The Creation of Yggdrasil and the 1st Empyreal Advent

Celestial / Cosmic


In the beginning, there was the Crucible, a formless mother from which everything arose. Yggdrasil, the great tree, emerged from this primordial goop, bringing order and duality to existence. The first Empyreal Advent, led by Lord Yaldabaoth, was born from Yggdrasil, creating the Golden Order, the laws of reality. However, another perspective from the Temple of Chaos sees Yggdrasil and the Crucible as one, with Yaldabaoth imposing his order after defeating Yig, the champion of chaos. They believe in ordered chaos and chaotic order, with the breaking of Seven Sacred Seals heralding the cosmic winter and Ragnarök, the twilight of the gods.

The Golden Order Academics teach: The Crucible (personified as the Formless Mother), the primordial goop that contains everything that could be, everything that is, and everything that once was, is the source of everything. It was the shapeless and formless mass of colors upon a canvas, and from it arose the great tree, Yggdrasil. This brought duality, logic, and order to what was once just existence. Yggdrasil would create the 1st Empyreal Advent, bringing a swarm of Empyreans into existence, being born of Yggdrasil who could serve as a vessel for its power. The greatest among them became the 1st Name of God, Lord Yaldabaoth. He would create the Golden Order, the very fundamental laws of existence and reality itself, and with it did battle with the champion of the Crucible, Yig, First Schoolar of the Formless Mother. This was known as the Great Argument and in the end, Yaldabaoth won. He used the Golden Order to create reality within Yggdrasil and separated his Order from Yig’s Chaos.
  The Temple of Chaos Priests preach: The Crucible (personified as the Formless Mother), the primordial goop that contains everything that could be, everything that is, and everything that once was, is the source of everything. Yggdrasil is the World Tree, a cosmological structure containing anything and everything. The Crucible did not create Yggdrasil, they are both one and the same, two sides of the same coin. Yaldabaoth was the Greatest among the Empyreans but he came to revere Yggdrasil, and the Empyrean Yig came to revere the Crucible. Yaldabaoth created the Golden Order and imposed it upon existence once he defeated Yig, and severed what was once together, apart.
  The two schools of thought, Order and Chaos, are the same, ordered chaos and chaotic order. After the Argument, a 2nd Argument was to take place upon the breaking of Seven Sacred Seals, which would determine the outcome of reality itself. After the Seals were broken, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse would ride forward to punish the Seal Breakers, bringing with them a 300-year-long cosmic winter; Fimbulvetr. And after the snow, came the twilight of the gods, the death of worlds, and the 2nd Argument; Ragnarök. Yaldabaoth would implement Fate (Destiny) into the designs of the Golden Order in such a way that would prevent the 7 Seals from ever being broken, obtaining eternal victory over Yig and Chaos.

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