The Nosferatu

Basic Information


  1. General Morphology: The Nosferatu maintain a bipedal, upright posture, much like their human ancestors. Their body structure is characterized by two arms and two legs, emphasizing their humanoid nature. Their average height is slightly taller than that of First Men, with males ranging from 6 to 7 feet and females from 5.5 to 6.5 feet, although there can be considerable individual variation.
  2. Musculature and Skeletal Structure: Nosferatu possess a more robust musculature compared to First Men. Their muscles are optimized for strength, speed, and agility, making them formidable in combat situations. The skeletal structure is denser and more resilient, providing enhanced durability. Their bones are rich in compounds that promote rapid healing, allowing for a quicker recovery from injuries.
  3. Skin and Pigmentation: Nosferatu skin varies in color from a pale, almost translucent complexion to a slightly grayish or bluish hue. This adaptation allows them to better absorb available light during their nocturnal activities. The skin is cool to the touch and highly resilient to abrasions and minor cuts, further emphasizing its alien durability.
  4. Facial Features: While Nosferatu have a generally humanoid facial structure, they possess subtle differences. Their eyes are larger, with elongated pupils, enhancing night vision. Their teeth include elongated canines, which they use for feeding. These fangs are retractable.
  5. Limbs and Dexterity: Their hands and fingers are dexterous, featuring elongated, slender fingers and sharp, retractable claws, which aid in gripping and climbing. Nosferatu feet are slightly elongated and equipped with strong arches, providing superior balance and agility. This adaptation enables them to navigate challenging terrain with ease.
  6. Sensory Organs: Nosferatu possess acute senses of smell and hearing, surpassing those of the First Men. Their ears have slightly pointed tips, enhancing sound reception. Their eyes are adapted to low-light conditions, enabling them to see clearly in the dark. However, direct exposure to bright sunlight can be painful and damaging to their sensitive retinas.
  7. Reproductive Anatomy: Reproductive organs are similar to those of the First Men, allowing for successful interbreeding between the two species. However, the Nosferatu have a lower reproductive rate.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Nosferatu, with their vampiric lineage, possess a unique approach to genetics and reproduction, distinct from their human ancestors, the First Men. These traits contribute to their enigmatic and long-lived existence within the cosmos.
  1. Sexual Reproduction: Nosferatu reproduce sexually, requiring the involvement of one male and one female for the process to occur. Their reproductive system is similar to that of the First Men in basic terms. However, there are significant differences in how their genetics are inherited and the reproductive drive they exhibit.
  2. Gestation Period: Female Nosferatu experiences a prolonged gestation period, lasting for approximately 17 Standard Imperial Months (SIMs). This extended duration allows for the development of offspring with unique vampiric traits and adaptations. During this period, the female undergoes significant physiological changes to accommodate the needs of the developing Nosferatu.
  3. Low Reproduction Drive: The Nosferatu have a remarkably low reproduction drive compared to the First Men. They may only produce offspring two to three times in their exceptionally long-lived lifetimes. This low reproductive rate is balanced by their longevity and ability to sustain their species over many generations.
  4. Hybrid Offspring: Nosferatu can interbreed with other alien species in the cosmos, but the likelihood of conception is exceedingly rare, nearing 0%. Even if successful, hybrid offspring often do not inherit the vampiric traits of the Nosferatu and may not survive to adulthood. Children born from two Nosferatu parents are full Nosferatu beings from birth, inheriting their unique genetics and adaptations.
  5. Gender-Based Genetic Inheritance: Genetics among the Nosferatu work differently than the First Men. Male Nosferatu only receive genetic information from their male ancestors in the bloodline, while females inherit genetics solely from their female ancestors. This unique inheritance pattern has evolved over time and is thought to help preserve and strengthen the unique traits of the Nosferatu.
  6. Genetic Diversity: Despite their low reproduction rate, Nosferatu maintain genetic diversity through extensive familial connections and intergenerational interactions. These connections allow for the exchange of genetic information among various bloodlines, ensuring the survival and adaptability of their species.

