The Puppet King Steals Fate and Ends the Great War in Heaven

Era beginning/end


Throughout the war, the Golden Perfect was ravaged by many enemies, and the Equations of the Golden Perfect were stolen, altered, or foreign formulas added into it. The Causal Fate Matrix, which dictates fate and destiny, was one such equation. It would find its way into the hands of the genius inventor, Geppetto, who used it to create the Chains of Fate, binding the very branches of Yggdrasil itself. Whereas fate before the binding was a calculated and controlled projection, the Chains of Fate did not make allowances for change or progression, bringing about an age of stagnation. This would ultimately end the Great War in Heaven, but it came at a heavy price.

The Destiny Equation, when a part of the Golden Perfect, guided the lives of every single person and being, described the exact path that every single molecule takes, how long plants remain in bloom, down to even how and what people think of. It also served to prevent anyone or any force from ever breaking any of the Seven Sacred Seals, preventing the 2nd Argument from ever happening.
  When the Destiny Equation was used by King Geppetto to create the Chains of Fate, it retained control over people and forces to such a minute detail, but no longer allowed for progression. Geppetto feared the Great War would carry on forever, so he made it so that nothing changed regardless of one's actions, so to continue fighting the war was pointless. If someone was about to win a battle when the Chains were cast, no matter what either side does, this one side will always be right about to win, without ever winning.
  This was the danger of the Chains, stagnation. The forces of Khaos who had invaded Yggdrasil during the war were never expelled, and are not exactly subject to the laws of order. So while the cosmos began to fall into a standstill, the plague that is Khaos settled into Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil could not repel it nor could it repel the damage done. This feeling of wrongness manifested as Desolation, a sickness of reality itself that would take hold of dead bodies and raise them as undead zombies, immune to most conventional weapons, demanding excessive amounts of firepower. This was made worse by the fact that there was a civil war going on in the Kingdom of the Dead, and after Geppetto cast his chains, the Gates to the Kingdom of the Dead were left wide open, allowing souls to freely return to the Land of the Living. So not only were super zombies returned to life, but sometimes the souls of the dead would possess these bodies, giving them intelligence and the ability to use magic. This led to the Voyage of the Damned. This Voyage was a massive armada of starships commanded by the Desolated with Souls who moved from planet to planet and Realm to Realm, leaving dead worlds in their wake, further degrading reality.
  The Chains of Fate also left the Unholy Multiverse in a constant civil war with no victor and the Holy Multiverse a shell of its former self, being the multiverse hit hardest and first by the Great War. It is commonly said that the Gods are dead and Heaven is empty theater or not this is true and is yet to be seen.

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