The Great Bear of Ogygia (ING-ee-mund)

Skyfather, Round Table Knight, Lord of the Beastmen, Ingimund Björnite Gérin-Lajoie- Atlaseious

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Werebear PhysiologyThe power to use the abilities of a werebear. A user with this ability is a werebear, a being with the power to transform into a bear and/or ursine humanoid, either purposely or after being placed under a curse and/or therianthropic infection, or some other means. The Beast Men, from which Sir Ingimund descends, are Magical beings possessing flesh and bone bodies. Notably, his jaws become formidable enough to rend steel asunder, while his coat acquires a unique resilience that deflects blaster fire and non-magical weapons with ease. It is this very power that endows him with exceptional physical might in his human guise and affords him an exceptional level of durability against both physical and magical assaults. Nevertheless, there exists a chink in the armor of Ingimund and all other Beast Men. Their vulnerability lies in an ancient element known as Saint Silver, a rare and potent metal that, after undergoing a ritual infusion, becomes a weapon of dire consequence for beings like Ingimund. When confronted with Saint Silver, the very essence of which seems to counter the inherent magic within Beast Men, their otherwise formidable physiology is rendered fragile. An encounter with Saint Silver can prove fatal, making it an enduring threat and a testament to the enduring enigma that is Werebear Physiology.
  • Yin Yang Re-Convergence: Re-convergence is a technique of the Yin Yang Paths that separates the energies and then rejoins them together, acting as a sort of hard reset for your Magic. This is useful if a Mage has been poisoned with a Magical affliction linked to their Magical Energy, allowing them to purify themselves. It can also be used to cure Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE), the most common sickness that can kill your ability to use Magic. Yin Yang Paths are difficult to learn, but doing so is vital to becoming an Eight Arts Mage.
  • Magic Art Evocation: Mahābhūta TransformationThe Mahābhūta is the basis of all creation within the cosmos and the elements that all Mages can manifest an affinity for. A Mage's Magic naturally manifests with its Mahābhūta embedded within, this is called the Magic Attribute or the Attributes of a Mage's Craft. Ingimund 's Innate Lower Mahābhūta is Prithvi (Earth): Prithvi represents the element of earth and is associated with solidity, stability, and physicality. It is the element that makes up the solid objects and substances in the physical world. Upper Mahābhūta Technique VanaspatiVanaspati (Wood) represents the harmonious union of Prithvi (Earth) and Vayu (Air), giving rise to the living essence of the natural world. It is the manifestation of growth, flexibility, and the delicate balance between solidity and movement. Ingimund has mastered the Upper Transformation of Vanaspati and has become so proficient with it that he can manifest it faster and more effectively than Prithvi.

