The Satyr of Arcadia

Basic Information


The Satyr race is characterized by their humanoid appearance, featuring furry bovine legs with hooves as their lower extremities. With two arms on their upper body, they exhibit a distinctive trait of six fingers on each hand. Additionally, two small curved horns protrude from their heads, adding to their unique physical features. Displaying animalistic qualities, Satyrs possess asinine ears, pug noses, and tails reminiscent of a horse. Notably, Satyrs boast a robust muscular and skeletal framework, meticulously designed to cater to both agility and strength. Although their limbs bear some resemblance to human anatomy, they are adaptively structured to meet the demands of their semi-animalistic lower bodies. The furred legs, in particular, house powerful muscles, augmenting their capacity for swift and nimble locomotion.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyrs can be described as having satyriasis, uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a man, a term coined because of their race and sex drive. Satyrs sexually reproduce multiple times a year, with the gestation period for female Satyrs relatively short, lasting only 4 months, after which they give birth to 3-4 offspring at a time. Based on the Imperial Calendar of Miðgarðr, and the Satyr tendicy to reproduce at an incredible rate, a newly-wed Satyr couple can already have upwards of 12 children within one Imperial Year. Satyr genetics are semi-divine and will often be the dominant genes when reproducing with Mortals but recessive to celestials. Satyr is known as one of the few Universal Seeds within Creation, as they can reproduce with any sentient alien species, which has led to them being the "father" of many Satyr off-shoot races and mutation lines.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Infancy (0-5 years): Satyr infants, known as Faunlings, enter the world with a remarkable level of physical development. Within the first few hours of life, they exhibit an uncanny ability to stand and walk on their furry hooves. Their asinine ears and small curved horns are already apparent, though proportionally smaller than those of adults. Faunlings are highly energetic, showcasing an early penchant for agility and playfulness. During this stage, they are nurtured within the close-knit Satyr family units, guided by experienced parents and elders.
  • Adolescence (6-30 years): As Faunlings transition into adolescence, their growth accelerates, and their humanoid features become more pronounced. The horns elongate, and the furred legs develop powerful muscles, facilitating their transition into swift and nimble individuals. This period is marked by a surge in the manifestation of their extrasensory capabilities, particularly the Nature Sense and Supernatural Senses. Social bonds within Satyr Clans strengthen during this phase, as the young Satyrs learn the cultural traditions and histories passed down through generations.
  • Maturity (31-500 years): Upon reaching maturity, Satyrs experience a stabilization of physical growth but continue to refine their skills and expand their knowledge. Their horns reach their full length, and the robust muscular framework ensures a harmonious blend of agility and strength. Maturity also marks the onset of Satyrian reproduction, exhibiting satyriasis, and fueling the population growth of the Satyr race.
  • Elderhood (501-700 years and beyond): As Satyrs enter their elder years, their physical vitality remains robust, and their knowledge deepens. They become esteemed members of Satyr society, often assuming roles of leadership, mentorship, or contributing to the cultural and spiritual guidance of their community. Elder Satyrs are revered for their wisdom and experience, and their connection to the divine aspects of their heritage becomes more profound. Despite their advanced age, Satyrs in their elderhood retain a spirited enthusiasm for life, contributing to the perpetuation of their rich cultural legacy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Satyr, as a herbivorous race, faces a physiological limitation in that their bodies cannot process any form of meat. Consuming meat results in severe illness for them. Instead, they derive nutrients and energy from the planets they inhabit, a unique dietary characteristic that sets them apart. Due to their divine lineage, Satyrs do not require the same volume of plant consumption as typical herbivores, but they occasionally indulge in gorging on plant life.
In the contemporary era, acquiring high-quality plant sustenance during transit can be challenging and expensive. To address this, Satyrs have adapted to alternative sources, such as herbivore supplements known as Plantstuff. While these supplements offer a comparable amount of energy to real plants, they are characterized by a relatively bland taste. In situations where obtaining fresh plant life is impractical, Plantstuff has proven to be a practical substitute for Satyrs, allowing them to maintain their dietary needs.
Alternatively, Satyrs possess an ability to draw nutrients and energy directly from the planet they are on or the nature around them. While one Satyr taking some energy from a planet to sustain themselves is hardly, if at all, noticeable when herds of them do it together, it can be fatal to the world. Satyr will only do this if they cannot find any other options.

