
Maloth Nackle (a.k.a. Boneblood Wolf)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Built. Sharp and toned, lithe and powerful, her body having adjusted to her cursed state.

Body Features

Red crystalline horns, ginger body hair coating her arms, chest, and other places.

Facial Features

Large fishlike red eyes, sporting yellow pupils after her bite. Has a round face, speckled with blemishes and three diagonal scars from Akordia's strikes.

Physical quirks

Has sharp bone like protrusions from her spine. Crystalline red horns grow from her forehead above her eyes, curving up and towards the back of her head, with a gemlike protrusion resting between them.

Special abilities

Roguish expertise, thieves' training, Werewolf Lycanthropy, innate Infernal magic, and Devil's Sight,

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a loose green sleeves tunic with leather pants tied at the hip with a belt and leaflike footwraps.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maloth was abandoned by her birth parents at a young age, then adopted by Stormbottle after years spent in an orphanage. She lived with him for years before running off to join the Thieves' Guild centered in Redgate. She made close friends among the group and found a secure place, one which was ripped out from under her when the Scapegoats landed her allies in jail. When meeting them to discuss bail she was kidnapped by a thug for hire, who the party allowed to escape, leading her back to her father's clutches.


Worked under the Drathian thieves' guild, primarily cracking locks during burglaries.

Mental Trauma

  • Raised by a dogmatic and nihilistic alcoholic
  • Torn away from her only friends
  • Kidnapped by her father
  • Turned into a Werewolf, succumbing to her instincts and wandering the plains, attacking anyone she came across


She seems to detest Eldath and her ardent worshipers.

Personality Characteristics


Seemingly, survival.

Vices & Personality flaws

Prone to anger, antisocial, distrusting, and seemingly very selfish.


Has grown dirty in her wilderness depression, often leaving her speckled with dirt and blood.


Religious Views

Raised worshiping The Stormlord, which has left her paranoid and hateful towards those who worship Talos' enemies.


Tends to speak in a hushed tone not unlike a panicked whisper. Spews incredible vulgarity in every language she knows.

An abused Tiefling and two time enemy of the party. Forcibly turned by her father and now left friendless and alone, she lairs in the grove, learning to tame her Lycanthropy.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Training in Glimmermist Grove
Parents (Adopting)
Dark red with yellow pupils, almost fishlike in shape
Has a thin buzz growing in
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue and sandpapery to the touch
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm not alone anymore, and I never will be again."
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Gnomeish


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