Eight Arts Mage
The 8 Magical Arts is a system used to classify all Magic based on its primary effect and function. They are the eight recognized Arts by beings native to the 5th Dimension of Magic and are widely employed. To learn all 8 and master them all can take a lifetime or a few years depending on many factors, but those who do master all 8 earn the right to call themselves an "Eight Arts Mage", and those who take their abilities further are dubbed "Great Mage Equal to Heaven". Ingimund has earned the title of Eight Arts Mage for his mastery of all 8 Magical Schools of Study and the title of Great Mage Equal to Heaven for his mastery of all avenues of Magic. Ingimund's Magical Energy reserves are classified as Zel = "Greater/ Many"
  1. DIVINATION: Divination is a magical art and practice that involves seeking knowledge, insight, or guidance through supernatural or mystical means. Divination is used to gain information about the past, present, or future, as well as to uncover hidden truths or understand the deeper aspects of a situation or individual's life. It is often employed as a tool for making decisions, predicting outcomes, or gaining spiritual insight. It is important to note that divination is not an exact science and does not guarantee absolute predictions or outcomes. The interpretation of divinatory tools and methods is subjective and can vary based on the individual practitioner and the specific circumstances involved. Divination should be approached with an open mind and used as a tool for reflection, self-discovery, and gaining insight rather than relying solely on it for decision-making.
  2. NECROMANCY: Necromancy is a magical art that involves the manipulation and interaction with death, the deceased, and the energies associated with the afterlife. It is often depicted as the study and practice of dark and forbidden magic, as necromancers deal with taboo subjects and have the ability to control or communicate with the spirits of the dead. Necromancy encompasses a wide range of practices and abilities. Some necromancers specialize in divination and communication with spirits, seeking knowledge or guidance from the deceased. Another aspect of necromancy involves the reanimation or manipulation of dead bodies or skeletal remains. Necromancers can also employ spells or rituals to manipulate death energy, draining the life force from living beings or harnessing the power of death itself.
  3. CONJURATION: Conjuration is a magical art that involves the summoning, calling forth, or creation of beings, energies, or objects through magical means. Practitioners of conjuration, known as conjurers, can bring forth entities from other planes of existence, create illusions or manifestations, or even summon and control elemental forces. Conjuration is a versatile and powerful school of magic that allows spellcasters to manipulate and interact with the fabric of reality. The practice of conjuration typically requires a deep understanding of the desired entity or force being summoned. Conjurers must be knowledgeable about the characteristics, nature, and potential risks associated with the beings they call upon. They employ rituals, spells, sigils, and incantations to establish a connection and draw forth the desired entity or energy.
  4. ENCHANTMENT: Enchantment is a magical art that involves imbuing objects, creatures, or locations with magical properties or abilities. Enchanters harness mystical energies to infuse an item or being with magical essence, enhancing its attributes, granting it special powers, or altering its nature. Enchantment can make objects more potent, provide protection, enhance abilities, or even bestow sentience upon inanimate objects. The process of enchantment typically involves the use of spells, rituals, and incantations. Enchanters draw upon their knowledge of magical principles and the specific properties of the object or creature they seek to enchant. They channel and direct magical energies into the target, imbuing it with the desired enchantment.
  5. ILLUSION: Illusion is a magical art that involves the manipulation of perception, creating sensory experiences that are not based on physical reality. Illusionists use spells, tricks, and subtle manipulations to deceive the senses, altering what individuals see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. Through their mastery of illusion magic, practitioners can create convincing illusions, deceive others, and shape their perception of the world. Illusion magic often requires a deep understanding of perception and psychology. Illusionists study how the mind processes sensory information and exploit its tendencies to create convincing illusions. They employ techniques such as misdirection, suggestion, and the manipulation of subtle cues to deceive the senses and make the illusion seem real.
  6. EVOCATION: Evocation is a magical art that focuses on the manipulation and control of elemental energies and forces. It involves the summoning and commanding of spirits, creatures, or energy manifestations to achieve various effects. Evocation is often associated with the direct manipulation of raw power and the ability to unleash destructive or transformative forces. Practitioners of evocation, known as evokers, harness the elemental energies present in the world around them or tap into metaphysical realms to bring forth and direct these forces.
  7. ALCHEMY: Alchemy is a mystical and ancient magical art that combines elements of science, philosophy, and magic. It is often associated with the transformation of base metals into precious ones, such as turning lead into gold, but alchemy encompasses much more than just material transmutation. Alchemists seek to understand the fundamental nature of matter, energy, and the universe, aiming to unlock hidden knowledge and achieve spiritual and physical transformation.
  8. ABJURATION: Abjuration is a magical school or art that focuses on protective and defensive magic. It involves the use of spells and rituals to ward off and negate harmful effects, banish or repel creatures, and create barriers of protection. Abjuration magic is often associated with shields, barriers, and dispelling magic. Abjuration spells and rituals often require concentration, focus, and a deep understanding of the magical energies involved.

