

Ravaice was found in the woods by Mara and their awakened bear, Shney, alone and with no memories. The group soon met Akar at a local tavern, and the story starts from here.   Haunted by memories that aren't truly hers, she learns bits and pieces of who she once was and why she came to be. It seems a particular scorned wizard that lives deep beneath a castle is her best shot in translating the forgotten language of her soul, but she does not share her knowledge without a price.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Black sludge that is slightly translucent in the thinner edges of her body. Shes built tall and lanky, with finer features like hands and feet being more rounded.

Body Features

She has 2 hornlike protrusions from her head that curl around to her face. The skull she wears pushes them out of the ear holes and point more upright.

Facial Features

She has yet to take off the skull she wears to hide her face, the sight is not one to share.

Identifying Characteristics

Pin prick white eyes are the only thing that can be seen through the skulls eyesockets.

Physical quirks

She has no joints and does not how to imitate them well, handshakes are still wiggly.

Special abilities

If you can convince her to take off everything she can become a mound of sludge and slip away. She does not have the confidence for that and too many insecurities.

Apparel & Accessories

Her main staple is the skull she wears over her head. She likes to dress in brighter colors that can still be recognizable through the long sunless hours in Icewind Dale.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There are lingering opinions, fears, and loves from the life that she does not remember. She is still new to the world and growing, but with a foundation that's guiding her without her knowing what that necessarily is. And because she is a simple person, her mentality is simple: she chooses to be kind and to love.

Gender Identity






Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Became hero and exile to East Haven
  • Resolved Kobold mine tensions in Termalane
  • Mental Trauma

    Being born

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Despite having no knowledge of who she was, sometimes when thinking back she can remember complicated and obscure facts in regards to magic and history.

    Personality Characteristics


    She wants to meet the face of the person who her heart still loves. She wants to learn who she was and how to love herself. She wants people to be able to live and learn the most about themselves without the noose of the Frost Maidens Winter around their necks.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Curiosity in the dangerous and unknown


    Contacts & Relations

    Avarice- agreed to help study her to figure out who/what she is

    Religious Views

    Negative towards the Frost Maiden, tentative and not trusting towards Livistus


    She either is charming in her unusual confident way, or wigged the fuck out by her.

    Hobbies & Pets

    She really loves King Fuck

    Wealth & Financial state

    House for the party in Good Mead

    20 going on 30, Ravaice only has a handful of weeks memory to her name. Despite circumstances, she's found people to help her to rediscover herself in a relentless tundra at the edge of the world, for better and for worse.

    View Character Profile
    Early 30s
    Current Residence
    Good Mead
    white pin pricks
    Unknown Animal Skull
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    slightly translucent, black, matte
    Known Languages
    Common, Infernal, Abyssal
    Ravaice's Closet

    Entry 7: Shney is Gone

    WIP   He's gone... his fur is cold.

    Entry 6: Harrowing and Familear

    Ekar and I headed out to Caer-Dineval to follow the lead Levistus gave us. To make things brief, cult took over, we are apart of a prophesy, absolutle freak of a woman in the basement. Okay that last part was harsh but she freaks me out so bad and I can't explain why. The thought of having to be in the same space as her feels like I am going against some fundamental law of nature and magic. Ekar wants to speak with her after a nights rest, and I don't know how I am going to get out of this one.   No way am I going to be able to sleep tonight, not unless the devil himself drags me to sleep. Hell, he already dragged me here.   --   I met Avarice. I don't know what I am. She seems to know more about who or what I am than me. Despite this, I have more questions about myself despite getting answers.   Why did I agree to help her? Am I really that desperate to know anything more about myself?   Am I that desperate to prove that my being is not against the will of the Gods?

    Entry 5: Letter of Heart's Past

    I opened the letter.   It was a love letter, and it does not sound like it was addressed to me. Then, why does it feel like it was meant for me? Regardless, I need to see them. I just feel.... warm when I read it, maybe a little sick. I don't remember them but I so badly want to. I feel so guilty that I can't, I just know they were so important to me.   Now the only question is how do I seek them out without the others finding out. I think I would die if anyone found out about this.

    Entry 4: Underdark & Kobolds

    We got paid and left Easthaven before anyone had the chance to mug us. As terrifying our stay here was, I am still sad that we are leaving. We made some good friends and I got a glimpse at my past.   There was a job to deal with some Kobolds that took residence in the Termalaine gem mine, and we decided to help out. Also very important development, on the way to Termalaine we got a sled dog and his name is King Fuck!!! He's super cute! Shney doesn't like him, but I love him a lot. I am sure they will grow closer with some time. The mission went great! The matters were able to be handled diplomatically and the Kobolds moved in with the residents of Termalane. The only main sticking point was that there was a terrible creature down in the mines that was picking off people and we had to deal with it. I think its from the Underdark... wherever that is and means. Guessing by the name alone, it probably came from the massive drop in the mines. Overall, the townsfolk seem happy and its been great! It feels nice to be able to help people and make a difference in a world that often feels so bleak. I really like these friends that I met along the way. I can tell I haven't felt companionship like this in a very long time.  

