Thor, and when not serving in her father's court, she would travel to the Mortal Multiverse to find entertainment. And finally, Lady Pemphredo was a handmaiden of the Allmother and a trusted confidant. Deino, Enyo, Persis, and Pemphredo were all blood sisters, daughters of the Graeae known as Zacharoula. Historically, they are most famously known for aiding Sir Perseús the Destroyer in his war against their sister race, the Gorgṓn of Libyē.
  • Merlin, God of Magic and King of Wizards
Merlin Constantineas was the son of the Graeae Asimina Constantineas, and Satanas, The Lord of the Inferno, 3rd Divison Captain of the Morningstar, Fallen Angle, and Lord of a 7th of the Unholy Multiverse, titles and more titles follow. Satanas is a queer factor here which led to Asmina bearing the first, and only, male Graeae in recorded history with his twin sister, Gwenddydd Constantineas. Merlin is an exceptionally powerful individual, born with all of the power and might of his father, so much so that the Allfather intervened to manually place 99 Magical Seals on the boy to suppress and control his awesome power. The remaining power that could not be sealed was split in half and the larger half was sealed within his twin sister's body. And yet even still, Merlin was matched by very few in terms of raw power and magical capabilities. He is known most famously for his service to the Dragon Kings of Camelot and as the teacher of many powerful mages.
  • Gwenddydd the Goddess of Sight
Gwenddydd Constantineas was the daughter of Asimina Constantineas, and Satanas, The Lord of the Inferno, 3rd Divison Captain of the Morningstar, Fallen Angle, and Lord of a 7th of the Unholy Multiverse, titles and more titles follow. She was born with the Sight, the ability to see anything anywhere at any time and all the time. On top of this mental weight, she was burdened with a large portion of her twin brother, Merlin, unsealed power. Gwenddydd became a favorite of the Allmother and was granted many boons but soon ceased to exist when she split herself into two lesser beings, Ganieda, who inherited all her mother's demonic energy, and Ganicenda, who inherited her Sight abilities.

Scientific Name
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Subphylum: Vertebrata, Class: Divinamorpha, Order: Seraphimorales, Family: Oceanidae, Genus: Graea, Species: Immortalis Blancus
Average Height
7 feet (2.13 meters)
Average Weight
130 to 160 pounds (59 to 73 kilograms)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Graeae exhibit a stunning diversity in body tint and coloring, a reflection of the vastness of the celestial palette from which they draw their divine heritage. Unlike many species bound to specific skin tones, the Graeae can manifest in an array of colors that mirror the ethereal landscapes of the realms they inhabit. From luminescent blues reminiscent of deep ocean depths to radiant purples akin to the hues of twilight, each Graeae bears a unique body tint that adds to the enchantment of their presence. However, what unites them all is the presence of intricate and ornate golden designs and patterns adorning their bodies. These patterns are so delicate and translucent that they elude notice with a mere glance. When viewed up close, they reveal a mesmerizing complexity reminiscent of a motherboard's circuitry. The golden lines intertwine, forming elaborate patterns that trace across the Graeae's skin like celestial constellations.
These golden markings emit a soft, otherworldly glow, adding an additional layer of enchantment to the Graeae's appearance. The glow is reminiscent of the subtle luminescence found in the depths of enchanted forests or the gentle radiance of celestial bodies. When observed up close, the golden patterns resemble the face of a motherboard, with a subtle pulsating quality that hints at the divine energies coursing through their beings. The meaning behind these golden designs is steeped in the ancient traditions and symbolic language of the Graeae. Each pattern tells a story, a reflection of the individual's experiences, wisdom gained, and contributions to the collective consciousness of their kind. The markings evolve and grow over time, mirroring the Graeae's journey through the eons, and serving as a testament to their enduring existence.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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