Specialized Equipment

The Bandaqor Armory: A Boundless Arsenal of Versatility
The Bandaqor Armory stands as a remarkable magical artifact, a weapon of unparalleled utility in the hands of its wielder. Its primary enchantment lies in the ability to conjure forth a seemingly infinite variety of weapons, each distinct in its type, form, and function. Sir Ingimund employs it as a key component of his martial strategy, employing it with great finesse to disallow his adversaries from ever adapting to his combat style. In the process, he hones his own skills to perfection, constantly adapting and mastering a broad spectrum of weaponry. One of the fascinating intricacies of this mystical arsenal is that its offerings are capricious and unpredictable. Ingimund has no control over which batch of weapons the Bandaqor Armory provides, nor the specific type of armament that will manifest. Consequently, he has been compelled to attain a high level of proficiency across an exhaustive array of warfare disciplines to harness the full potential of this enigmatic resource.
The weapons summoned by the Bandaqor Armory are consistent with Yoki Wazamono Grade, a designation that indicates a remarkable balance of versatility. These arms, while not being singularly unparalleled in any one aspect, excel in many. This proficiency across numerous domains ensures that Ingimund is equipped to handle a vast array of combat situations, a testament to his ability to adapt to any threat he might encounter. It is Sir Ingimund's prodigious reserve of Magical Energy that serves as the linchpin for this extraordinary phenomenon. As he channels this vast reservoir of power into any weapon conjured by the Bandaqor Armory, the weapon experiences an extraordinary surge in strength and capability. However, this infusion of magical energy is not without consequence; it inflicts a tremendous strain on the weapon itself. The weight of his magical influence causes the weapon to teeter on the brink of destruction. Yet, this calculated gamble allows Ingimund to unleash his full power without concerning himself with the safety of the armament. He knows that, through the magic of the Bandaqor Armory, his weapons will always be ready for his next use, ever replenishing his unpredictable yet invaluable arsenal.  
Hsvyras, the Ocean-Runner: An Enigmatic Steed of Majestic Lineage
Hsvyras is no ordinary equine companion; she emerges from the legendary Fields of Basil as a Phantom Steed, bound by an unwavering loyalty to Ingimund. Her origins trace back to the lineage of Uchchaihshravas, a mythic seven-headed white horse known to serve Lord Indra, a deity of immense power in the pantheon. Hsvyras, inheriting the distinctive seven heads and donning an immaculate white coat with a resplendent golden mane, exemplifies the lineage's grandeur and magnificence. What sets Hsvyras apart from the standard Phantom Steeds of the Fields of Basil is her remarkable size, which surpasses that of her contemporaries. This increased stature befits her lineage and her role as a trusted companion to Ingimund. Her manifestation as a formidable, spectral steed is an awe-inspiring sight, a testament to her unique heritage.
When called into service by her master, Hsvyras wields an extraordinary ability that distinguishes her from all others. In response to Ingimund's summons, she can evoke a devastating tidal wave, a torrent of violent rivers that engulfs and sweeps away his adversaries. This uncanny power transforms her into a force of nature, capable of reshaping the battlefield itself, unleashing the very essence of the ocean upon those who oppose her master. Hsvyras, as a Phantom Steed, exhibits a range of extraordinary capabilities. Unlike traditional mounts, she defies the conventions of terrains and surfaces. Her ethereal nature allows her to traverse any landscape, including the most daunting waters. Despite her ability to communicate with mortals, Hsvyras chooses to do so in a cryptic and enigmatic manner, speaking in riddles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ingimund was the son of a Legions Invincible warrior, Austmathr, and his mother, Joséphine, with his twin sister Ingithora. During a transportation voyage across the galaxy, they were ambushed by pirates and only Ingimund was left alive, sold into slavery by the Vapus slavers and eventually brought by CANDYLAND Inc. who sold him to a nobleman with a disposition towards young boys. Ingimund killed his new master one night and fled the palace grounds, coming upon Dragon Knights by chance and stealing himself away on their starship and eventually to Squireship.


  • Ingimund was taught how to fight by his father and mother during his youth, they both were respected warriors of the Legions Invincible under Björn Ironside. His father made a point to teach him marksmanship and ensure that he knew all 8 forms of magic while his mother made sure he had control over his Feral Form and knew how to control his strength.
  • Ingimund received a formal education from his master, Lady Maredudd, of the Dragon Knights of Camelot, in Magic, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, Strategy, and court behavior during his 5-Year stay on the planet Bedlam. He also received formal teaching of .