    Entry 3.5̶:̸ H̷̭̓o̷̹̒w̴̚͜ ̶̱͑m̵̖͘ǘ̴͔c̴͛ͅh̷̦͂ ̴̡͒ț̷́i̴̪͛m̷̞̿e̶͓͝ ̸̻͛d̵͉̂o̶̻̾ ̶̙͠Ḭ̶̇ ̴̱̽h̴̠̕a̷̮̅v̵̘̂é̸͙ ̴̖̈́l̵͔͒e̸͖̋f̸͔̏t̵̖̒?̵̡̏

    It is still the same night. There are people here that I should remember, but i don't. I think I used to read a lot in my past, but that means nothing now. Just another fragment in this stupid nightmare. None of this is telling me how old I a̶m̶ was. I don't know how old I was and now I certainly don't know how old I am. How long do I have? I don't know my race or my age or anything else besides some faint wrinkles that lay beneath my eyes now. I already lost so many years of memories, why do I have to loose my future ones as well?   I just want to know what I have. Is that so much to ask for?

    Entry 4.5: Ȃ̸̹f̵̪̖͈̈́̈́͝f̶̛̗̄r̶̙̤̅͆̾o̵̟̍̇̚n̴͚̆̚t̵̡̫̰͊̀ ̸̞̟͖̂̚t̴̹͎̏̃ò̴̢ ̵̮̃t̶̻͆̚͝h̸̼͠e̵̲͛́ ̵̜̈̂Ǵ̸̟̎ǒ̵̧͎̂̚d̸̯̜͎̂̍s̷̡̤͠

    [This part of the entry is written in Infernal] I had a nightmare that I was in a blizzard. It was so hard to see and it was white, everything was white. A voice called out to me through the storm and it was familiar and its sound so cold that it made the blizzard feel like the gentle heat of a hearth. He said his name was Levistus. I don't know what he looks like but I swear there was a dreadful feeling of being perceived coming from the glacier I could barely make out in the distance. I don't know why he is helping me.   [This part of the entry is written frantically in Abyssal] He doesn't have any business with me, unless he did in my past? If I owed him something, he wouldn't have told me where I could seek out help, would he? He told me what the letter meant, so I should be grateful, right? He wasn't lying about that.   He has to be lying that I am an affront to the Gods. I didn't scorn them in my past life, did I? I'm not a monster. I wasn't always like this. Is this the reason why I am like this? No. I shouldn't trust the devil's tongue when referring to the Gods.

    Entry 3: Boats & Soup

    I do not remember what a boat was so that was an experience! I can't say the rest of the journey was all that pleasant... we were attacked by a few creatures and a hag. The fishers we were searching for were long dead and uh, the hag was cooking them in the cauldron. Human soup aside, the pot makes soup out of water when put in there! I'm sure after a good scrub down, Easthaven wont be so tight on food anymore! We are going to get quite a reward from this, and Akar and I are planning to keep watch over the pot until the town can keep it somewhere safe and pay us. I am currently writing and sleeping in the pot for the night, it's not too bad of a set up. Shney and Mara are spending the night at Syphon's house again.

    Entry 2: The Dead & Mead

    We took a week off and now we are back to the town for work! We stayed a day so Mara could go see Syphon properly, and the two seem to really be getting along. Akar let Shney drink when we were watching him, and I am not dealing with whatever the fuck is going to transpire between those two and Mara when she inevitably finds out. That bear cannot keep a secret.   We looked into communes with a ghost called the white lady. Guy in charge of the whole thing was a ass and racist. He called Mara "horns," which is a shit insult to begin with. Where is this mans creativity, where is his rage? I don't know why i took that a bit personally as well, I guess I care about Mara a lot.   Anyways, we are heading out tomorrow to investigate the disappearance of some fishers. The guard captain said we could have the wizards stuff as a reward if we figured this out. The others seemed interested, but I am really invested. I don't remember the guy and I know he wasn't that important to me, but I still can't help but cling to him. This complete dead stranger is all I have of my past,   Okay, I'll revisit this latter. I need to stop Akar from getting Shney wasted again.

    Entry 1: Awakening

    Since I lost my memories, I thought it was best to keep what I know and remember in here for safe keeping.   I met a lot of nice people in the past few days. Mara found me out in the woods, and sure she stepped on me as a rude introduction, he's pretty good company. I like her companion Shney a lot too, hes a fun guy. They took me into a nearby town to restock and we met a pleasant turtle named Akar. One thing led to another and we ended up venturing out to Easthaven, apprehended a murderer, and Mara met someone who they had really good chemistry with.   That guy we caught was wild though. He was sputtering about how the Frost Maiden was the only god that truly deserved worship. I mean sure, shes the only God here, or it feels like it, but does any God inherently deserve worship? Sure I am working off of 3 days worth of memories at best and I don't really recall any of the other gods, but they don't seem to be doing much. The Frost Maiden is but that's kind of a shit job she's doing around these parts.   On a more serious matter, I remembered something. When we first arrived to Easthaven, there was a execution underway. A wizard man was burned at the stake, and I recognized him. He must have been from my past. his clothes were familiar, a uniform for something that feels so far away now. Akar and Mara did not recognize the clothes, and I did not want to press any further. I asked that lady Hillan to look into it for me. Maybe this is my in into figuring out my past, but regardless he is a terrible man. I don't know what to think of the whole situation...   note: Mara said to always say no when asked about murder, no saying maybe!


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