Mother of The Waters

Goddess of Singing Waters Eldath (a.k.a. Quiet One)

Divine Domains

Life, Nature, and Peace.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Waterfall plunging into a still pool.

Tenets of Faith

  • Peace can only come from within and cannot be imposed.
  • Seek stillness and thereby find peace. Plant trees and green-leafed things and tend such things when they need it, wherever they may be.
  • Nurture and aid, and do not to restrict or punish. Work violence only to defend, and slay no thing of the forest except to prevent it from slaying themselves or another under their protection.
  • Swear to take no thinking life except in direst need. Share with all beings the beneficial things that grow in or come from running water that all may know of and praise Eldath.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Bring peace, comfort, and growth to all lands and peoples under her dominion.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity


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