An Invitation to the Queen's Tea Party Document in The Seventh System | World Anvil
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An Invitation to the Queen's Tea Party

There are few things that are as anticipated among the noble families of The Courtlands as a luxurious, cream white envelope decorated with the flower motive of the present Queen after the Winter Season and the Queen's Ball. This envelope hold the invite to the infamous tea party, and with the invitation comes the acknowledgement that the debutant of the family, presented to the Queen during the ball, has left and impression. This will be a notable asset for the families of these lucky - or very well trained - young ones as they do their best to find the most suitable spouse to further their status in the society.


As a part of the Winter Season, a season during which the society is present in their city homes and thus, available for all kinds of events including The Queen's Ball, the current Queen hold a high class tea party at the Winter Palace. Every year she chooses a few of the debudants to invite to the tea party, and an invitation to this party is a great honor both to the debudant and their family. 

The invitation secures an entry to the tea party for the debudant and one chosen companion, who is usually an older relative already part of the society. The invitation arrives seven days after the Ball, and the party itself is held a fortnight after the invitation has arrived. This gives the invited an opportunity to commission a proper outfit for the occasion, although families have usually already prepared themselves beforehand for this possibility just in case, as the outfit of the Tea Party is at least as important as the outfit for the Ball itself.
Announcement, Invitation

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