Magical Wonders of Netheril

This book is a collection of interviews with Netherese archmages, who discuss their studies of traditional elven magics, their efforts to adapt it to a new form amongst their empire, and their success in the creation of mythallars. The book includes sketches of such devices.   In essence, the great magic of the Netherese empire can be owed to two factors, the first of which being the discovery of The Nether Scrolls. These long, golden scrolls taught Netherese arcanists how to wield magic beyond their wildest fantasies. Many, especially those from more magic dependant societies, flocked to the sites of what would become the Netheres empire. It took centuries, but the Netherese who mastered the power of the Nether Scrolls became a ruling class, living on great flying cities or taking refuge in remote, subterranean lairs, owed to the Nether Scrolls and the combined might of the many powerful mages who joined together in using them. Games of chained lighting were played, streets were lit by everlasting flame, and life expectancy rose to an all time high. The tome is obviously propagandic in nature, though the magical might of the empire is indisputable.   In addition, the book contains sketches of Mythallars, what looks like an enormous crystal ball held in an ornate cradle, though many of the designs vary. These devices are not a new creation, though the current Archmage speaks highly of their abilities, boasting that they are constantly being approved upon. Mythallars are the reason Ythrn was able to rise to the sky, and currently they work to give it other abilities, including to control the weather at will.     The book is written in ancient Netherese and around three thousand years old.


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