Additional Information

Social Structure

  • Clans and Familial Ties: Satyrian society is organized into clans, each led by a wise and experienced elder, often referred to as the "Patriarch" or "Matriarch." These leaders guide their respective clans, fostering a sense of kinship and unity among the satyrs. Family ties are highly cherished, and satyrs often engage in communal activities that strengthen these bonds.
  • Role of Elders: Elders play a crucial role in maintaining the balance within satyr communities. They are revered for their wisdom and experience, serving as advisers and arbitrators in times of conflict. Elders are responsible for passing down the traditions, stories, and cultural practices that define the Satyrian way of life.
  • Artistic and Festive Pursuits: The Syrians are known for their love of music, dance, and other artistic expressions. Festivals and celebrations are frequent occurrences, providing opportunities for the entire community to come together in joyous revelry. These events serve not only as a means of entertainment but also as a way to strengthen social bonds and celebrate the beauty of their natural surroundings.
  • Connection to Nature: The satyrs deeply revere nature and maintain a harmonious relationship with the enchanted forests they call home. They see themselves as stewards of the woodlands, ensuring its well-being and protecting it from external threats. This connection to nature is integral to their cultural identity and guides their decisions and actions.
  • Nomadic Lifestyle: Satyrs are nomadic by nature, moving throughout the universe on bio-organic colony ships that house and maintain the needs of the entire Satyr Clan. They visit distant planets to experience the natural beauty of the planet, or in some cases, to help it recover from some event.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Satyr race possesses a number of extrasensory capabilities.
  1. Nature Sense: The user possesses innate knowledge of plants, whether they are flowers, fruits, vegetables, and whether or not they are deadly, as well as animals, knowing and understanding them. The user would also understand the inner workings of places like volcanoes or what areas are safe or dangerous for people.
  2. Supernatural Senses: Users's senses of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are super-unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe. They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground, and water.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

  • Rites of Passage: Satyrian life is marked by significant rites of passage. Coming-of-age ceremonies, guided by the elders, involve tests of skill, wisdom, and artistic prowess. Successful completion of these rites grants individuals full recognition within the community and the privilege of crafting their own bio-organic colony ship, symbolizing their readiness to explore the cosmos.
  • Philosophical Reflections: Deep philosophical discussions are a common pastime among Satyrians. Whether gathered around a communal fire or within the bio-organic confines of their colony ships, satyrs engage in conversations about the mysteries of the universe, the interconnectedness of all life, and the pursuit of a harmonious existence.
  • Nomadic Explorations: In tune with their nomadic lifestyle, satyrians embark on cosmic journeys, exploring distant planets to experience and learn from the diverse wonders of the universe. These explorations serve as both a continuation of their cultural traditions and a means of expanding their understanding of the cosmos.
  • Ceremonial Masking: A unique aspect of Satyrian culture is the use of ceremonial masks during important rituals and celebrations. These masks, adorned with intricate patterns and symbolic representations, serve as a connection to the mystical forces that govern their existence. Each satyr crafts their own mask, a personal reflection of their inner self and connection to the divine.
In the mythic annals of Satyr lore, Pan, the esteemed Lord of Arcadia, embarked on a divine union with the five daughters of Hecaterus, known collectively as the Hecaterides (Laripha, Eurynome, Phalino, Rhephila, and Polphymino). This sacred matrimony bore fruit in the form of 28 mighty Satyr offspring, each destined to be as fruitful as their divine lineage. Thus, the origins of the Satyr race were woven into the tapestry of celestial unions. However, as the population within the divine realm of Arcadia burgeoned exponentially, the confines of their ethereal home could no longer sustain the burgeoning Satyr populace.
The Grand Diaspora: A Cyclical Cultural Phenomenon: To address the soaring population and to usher in a new era, the Satyrians embraced a cultural cornerstone — the Grand Diaspora. This monumental event occurs approximately once every 375 years, a period marked by festivities, parties, rituals, and ceremonies that crescendo in the grand culmination of cosmic exploration. During the Grand Diaspora, Satyrs from far and wide return to Arcadia, transforming their divine realm into a vibrant nexus of cultural exchange.
Enriching Cultural Tapestry: As Satyrs converge, they engage in the exchange of tales, scientific insights, information, customs, and relics accumulated during their nomadic journeys across the Holy Multiverse and into the Mortal Multiverse. This convergence serves as a dynamic catalyst, continually enriching the cultural tapestry of the Satyrian people. The multitude of perspectives, experiences, and learnings become the lifeblood of their ever-evolving society. 
Elders, during the Grand Diaspora, play a pivotal role in the succession of leadership. Clans may undergo transformations, either breaking into smaller units or merging into new configurations, forming entirely novel clans and cultures. This fluidity in leadership dynamics and clan formations reflects the adaptability ingrained in Satyr culture. Young Satyrs seeking to depart Arcadia find purpose in roles as engineers or navigators aboard new colony ships. Simultaneously, the Grand Diaspora becomes a nexus for weddings, where Satyrs form new familial bonds and prepare to embark on the uncharted cosmos together. It is during this transformative period that many elders relinquish leadership, paving the way for the next generation to guide the destiny of their clans.
The Grand Diaspora stands as the pinnacle of Satyr culture and customs, an extraordinary confluence of tradition, innovation, and communal celebration. This cyclical event not only symbolizes the linchpin of Satyr's identity but also encapsulates the essence of their ever-changing nature. Like the Satyrs themselves, their culture continues to evolve, ensuring that each Grand Diaspora is a unique and transformative chapter in the cosmic journey of the Satyr race.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  • Bioluminescent Body Paint: Satyrians adorn themselves with bioluminescent body paint during special ceremonies, creating radiant patterns that glow softly in the dark. The paint is crafted from extracts of enchanted flora, and each individual's design reflects their personal journey, achievements, or aspirations.
  • Symbiotic Tree Planting: Newlywed satyrians plant a special kind of symbiotic tree as a symbol of their union. These trees are carefully chosen for their ability to grow in harmony with one another, reflecting the balance sought in Satyrian relationships. As the trees flourish, so does the bond between the wedded couple.
  • Dance of Unity: During major celebrations or gatherings, satyrians engage in a ceremonial dance known as the "Dance of Unity." This intricate dance involves weaving patterns and movements that symbolize the interconnectedness of the community. It is performed in large circles, and each participant contributes a unique step, creating a harmonious display of communal synergy.


