The Hecatoncheires, the Hundred-Handed Ones (Ἑκατόγχειρες)

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

Basic Information


The Hecatoncheires stand as titanic entities, towering over celestial landscapes with a height that defies comprehension. Their bodies are characterized by a truly awe-inspiring complexity, featuring an astonishing fifty heads and an astonishing one hundred limbs. The heads, evenly distributed across their colossal form, are arranged in a symmetrical pattern, contributing to the overall balance of their massive bodies. The bones are massive and interconnected, forming a robust framework that provides the necessary structural integrity for their monumental physiques.
The muscular system of the Hecatoncheires is a testament to both power and coordination. The musculature is exceptionally developed, enabling precise control over their numerous limbs. Each arm possesses incredible strength, and the coordination between the arms is a spectacle of biomechanical artistry, allowing them to execute complex and synchronized movements with ease. The fifty heads of the Hecatoncheires are distributed across their colossal shoulders, forming a formidable crown. Each head houses sensory organs, including eyes, ears, and olfactory receptors, providing a comprehensive awareness of their surroundings. This multisensory design allows them to be vigilant guardians of Tartarus, perceiving threats from various angles simultaneously.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Hecatoncheires were originally unable to reproduce but were later gifted the Art of Smithing from the Dvergar Kings of Niðavellir., allowing them to reproduce among their numbers. After the three historical figures Cottus, Briareus, and Gyges aided Zeus during the Titan Rebellion, the Skyfather bestowed their kind with the ability to reproduce naturally.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

  • Summa Hecatoncheiria (Primary)

Average Intelligence

The Hecatoncheires each have 50 heads and each head can only maintain a single line of thought, similar to Mortals, however, the Hecatoncheires have a 51st brain in their chest that also connects to the other 50 heads, allowing them a central mind with which to conduct themselves, giving them a 50 Track Mind, which means they can maintain 50 different streams of consciousness concurrently. This unique cognitive capacity grants them a multifaceted approach to problem-solving and decision-making, allowing for unparalleled adaptability in various situations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Cosmic Awareness: The hallmark of the Hecatoncheires' sensory prowess is their Cosmic Awareness. This ability grants them an unparalleled understanding of the universe on a grand scale. They are cognizant of every event transpiring within the cosmos, from the birth and death of stars to the intricate dance of celestial bodies. Aware of alternate timelines and realities, they possess knowledge that spans the vastness of existence. This cosmic awareness extends to mortal threats, dangers, and changes that could affect not only themselves but the entire cosmic order.
  • Multisensory Perception: The Hecatoncheires' fifty heads are each equipped with a diverse array of sensory organs, enhancing their perception of the physical world. Their eyes, keen and perceptive, can discern details over vast distances, whether on planetary surfaces or within the celestial realms. Auditory senses are finely tuned, capable of detecting subtle disturbances in the cosmic symphony. Olfactory receptors extend their awareness to ethereal energies and cosmic anomalies.
  • Echolocation: Beyond conventional senses, the Hecatoncheires possess a sophisticated form of echolocation, allowing them to navigate the unseen dimensions of the cosmos. This extrasensory ability enables them to detect fluctuations in the fabric of reality, revealing hidden portals, cosmic disturbances, and potential breaches in the celestial prison they guard.
  • Psionic Powers: The Hecatoncheires, being recipients of intelligence and sentience from the Archons, possess formidable psionic powers. These mental abilities extend their perception into the realms of thought and consciousness. They can communicate telepathically across vast distances, share knowledge with one another, and delve into the collective consciousness of the cosmos to gain insights into the unfolding cosmic tapestry.

