The Reformation and Reorganization Of The Imperium & The Reclamation Crusades


Around 850 SIY, after the collapse of the Davidic Lineage and a period of turmoil in the Imperium of Midgard, stability returned with the rise of the House of Yamato under Lady Judah Sugawara. Lady Judah established the pillars of the new empire: the Crown, the Imperial Government, and the Faith, restructuring the Imperium. She was crowned Middle Empress by the Imperial Congressional Body on Jalal Al-Amal and her House became the ruling power. Middle Empress Judah and her House defeated Charlemagne Prime, the Thinking Machine God, ensuring their legitimacy to rule. To reclaim lost territories and enforce Imperial authority, the Reclamation Crusades were launched, led by the Starguard under Lord Saint-Guillermo Yurievichi. Lasting roughly 587 Imperial Standard Years, they brought 76% of Midgard under Imperial control.

~850 SIY after the fall of the Davidic Lineage and the period of warring states within the Imperium of Midgard, order was returned to the shattered Imperium with the emergence of the House of Yamato, led by Heir Select Judah Sugawara, 27th of Her Name. It was Lady Judah who established the three cornerstones of the new empire, the Crown, the Imperial Government, and the Faith and restructured the entire imperium into what is more commonly recognized today. Lady Judah was officially recognized by the newly formed congress, the Imperial Congressional Body, on the planet Jalal Al-Amal in the Isharaat Al-Arsh Star System. She was crowned Middle Empress (Media Regina) of the empire and the new House, Yamato House, became the ruling power. Middle Empress Judah and her House were responsible for slaying Charlemagne Prime, the Thinking Machine God who posed a cataclysmic threat to the multiverse. It is from this act and their bloodline ties to the previous Middle Emperor, that they derive legitimacy to rule.
  While shattered, various sections of the Imperium had strayed from the path of Order and many refused to submit back to Imperial Rule, sparking the Reclamation Crusades which sought to bring the majority of the cosmos back under the Empress' rule. The Starguard, the Imperial Department of War was charged with leading this effort under the command of the newly appointed Minister of War, Lord Saint-Guillermo Yurievichi.
  In total, the Crusades lasted est. 587 Imperial Standard Years and by the time they were formally closed, 76% of Midgard was either under the control of the Imperium or its influence. The remaining 24% remains ambiguous and although the Crown declared an Executive Order to close the Crusades, the Office of the Minister of War officially has them under a pending status, as they have plans to return and finish the work they started and bring the entire universe under Imperial control. The Crusades formally ended on the planet St. James in the Liberty System when the Starguard crushed House Wellington and would have pushed forward to take Liberty entirely had the Executive Order not been declared. The Wellingtons were reinstated and made a noble house of the Imperium. Duchess Saamyya Wellington signed the treaty with the sitting Imperial Minister of War, Lord Wim Yurievichi.

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