The Satyr race began with the birth of Pan, God of Nature, a demigod son of Lord Hermes, God of Traveling, and the nymph Penelope, daughter of a Midgardian Kami known as Dryops. When Pan was born, his mother threw him into the ocean of her planet, but his grandfather Dryops took pity on the godling and saved him from drowning. Hermes witnessed this act and blessed Dryops with great fortune and wealth for all his years. Hermes took his son and raised him among the gods in the Holy Multiverse, eventually giving him Lordship over one of his many holdings, the Arcadian Realm. This Realm was a magical dimensional structure that allowed points from the 5th Dimension to naturally flow into it.
Pan, now Lord of Arcadia, wed five daughters of the God Hecaterus, collectively referred to as the Hecaterides (Laripha, Eurynome, Phalino, Rhephila, and Polphymino). From their fruitful union came 28 mighty Satyr children, and each one of these Satyrs would be equally fruitful. This is what gave rise to the Satyr race as it is known in modern times. They would largely be contained within Arcadia but in time, the confines of the divine Realm could no longer support their population that grew exponentially. This marked the Satyrian Diaspora, which saw the mass migration of Satyr Clans from Arcadia not only across the Holy Multiverse but beyond it, into the Mortal Multiverse. This Diaspora regularly happens from Arcadia as a means to expunge its massive population and has since been an element of their culture.