Ecology and Habitats

The Nosferatu, descendants of the First Men with vampiric traits, exhibit a remarkable adaptability to various environments across the cosmos. However, their distinct ecological niche leans towards specific habitat preferences that cater to their unique biology and lifestyle. Nosferatu possess a versatility that allows them to inhabit a wide range of environments, much like many other alien species. Yet, their habitat preferences are unmistakably shaped by their vampiric nature, marked by a strong inclination towards:
  1. Low Visibility Environments: Nosferatu thrive in locations characterized by low visibility and minimal exposure to sunlight or artificial light sources. These settings resonate with their biological aversion to sunlight, which can be harmful to them. It ensures their safety and comfort, enabling them to remain active during the hours when other species retreat from the dark.
  2. Elevation and Altitude: A striking preference among Nosferatu is their tendency to seek high-altitude habitats. Whether it be remote mountaintops, subterranean caverns, or towering skyscrapers in urban settings, they are drawn to locations that elevate them above ground level. High altitudes provide isolation, reduced sunlight, enhanced security, and strategic vantage points.
  3. Cold Climates: Cold, frigid environments resonate with their physiology and are favored by Nosferatu. The icy temperatures align with their thermoregulatory requirements, allowing them to function optimally. Additionally, these climates deter unwanted intruders and contribute to their sense of protection and seclusion.
  4. Underground Sanctuaries: Nosferatu colonies often establish subterranean dwellings in deep caves, intricate tunnels, or concealed catacombs. These underground sanctuaries offer an ideal blend of low light, reduced temperature, and concealment from external threats. They provide a secure haven where Nosferatu can thrive.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Nosferatu draw energy and nutrients from the blood of sentient living beings who possess a SOUL. Blood is the physical essence of a being, it contains the very truth of a person as the blood does not lie and it always remembers. Blood is received or taken. Some Nosferatu establish colony farms of sentient beings and make a sport of hunting their food and maintaining their herd with population control measures. Others receive it willingly fro consenting Mortals who are more than willing to sell blood if the coin is right.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Within their society, names hold great significance and are carefully chosen to convey not only the individual's identity but also their place within the Nosferatu community. Males among the Nosferatu typically inherit their names through a unique anagrammatic system. Their names are derived from their parents' names but with certain variations based on their position within the family.    
  1. Father's Name Anagrams: The most common naming convention for Nosferatu males involves creating anagrams of their father's name. This practice links them to their paternal lineage and emphasizes the importance of heritage.
  2. Mother's Name Anagrams: Alternatively, a male Nosferatu might be named by anagramming his mother's name. This naming style acknowledges the maternal side of their lineage.
  3. Combined Parental Names: In some cases, males may receive names derived from an amalgamation of both their mother's and father's names. This symbolizes the blending of family lines and emphasizes unity.
The firstborn male heir, however, follows a distinct tradition. He receives the same name as his father, but reversed. This unique practice serves to honor and strengthen the familial legacy by mirroring the father's name. Females among the Nosferatu have their own naming conventions that reflect their roles within the family and society.    
  1. Given Names: Female names are generally shorter and elegant, such as Maria or Kasie, or they are inspired by the beauty of nature, often named after flowers like Amaryllis or Chrysanthemum. These names celebrate the aesthetic and nurturing qualities associated with Nosferatu females.
  2. Prefixes: Females may also have prefixes attached to their given names, which signify their relationship status within their family. If a female marries into a different family, her name is prefixed with "Eio-" to indicate that she has joined her husband's family. If a male joins her family upon marriage, her name is prefixed with "Helsi-." For unmarried females, the prefix "Url-" is used, symbolizing their single status and independence.
In Nosferatu society, only males receive surnames. These surnames are derived from the name of their Domain, Kingdom, or City, followed by the suffix "ulsafir." This tradition emphasizes the male's role as a bearer of the family name and reinforces the connection between their identity and the broader community they belong to.


König Vlad Dracula, the First Dark Lord of the Night
Voivode Vlad Dracula of House Drăculești was the 1st Lord of the Night, a warlord known for his cruelty and effectiveness in war, but most importantly, his trait of eating blood. Vlad Dracula fought like an animal when he drew his blades and feasted on the blood of his enemies. He was a Blood Mage and drew power and wisdom from the foes whose blood he consumed, adding to his own already colossal might. He is the origin point for the Nosferatu and it was from his blood that they came to be a species. He named himself König of his homeworld, Zolvustea, and established his Vampiric Empire. His rule saw the birth of colony farms where Mortals were herded together and maintained like livestock to feed the growing vampire population and support his growing Empire. Vlad Dracula clashed with the Knights of the Dragons Head, who sought to hard-line stop his expansion, but it was his own son who felled him in the end. Prince Vlad Alucard of House Drăculești betrayed his Lord Father and led his own order of Knights to cut him down. The Knights shattered the Empire and used Dragonic Magic to banish the Nosferatu to the Unholy Realms.
Königin Justina Szilágyi, Vlad Dracula's wife, and their three sons, Princes MihneaVlad Drakwlya, and Valdric, led their scattered peoples, now formally known as the Nosferatu, on The Long Voyage to their new home, the Unholy Realm "Verfluchthöhle".

Historical Figures

  • Vlad Dracula Drăculești (First Dark Lord Of The Night)
  • Vlad Alucard (The Betrayer)
  • Mihnea "the Wicked" Drăculești (The II Dark Lord of the Night)

Scientific Name
Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Vampirida, Family: Nocturnidae, Genus: Nosferatus, Species: Nosferatus sapiens
9,000 Standard Imperial Years
Average Height
5.5 to 6.5 feet
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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