

Primarily common traders, fishers, and other working folk.


The militia consists of 27 poorly equipped soldiers.


The history of the Caer is the history of the town. This small castle was built over four hundred years ago by the Dinev family from a far off kingdom, before Ten-Towns existed as anything more than a few scattered camps of explorers living off the land. The Dinevs hoped to claim sovereignty over the unsettled lands of Icewind Dale. When the castle, dubbed Caer-Dineval, was completed, the workers and their families settled in the outbuildings they had constructed farther down the cliff, along with the families of the retainers the Dinevs had brought with them. Over the next few years, many explorers in the region came to see the Caer for themselves, and some built cottages in the shadow of its walls. No sooner had the small town taken hold than marauding giants and their minions swept down from the tundra to put it to the torch. The town's residents tried to take refuge in the castle, but the Dinevs, alarmed by the size of the opposition, barred the gates and refused to open them. The army fell upon the stranded people and slaughtered them to the last one. The Dinevs survived the initial assault, but not the siege that followed. After three weeks of being confined in the Caer, the Dinevs were so weakened by hunger that they were unable to resist when the soldiers scaled the castle walls (while the giants could smash it, they refrained, wishing to gift it to their loyalist lieutenants.). Thus, the Dinev family's brief rule in Icewind Dale came to a bloody end.   The Caer remained in the giants' possession for several years, until they were driven out by a small army of humanoid settlers from other parts of the dale who banded together. The victors claimed the castle and its lands, and those with families brought them here to settle. Their descendants live here to this day and keep alive the memory of their ancestors' deeds.   Today, the keep is the residence of the town speaker, Crannoc Siever, who recently made the mistake of opening his doors to the Knights of the Black Sword. This group consists of people from all walks of life who owe their lives to the archdevil Levistus.

Points of interest

Dinev's Rest: At the south end of town is Caer-Dineval's inn, a drafty old building with boarded-up windows and a crooked weathervane shaped like a rearing dragon. The place has been out of business for almost a year.   The Uphill Climb: This tavern is situated northwest of the Caer, where it offers a spectacular view of the lake and the frozen docks. The Climb serves hot chowder but is all out of beer and spirits, which might explain why locals don't frequent the place as much as they used to. The proprietor, a rugged middle-aged human man named Roark, blames the cursed winter and the closing of the Easthaven ferry for his business woes.   The Caer: The old and opulent stone castle for which the town is named. The Knights of The Black Sword have made it their base, imprisoning the town speaker inside.


Caer-Dineval is built on the rocky shore of Lac-Dinneshere, with Kelvin's Cairn looming behind it.
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