Historical Figures

  • King Pán, Lord of Arcadia, Patriarch of the Satyrs, and God of Nature
Pán sired the Satyr race and ruled Arcadia for an age and a half. Pán had many adventures at his age, but his most famous exploit involved the Olympians' battle with the dreaded Typhoeus, End of Hurricanes. He was the son of the Abstract Gaia and the Abstract Tartarus, and he was a foulest creature. After the Titan Rebellion, Gaia bore Typhoeus out of love, pained from seeing her children the Titans defeated. Typhoeus was a winged giant, said to be so huge that his head brushed the stars. He had 200 hands consisting of 50 serpent-headed fingers each, he had 1 head of a man and 99 bestial heads (of bulls, boars, serpents, lions, and leopards) who each conjured the magical elements in full.
Typhoeus was the greatest threat to the Olympian Gods, a demonic creature of increasing power who forced his way into the Holy Multiverse to face the Gods, leading the once-defeated Titans who had escaped Tartarus. While Zeus faced and defeated the mighty Typhoeus by himself, it was Pán who was instrumental in keeping the Titans at bay. Pán released a terrible screech that would rend their forces asunder, scattering their numbers across creation. In this way, separated, the remaining gods could easily go about defeating and banishing the Titans back to Tartarus. Pán was named Titan-Render after this cataclysmic battle and earned the respect of many gods for his valor and power.
Near the end of his reign of Arcadia, Pán faced a population problem of Arcadia, his children, the Satyr race, had grown far too numerous even for his divine realm to maintain. And so Pán arranged for the 1st Satyrian Diaspora that would send his kin off into the cosmos to settle new worlds in the Mortal Multiverse and beyond. This event is what brought the Satyr race to the domain of Mortals and in sheer numbers that they can be found almost anywhere and everywhere to this day.
  • Iambe the Handmaiden Who Remains Hidden
Iambe is the daughter of King Pán, Lord of Arcadia, Patriarch of the Satyrs, and God of Nature by the Midgardian Nymph Echo. Iambe was equally gifted with magic as her sister Lynx but walked a very different path in life. She served as a handmaiden to the Eleusisian Queen Metanira, but in reality, she was a Fingermaiden of the HAND, a clandestine organization of informants, spies, and killers who serve the will of the Five Fingers to an unknown end. Iambe was one of the greatest agents of the HAND who was suspected of plotting to overthrow it. After several failed attempts on her life, Iambe overthrows the 5 Fingers and now controls the Fingermaidens directly. Iambe's current whereabouts are unknown, even to Mages and Gods alike.
  • Lynx the Bird-Woman
Lynx was a daughter of King Pán, Lord of Arcadia, Patriarch of the Satyrs, and God of Nature, by the Midgardian Nymph Echo. Lynx was gifted with Magic and was selected by the Allmother to be counted among her legendary Valkyries raised to a much higher station. During her time in Ásgardr, she became a master of Magic and learned the fundamentals of the Runic Arts, so much so that she could cast minor spells on the gods themselves. Through her magic, Zeus fell in love with an Argivenian Princess and sired the twin demigods Ceroessa and Epaphus, with Princess Io. For her crime, the Skymother, Hera, transformed her into a wryneck bird-woman monster and banished her into the Emerald Maze. Lynx still remains within the maze to this day, though her mind is gone and her magical genius wasted.
  • PAN-Seilenos, Lord of Arcadia and God of Winemaking
Seilenos was the heir to Arcadia after his father King Pan passed away, and is the first PAN of Arcadia, their word for King or Father. Seilenos was entrusted by his grandfather Lord Hermes with raising the God Dionysus, son of Zeus. He was raised as Prince Dionysus of Arcadia in the capital city of Mt. Nysa with the rest of Seilenos' family as one of his own. His rule of Arcadia was peaceful and largely without incident, which could be attributed to the safety his father ensured by earning the favor of the gods when he scattered the Titans. Seilenos was a jovial old man, hairy and balding at the same time, he had a pot belly that he rubbed when he laughed and a small snub nose. He had no enemies, not just among his kin but virtually anywhere he went, and is recorded as one of the best Arcadian PANs to date.
Seilenos also had to address a population problem, the same as his father, and decided to just organize a 2nd Satyrian Diaspora since it worked so well the first time. Word of this would spread through the Satyr clans and within the years leading up to the Diaspora, many of the nomadic Satyrs would return, en mass, back to Arcadia. Not wanting to upset his kin or turn them away, Seilenos just decided to throw the biggest celebration he could, a massive welcome-home but also going-away party. And when the Diaspora happened, a new wave of Satyr nomads en mass departed from Arcadia. However, before they did, Seilenos had declared that there would be a 3rd Diaspora, and many more, just like this, so long as his people continued to return home once every 400 years or so, they would host the Grand Diaspora. And it has since, to this very day, been upheld not only by future PANs but by the Satyr culture itself. While Seilenos stepped down as PAN, he was granted Godhood by Prince Dionysus, dubbed the God of Winemaking. When not traveling the cosmos, he can be found at his winery in the Arcadian Outlands, perfecting his craft.
  • Sir Krotos the Loyal, Hand of the Muses
Krotos was the son of King Pán, Lord of Arcadia, Patriarch of the Satyrs, and God of Nature, and Eupheme, Goddess of Nature, and member of the Charites. He was a mighty Centaur who wielded a magical bow that fired arrows formed from the fabric of his soul imbued with magic. Krotos was a legendary knight of Arcadia who fell in love with the 9 legendary muses, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania. He served them as one of their constant warriors and most stalwart protector.
