Xothians, the Star Spawn of Cthulhu

Basic Information


The Xothians possess a cephalopod-like body plan, resembling Earth's octopuses but with distinct adaptations. The most prominent feature of the Xothians is their mess of tentacles extending from their face. These tentacles, equipped with 2-3 rows of suction cups on each, provide unparalleled dexterity and control. They can function as versatile appendages, akin to hands, allowing the Xothians to manipulate objects with precision. Situated on their back, the Xothians boast a pair of smaller amphibious wings. These wings facilitate graceful underwater movement and contribute to their overall agility in aquatic environments. In addition to their tentacles and wings, Xothians have two conventional arms and legs. Each arm terminates in a six-fingered hand, and each leg features six webbed toes. This configuration enhances their ability to interact with their surroundings both in water and on land.
The Xothian head is reminiscent of an octopus, housing a total of eight eyes – four on each side. This unique ocular arrangement provides the Xothians with an expansive field of view, contributing to their heightened situational awareness. The head contains 9 brains, distributed intelligently to optimize cognitive functions. The Xothians exhibit a naturally muscular body structure with robust bones, reflecting their strength and endurance. This adaptation is crucial for their survival in diverse environments, allowing them to navigate challenging terrains and engage in complex physical activities.
Xothians possess a specialized respiratory system that accommodates both terrestrial and aquatic respiration. Gills enable efficient oxygen extraction from water, while lungs facilitate breathing in air, providing them with adaptability across different environments. Their skin is smooth and adaptable, featuring chromatophores that allow them to change color and texture for camouflage and communication purposes. With nine brains distributed throughout their head, the Xothians exhibit a sophisticated neural network. This intricate system supports advanced cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and efficient multitasking.

Dietary Needs and Habits

  • Xothians feed off of Natural Energy, a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit in reality and has no real application.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

  • Supernatural IntelligenceThe power to possess transcendent levels of intelligence. These users can process and integrate new information at an incredible speed, effortlessly simplifying complex concepts and systems. They can reimagine past knowledge in their minds, coming up with fresh and innovative ideas and groundbreaking solutions. They can devise intricate plans and create groundbreaking technologies with ease. They can tackle problems with multiple dimensions that would leave ordinary folks scratching their heads. While most people see chaos and confusion, they see structure and potential. Their ability to predict and plan strategically is almost like having a sixth sense. They effortlessly navigate through the most complex topics, becoming experts with minimal effort. Their cognitive abilities go beyond what we think of as standard human intelligence. They can achieve mental feats and gain insights that challenge and expand our current understanding across various fields, from science to the arts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Body Manipulation: The power to manipulate bodies. Users have complete control over the bodies and anatomies of oneself or others allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them. Users can manipulate bodies on a chemical and cellular/sub-cellular level. This can also allow the user to telekinetically move another human through their bodies. The user might also be able to manipulate the bodies of other species, such as animals or even extraterrestrial creatures. More advanced users might even be able to interact and exert control over the bodies of metaphysical beings, such as ghosts and spirits or even the likes of deities.
  • Superior Psionics: The power to possess superior psionic/psychic abilities. The user possesses superior psionic/psychic power that’s beyond that of a normal member of the user's species, having a greater level at their disposal, and they can use that psychic power for a variety of purposes.
  • Hyperspace Travel: The ability to travel faster than the speed of light. The user can travel at speeds faster than the speed of light, moving at such speed that it appears the traveler has moved from one spatial location to another instantly. This is achieved usually by moving along tachyons, particles faster than light, or by bending two locations within space to temporarily join together, and "jumping" from point A to point B via that bend.
  • Multidimensional Thought, 10-Track-Mind: Ability to maintain multiple lines of thought simultaneously. Instead of focusing on a single idea or task at a time, the user can navigate the complexities of up to x different streams of consciousness concurrently. (Xothians have a 10-Track-Mind, each of their 9 brains can sustain 10 separate lines of thought simultaneously. At any given point in time, a Xothian can be thinking about 90 different things at once, all independent of each other.)
  • Interstellar Travel: The power to travel across interstellar distances. The user can travel across interstellar/intergalactic distances through various means, either through technology or their power.

