Moss Wyrms Species in The Seventh System | World Anvil
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Moss Wyrms

The Greendeep is an underground world full of fantastic and magical creatures. The moss wyrm is not the most fantastic of them, nor are they the most magical, but they are fascinating creatures nonetheless. This headstrong herbivores can grow up to 50 centimetres long, the tail included, and have an ingenious natural camouflage that resembles patches of moss. If caught, they will bite and scream bloody murder, so that the poor adventurer  who picked them up carelessly will hear the ringing in their ears even hours afterwards. However, if treated the right way, moss wyrms are known to make the most delightful pets.

Basic Information


The moss wyrm are a large species of lizard with tails that can take up to two-thirds of their total length, weighting typically from three to four kilos as adults. They have two sets of strong limbs with nimble toes and sharp claws, making them excellent climbers and allowing them to travel the cavern walls and among the greenery with little effort. A row of sharp spines runs along their backs and tails, protecting them from predators and creating a painful surprise for absentminded adventurers.

The body is covered in scales that can vary in colour depending on the habitat the moss wyrm lives. Typical colours are different shades of greens, but even blue, purple and orange moss wyrms are known to exist. Because moss wyrms are kept as pets and bred with intention, the domesticated species have even more variety in their colours, with a preference to brigh, jewel-like colours.

In addition to the scales, moss wyrms have developed a natural camouflage that also gives them their name. On their back, they have a moss-like growth that feels soft to touch and makes it very hard to spot the lizard amongst the greenery when it's not moving. Some species have leaf-like and fern-like structures among the moss, helping them to blend in with different environments.

Ecology and Habitats

Moss wyrms have adapted to live in the green, moist habitat of Greendeep, and require a high amount of humidity to thrive. They usually live among the greenery that covers the cavern wall, but are excellent swimmers and can sometimes get on well in small, heavily eutrophicated ponds or bodies of water.

Additional Information


The moss wyrm are popular pets in Greendeep and sometimes even on the surface, though they require living conditions similar to their natural habitat. Moss wyrms imprint to the first creature they see after hatching, so they are usually sold as eggs.

Average Intelligence

Surprisingly intelligent and very fierce, when kept as pets these lizards become very attached to their owners and can act very jealous and protective.

Up to 20 years
Average Length
Up to 50 centimetres.
Geographic Distribution

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