  • The Mythic Hero Astraeus, Captain of the Paninites
Astraeus was one of the sons of PAN-Seilenos and one of his wives, Lady Eloimaya, a Light Elf. Astraeus was the Captain of the Paninites, a party of mythical heroic Satyrs who would join Lord Dionysus during his adventure across the Holy Multiverse. His companions were as follows.
  1. Gemon the Loaded, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  2. Hypsicerus of the High-Horns, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  3. Lamis the Fell-Omen, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  4. Lenobius the Hero, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  5. Lycon the Bold One, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  6. The Horned Lord Napaeus, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  7. Onthyrius the Eater of Suns, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  8. The Demigod Hero Prince Poemenius, Son of Lord Týr and Princess Afnir of the Dvergr Kingdom Hammerspot
  9. Phereus the Playful, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  10. King Orestes of the Mountains, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  11. King Scirtus the One Who Leaps, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  12. Prince Pherespondus of the Heralds of Dionysus, Son of Lord Hermes and Princess Iphthime of the Dorian Kingdom
  13. Prince Lycus of the Heralds of Dionysus, Son of Lord Hermes and Princess Iphthime of the Dorian Kingdom
  14. Prince Pronomus the Intelligent of the Heralds of Dionysus, Son of Lord Hermes and Princess Iphthime of the Dorian Kingdom
  15. Prince Thasus the Just, Son of Lord Poseidon and Queen Ashmonrabti of the Phoenician Dynasty
  16. Sir Petraeus the Laughing Tippling, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  17. Sir Phlegraeus the Dread Knight of Thrica, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  18. Sir Oestrus the Gadflying, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  19. Sir Pithos the Broad, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
  20. Sir Pylaieus the Broilbreeder, Son of Lord Seilenos and Lady Eloimaya (Brother to Astraeus)
Among their number were serval other key figures, such as Admiral Maron, commander of the Dionysusian Fleet, who was responsible for managing the vast party. In total, the traveling party was composed of the Dionysusian Fleet and Navy Personnel, the 20 Paninite Divisions, each commanding a legion of Satyr forces, and support forces to boot. Captain Astraeus was placed in command of this massive force and is historically remembered not only for his leadership and cunning during the Dionysian voyages but his loyalty to his lord. He was considered Dionysus' Right Hand and earned many boons for his service.
  • Prince Acis, the Tragic Hero
Acis was the son of King Pán, Lord of Arcadia, Patriarch of the Satyrs, and God of Nature and the nymph Symaithis. He was an infamous explorer who loved the Sea Nymph Galatea. When she was kidnapped by the Cyclops Polyphemos of Sicily, Acis and his knights went to save her, but failed. Acis was brutally killed and none of his knights returned.
  • Honored Thebian Knight Eurymedon, Watchman of the Hypsistan Gates
The son of King Pán, Lord of Arcadia, Patriarch of the Satyrs, and God of Nature and an unnamed mortal mage, Sir Eurymedon the Watcher is a mythical Satyr in Thebian lore. During a conflict known as the Seven Against Thebes (otherwise known as the SAT War) 7 mythical demigods were summoned by the Argosian King Adrastus to wage war on the Thebian Kingdom to restore the rule of the usurped King Polynices, Son of Oedipus. The 7 war heroes were King Polynices himself, the Aetolian hero Tydeus, the legendary Diviner Prince Amphiaraus, the Strong Knight Sir Capaneus, Parthenopaeus, the demigod son of Lord Ares, the Rōnin Hippomedon of Peloponnese, and the Argivian beggar knight Eteoclus. They tried, and failed to lay siege to the Thebian homeworld, the planet Thíva, but were repelled by Sir Eurymedon and his guardsmen who held the line long enough for Thebian reinforcements to arrive. Eurymedon earned many honors for his bravery and was made Watchman of the Hypsistan Gates, the orbital structure that shielded the planet from invasion.
  • The Warrior Leneus, Lord of the Silenian Kings
Leneus was the son of PAN-Seilenos and one of his wives, Lady Eloimaya, a Light Elf, making him a prince of Arcadia. He was deemed the God of Grape-Treading and the Wine-Trough Dance. Leneus would settle outside of Arcadia in Midgard, founding the Kingdom of Seilênos, where he, later joined by a number of his brothers, would become the Silenian Kings of this domain. Leneus' lineage would lead this Kingdom for ages to come. Leneus himself is credited as a warrior but was more akin to a wandering sword in his youth before he settled his vast Kingdom.
  • The Knight of Pholoe, Sir Pholus the Wise
Pholus was the son of PAN-Seilenos, Lord of Arcadia and God of Winemaking, and an unnamed Meliae Nympy (Ash tree nymphs) of the planet Pholoe, where his name was derived from. Pholus was raised by the great sage Chiron, the Teacher of Heroes, who taught him all the higher educational fields as well as war, strategy, and leadership. Pholus was an exceptionally powerful being who lived humbly in accordance with the lessons of his teacher, he resided within a mountain estate but was regarded as the Lord of Pholoe and often entertained the Pholoe Kami and her court at his home. Unfortunately, Pholus meets his end when visited by the demigod hero Heracles, who accidentally shoots him with a cursed arrow, killing the wise healer immediately.

Scientific Name
Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Artiodactyla (Even-toed ungulates), Family: Panidae, Genus: Satyrus, Species: satyricus
717 Years
Average Height
5 ft. 5 in
Average Weight
120 - 250 Lbs.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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