Civilization and Culture


The Hecatoncheires were the children of the Abstracts Uranus, Abstract of Space, and Gaia, Abstract of Life, each one born titanic in size with 50 heads and 100 arms. The Hecatoncheires were given intelligence and sentience by the Archons and set to guard Tartarus, the celestial prison for the gods located in the Unholy Multiverse. The Gates of Tartarus is where the great city Summa Hecatoncheiria was founded, the Seat of the 100 Handed Ones, and where they kept their post, guarding the imprisoned celestials.
During the Titanomacy rebellion against the Olympians, three Hecatoncheires broke their race's vow of non-interference and declared for Mt. Olympus. They were Cottus, Briareus, and Gyges, and they played critical roles in the defeat of the Titans and their banishment to Tartarus. After the war, the three warriors were rewarded by the Skyfather himself for their honor and courage. Briareus was the most prominent of the three Hundred-Handers, dubbed Briareus the Good. For his valor, he received boons from Zeus and was wed to the Goddess Kymopoleia, daughter of Poseidon. He took the regal name Aegaeon and vowed to conduct himself as a lord. Aegaeon and his wife Kymopoleia ruled one of the lesser kingdoms within the domain of her father, and they established the Aegaeonid Dynasty.
Cottus the Furious, the greatest warrior among them and one of the best among the Hecatoncheires, would receive boons from Zeus as well and resides within Olympus as an eternal protector of the Realm from any force. Gyges the Long-Limbed received boons from Zeus, but ultimately returned to Summa Hecatoncheiria to be among his own people. He was the oldest among the three warriors and he would be remembered as one of the greatest archers and scholars the Hecatoncheires birthed.

Historical Figures

  • Briareus the Good
Briareus was a noble Hecatoncheires who earned the title 'The Good' for his valor and selflessness. He most famously aided the Skyfather during the Titan Rebellion and for his efforts, was wed to the Goddess Kymopoleia, daughter of Poseidon, God of the Sea. Poseidon ruled a Realm contained within Olympus called New Atlantis, and Briareus was set to rule it as Consort to Princess Kymopoleia. With his marriage to a goddess and his new station, Briareus took a new name, becoming Lord Aegaeon, God of Rivers, the name the Olympians called him but his kin remembered him as Briareus the Good. He established the Aegaeonid Dynasty, and his lineage would come to produce many great and legendary figures.
  • Cottus the Furious
Cottus was a criminal who had been imprisoned in Tartarus himself by his own kin for his war-like ways, released only by the will of Gyges the Long-Limbed who promised to keep his eyes on the youth. Cottus took part in the Titan Rebellion, and although he fought for the Olympian, he only sought to enjoy himself, earning many titles, not all of them honorable. After the war, Cottus would be granted the ability to guard the entrance to the Olympus Miniverse, a job he took very seriously and with much glee. Coottus would have many offspring and children, collectively referred to as the Cottites. By the minor storm Goddess Saon, daughter of Zeus, Cottus sired the demigod hero Eurykratides who founded the Yalyra Kingdom in Midgard. The Amazonian warrior Eimyanta bore seven of his children, Danaë, Kephissa, Alexandros, Kandaules, Sosipatros, Philomache, and Cydippe, tyrants, and monsters referred to as the Seven Great Calamaties. They were let loose on Midgard but were later slain by the Kings of Camelot. Finally was the War-Band, a race of 8 armed and four-headed giants that emerged from the corpse of Cottus after he was killed. They possessed great power and were born with a battle lust unmatched by Mortals. The War-Band would be welcomed to Ásgardr by the Allfather who employed them as his Berserkers.
  • Gyges the Long-Limbed
Gyges returned to Summa Hecatoncheiria as a war hero and decorated veteran after the Titan Rebellion, though he himself was not found of celebration or honors, intentionally picking an epithet, the Long-Limbed, instead of the many other titles he has to remain humble. Gyges was an excellent archer but was also a scholar and historian who preferred to write history than to make it. His life after the war without incident, however, he did compose the Gygingoium, a tome detailing his exploits during the Titan Rebellion, and the Book of Gyges, a grimoire containing a number of highly advanced and complex spells.
  • Philomela, the Many-Handed Knight
Philomela was a demigod of the Aegaeonid Dynasty from New Atlantis in the Holy Multiverse, but would walk among the Mortal Multiverse in service to The Imperium of Miðgarðr as a legendary knight. She was instrumental to the Imperium during the Great War in Heaven and her efforts alone saved trillions of star systems. By the God Thor, she is the mother of the thundering demigods HolmstæinÅsmund, and Øybiorn, three equally mythical figures who built the Kingdom of Eanagia within the eye of a cosmic storm. Philomela is buried and honored in the capital city of Philomelis.

Scientific Name
Phylum: Celestial Chordata, Class: Astral Gigantia, Order: Cosmosapiens, Family: Uranogaiidae, Genus: Hecatoncheirus, Species: Hecatoncheirus cosmogenes
Average Height
1,454 feet (443 meters)
Average Weight
1 to 10 Billion Metric TONs
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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