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Ruin of CANDYLAND and the Rescue of Ingithora
During his travels, Sir Ingimund came to learn that his twin sister, Ingithora, was still alive and imprisoned on Bithanerth in Midgard, Seat of Power for the CANDYLAND Inc. company that enslaved him and sold him to Count Moro in the first place so many years ago. Ingithora, and many other children, were taken to Bithanerth to be used as fuel for Devil Fruits, artificial fruits that grow on trees watered with the blood of the innocent that can be used to massively increase the Magical Energy and power of a Mage. However, it is addictive, and failure to maintain a steady diet of it will eventually siphon a Mage's ability to even use Magic at all.
Ingithora and many others were kept and treated as cattle drugged and entertained in a Psychedelics fantasy dream until it came time for them to consume a Devil Fruit Tree seed and be the host of a new tree. The process of producing a new Seedbed was long and expensive but if done correctly, a single tree could bear 50 thousand fruits before its expiration. And Ingithora was next on the chopping block. Sir Ingimund and his Brothers-In-Arms journeyed to Bithanerth and faced Mother Rezansova, the immortal Head of the CANDYLAND Inc. empire. Their forces were met by some serval other armies from Kingdoms who all either profited from CANDYLAND's Devil Fruits or were dependent on it now.
The siege of Bithanerth was a bloody affair that pushed Sir Ingimund to his limits and beyond. However, he succeeded and not only saved his sister, and the remaining slaves but shattered the heart of the CANDYLAND leadership which fractured their operations. During the following battles, the Dragon Knights would lay waste to serval key locations and disable much of the remaining CANDYLAND infrastructure, disrupting one of the biggest slaver chains in Midgard. This saved many lives and made countless new enemies, many of whom would never forget the name Ingimund.
Years of abuse had left Ingithora mentally handicapped and a shell of a person, as many of the slaves were freed from Bithanerth. Little could be done to help her and for a time, she was in the care of the Skyburners of Mars until Ingimund Kalypso and had her moved to Ogygia permanently. Many years later, Ingithora recovered to a more stable condition and wrote poems with her brother in their garden next to the sea.

Mental Trauma

Count Sodam-Hugo Moro of Azjabyn was an old decrypt skeleton of a man who had an unsightly fetish for young boys, which he brought in bulk whenever he could. He was a nobleman and lived his life according to his own whims. One slave he found intoxicating was the young Ingimund purchased from CANDYLAND Inc. for a pretty penny. However, on the night he planned to have the boy, the young Ingimund violently killed the Count in his bed chambers and suffered serval wounds in his escape from the palace. This experience has never left Ingimund and has left him standoffish when it comes to physical affection or any sort of physical contact. Sir Ingimund does not like to be touched by anyone, a trait that does not go well with his line of work as a Dragon Knight and his short fuse.


Family Ties

  • Austmathr Björnite | Parent ♂
  • Joséphine Gérin-Lajoie | Parent ♀
  • Ingithora Gérin-Lajoie | Sibling ♀
  • Kalypso Atlaseious | Spouse ♀
  • Pierre-Fanis Atlaseious | Offspring ♂
  • Efstathia Atlaseious | Offspring ♀
  • Manoussos Atlaseious | Offspring ♂
  • Loukas Atlaseious | Offspring ♂
  • Marrie-Giannoula Atlaseious | Offspring ♀
  • Calypso Atlaseious | Offspring ♀
  • Theofania Atlaseious | Offspring ♀
  • Benoît "Ben" Atlaseious | Offspring ♂
  • Boniface Atlaseious | Offspring ♂
  • Ségolène Atlaseious | Offspring ♂

Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Great Bear Of Ogygia
  • Skyfather
  • Lord of the Beastmen
  • Round Table Knight
  • King-Consort of Ogygia
Bright Golden Yellow
Short Black Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White / Carmel
250 Lbs.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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