Civilization and Culture


The Archons are a race of beings who were created by the 1st Name of God to maintain the infinite branches of Yggdrasil and the Realms. Whenever a Realm is damaged or the fabric of reality is ripped or the branches shake, the Archons are responsible for repairing and maintaining it all. Of them was Cthulhu, the High Priest of the Great Old Ones, an Archon of low rank as a Herald to the Great Old Ones, the first of the Archons to be born. Cthulhu would lay with Idh-Yaa, an Old God of Monsters who bore him four deities, Ghatanothoa, the Thing on the Mount, Ythogtha, the Thing in the Pit, Zoth-Ommog, the Thing in the Depths, and Cthylla, the Thing up High. They were known as The Cthulhi and were the masters of the 5th offspring from Idh-Yaa, the Star Spawn.   The Xothians were a slave race for The Cthulhi who led an old war on the Multiverse, conquering Realms to spread their influence. However, circa 3019, Yaldabaoth, the First Name of God would defeat and kill Idh-Yaa, and by the time The Holy Order was established, what remained of the Star Spawn were divided among the Cthulhi in various capacities. The Ghatanothoan Star Spawn maintained a cult-like following of their deity, offering it entire planets and Realms to feast on lest it consumes them. The Ythogthan Star Spawn had freed themselves from their Master and imprisoned Ythogtha inside a bottomless pit. The whole of their society was devoted to keeping the ever-adapting deity imprisoned. The Zoth-Ommogian Star Spawn prays eternally in his infinite dimension for the return of Cthulhu, singing the Song of the Deep for the entire cosmos to hear. Finally is the Cthyllan Star Spawn, the free Spawn, who was abandoned by their Master Cthylla shortly after the death of Idh-Yaa. Left to their own devices they have developed the most advanced society of the Xothians and are the most well-known.   The Cthyllan Star Spawn was a thriving society until the Death of God, when their Master, Cthylla, revealed herself as one of the 12 Traitor Apostles, responsible for planning the death of God. Cthylla commanded her slaves to raise arms against the Holy Order and gain a devastating military advantage when they successfully laid siege to Heaven. However, they were ultimately wiped out by the Archangels, led by St. Michael who re-took the White City and glassed all the Realms the Cthyllan Star Spawn held. The remaining were commanded to wage war on the Angels forever until they were killed.   The Ghatanothoan Star Spawn could not sustain Ghatanothoa's immense appetite forever and by the time Sir Edouard Celiandet V, Son of Lord Ywain & a bearer of Let There be There Light, and his Knights happened upon the cult, it was no more, all that remained was Ghatanothoa and his hunger. Sir Edouard and his knights waged war on Ghatanothoa for 17 years straight, and in the end, Ghatanothoa was defeated. Sir Edouard V forced the mindless deity to submit to his will and banished it into a blade, the Mounted Great Sword, which now possessed power equal to its prisoner.   As one may guess, only the Ythogthan Star Spawn truly made it out alive, in every sense of the word. They had developed a genetic mutation allowing them to disobey their Masters, they purged their population of any who did not share this mutation and devoted their entire existence to imprisoning Ythogtha. This forced them to continue to develop new technology as Ythogtha could learn to adapt to any Phenomenon and constantly tried to bend his slaves back to his will with his mental capabilities. They developed technology to subdue beings such as Ythogtha and finally rid themselves of his existence, carving up his immense body to study him further, all but his heart. That was separated into 53 magical orbs, each one possessing immense power, and given to the greatest warriors of their race. From the bones of Ythogtha the Abomination Blades were cast, immense colossal swords so dense and so heavy that only the 53 blessed warriors could wield them. From his flesh, the Pit Armor sets were molded, living bio-material that merged with the host and continued to adapt to any new Phenomenon with an expansive past memory to boot. This armor would corrupt any other, too vile and defiled for any but the 53 honored warriors.

Scientific Name
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Mollusca, Class: Cephalopoda, Order: Octopoda, Family: Xothidae, Genus: Xothia, Species: Honorus
Average Height
5.4 meters or 17.72 feet
Average Weight
787.32 kilograms or 1737.04 pounds
Average Length
5.4 meters or 17.72 feet
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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