The Olde Dragons of Kaedia, the Seed of Níðhöggr

Types of Dragons

  • Olde Dragon: These ancient and revered creatures are said to be the direct creations of Níðhöggr, the Mother of all Dragons. Old Dragons are the oldest and most potent breed of dragons known to exist. They possess four limbs and two wings, with scales that are nearly indestructible. Their very roar has the power to distort time, while their flames can glass the surface of planets and strip worlds of their atmosphere. Fortunately, these awe-inspiring beings are usually in a deep slumber that can last for thousands of years, sparing the world from their formidable might and temper. Wivern: Smaller than Old Dragons, Wiverns have two hind legs and webbed wings to their front two limbs. Wiverns are considerably easier to kill and hunt, having softer scales and weaker flames. They are the weakest class of dragons to exist.

  • Hýdra: Hýdras are a particularly perilous breed of dragons. They possess six limbs and two wings, and they have the ability to breathe fire. What sets them apart is their remarkable regenerative ability: when one of their heads is severed, two more grow in its place. Hydras are almost as durable as Old Dragons and exhibit a level of intelligence that rivals that of Koi Dragons. Their immense size and the diverse range of flames emitted by their multiple heads make them one of the most formidable and deadly breeds.

  • Wyrm: Wyrms, like serpents, have no wings or limbs, and consequently, they are incapable of flight. These creatures move with a serpentine grace and possess hard scales and venomous fangs in addition to their fire-breathing abilities. They are known for their many eyes, which add to their mystique and aura of danger.

  • Drake: Drakes are a breed of dragon with four limbs but no wings, rendering them unable to fly. They have tough scales and the ability to breathe fire. Drakes are often seen as the dragons closest to humans, possibly because of their more relatable physical form. They can grow to impressive sizes, making them a substantial force in the dragon hierarchy.

  • Amphiptere: Amphipteres, with their distinctive features, are two-winged dragons with no limbs. They are characterized by light-colored feathers reminiscent of a sunrise, a lindworm-like serpentine body, and bat-like wings with feathered forearms. Often, they are greenish in coloration and have long tails resembling those of wyverns. This unique combination of attributes sets them apart in the world of dragons, making them a captivating and enigmatic species.

  • Koi: Among the dragons, Koi Dragons hold a special status. They are often referred to as Divine Dragons due to their elongated, snake-like bodies, four limbs, and the absence of wings. While they cannot naturally fly, Koi Dragons are capable of sustained flight through the use of magical clouds they can summon. Their high intelligence and cleverness are notable, making them seem almost otherworldly. They excel at deceiving and outwitting mortal beings, and their magical flight ability gives them an air of mystique that distinguishes them from other dragon types.


Basic Information


Old Dragons possess four limbs and two great wings on their back complete with a long tail. Spikes run the full length of their body from nose tip to tail, largest on their back and smallest on their head and tail. Great ringed and twisting horns protrude from their skull and eight eyes exist on either side of their head.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Probability Perception: The power to perceive the probability of anything. Users can perceive the information of any situation and use the variables of that information to predict/perceive the paths that lead to certain outcomes, based on what choices are made. They can then accelerate themselves along the path of their desire, which causes them to reach the conclusion of the path taken. Users can use this ability to accurately predict/perceive not just one future, but rather multiple possible futures stemming from their situation.

Civilization and Culture


The First Dragon was Níðhöggr, the Mother of All Dragons. She was like a God in her own right and claimed the Realm Kaedia as her domain. Kaedia was the Realm where the roots of the infinite Yggdrasil were planted and Níðhöggr would tend to the branches to prevent them from becoming infinite. Níðhöggr had 12 original Dragon offspring, they were known as the Olde Dragons and would lead to the creation of the other various types of Dragons.

Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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