Ministry of Arcane Study


Operates like a sort of college/study center. Archmage assigns teachers to classes depending on their skills, while many agents and freelancers are dedicated to independent study, in house or in the field. Many are focusing on the study of Weave Ore.


Open minded and accepting of those who pursue knowledge, though many can be off putting and haughty, Considers itself apolitical, though is being drawn into the ongoing conflicts.

Public Agenda

The study and cultivation of arcane knowledge and materials, particularly Weave Ore.


Books, studying equipment, familiars, magical lights and inter-planar lodgings, etc.


Created centuries ago, it started as a coven of mages, studying in secret. Over time they became more public with the acceptance of magic. Eventually, it became an official organization, outlawing the more "unsavory" studies and quickly gaining renown. Now it has become a fixture of the kingdom, and even has a branch in Redgate.
Founding Date
Education, Magic
Magic-Users, Mages.


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