Party Dream Sequence

Akordia: The perpetual darkness of the Underdark is alight with bright flame, smoke billowing up into the seemingly endless "sky". The sounds of battle echo around the periphery of her vision, screams and slashing. A Perception check may reveal Duergar and Drow as the combatants, wearing the armor of the most esteemed city-states. A city burns in the background as Akordia is dragged away by womanly hands. She begs her to stay alive, promising that she'll protect her love now, no matter what. She repeats this as she drags her towards the darkness. Akordia then wakes in the Tall Pines...   June: She awakes standing up, in a field covered by tall orange grass, lit by the setting sun. The setting appears feywild esque in nature, and two full moons loom high in the sky. A copper colored dragon flies towards The hill where Moonbright would be built before the blowing wind directs June to The Tall Pines...   Taxes: Awakes floating in the grove, the familiar sound of flowing water surrounding her. It's serene as usual, a welcome reprieve from worldly chaos. The air smells of flowers, and she can tell that Eldath is pleased. But the air shifts and and crows fly out from behind her into the brightening opening of the cavern. Feathers and flowers float on the water as she treads forward....   in the Grove the party reconnect, all entering from opposite ends of the area. It's dark, lit only by the glittering pines and a strong fire floating above the center of the Grove. Vabral stands there, staring up, captivated. A humanoid figure floats cloaked in flame, arms spread. As the flames flow burnt leaves and sharp ears peer from beneath them. It addresses them as such. "LIFE ON THIS PLANET DOES NOT MOVE BACKWARDS. THE IVY MOVES FORWARD, COVERING THE WHOLE DOOR. THE FLOWERS GROW OUTWARD, COVERING THE WHOLE MEADOW. NOTHING GROWS *AGAINST* TIME AND SPACE. ONLY ALONG IT'S LAYLINES CAN NATURE PROGRESS. IT IS COMING. YOU FOUR, TOUCHED BY FATE, WILL BURN OR BEAR WITNESS.


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