Rime of The Frostmaiden: The Story So Far

Three disparate characters found themselves together in Goodmead's titular mead hall by chance: Ravice, mysterious mage with no memory of her life before the past few days. Ekar, an elderly Tortle monk working as a barkeep in town. Mara, Tiefling gunslinging mercenary. And Shney, her awakened bear companion. The three are approached by Hillin Trollbane, a fellow employee at the hall, who informs them of serial murders connected to The Frostmaiden. She asks them to subdue the suspect and bring him to her, encouraging Ekar in particular to use his abilities for good. The party set out and before day's end lay their enemy before Hilin. His name is Sephek Kaltro, a man blessed by the winter goddess and carrying out ritual sacrifices in her name. He is beheaded and burned in the basement of the mead hall.    The party decide they have a good thing going, and continue to brave the darkness of the dale together. After a mysterious seance in Easthaven they set off after the trail of fishers who went recently missing. They discover their bones in a sea hag's cauldron, and return with grime news and gains after a harrowing fight. The cauldron, able to create food from nothing but water, is sold to the town of Easthaven for a hefty price. Mara speaks to Scython, a Tiefling who the party saved from Sephek, about feeling aimless in her lack of a proper goal or direction. She feels on the cusp of something bigger, though she doesn't know what. These feelings are perhaps proved correct when the party defend the town hall from a invasion by a group of militant Duergar, one of whom escapes the town. The townsfolk are grateful, but now a greater question is posed: What did these Duergar want with the Chardlyn within the hall? And what does this mean for the towns?   The party then follow a lead to Termalaines mine, where a band of Kobolds have taken residence. They subdue the little dragons and make a deal with their leader, one much more well versed in the Common tongue than the rest. The party are led to the Caer by Ravice's mysterious intuition, where they discover it's being occupied by The Knights of The Black Sword, cultists dedicated to the Archdevil Levistus. Their resident soothsayer warns them of a dire future to come: The Duergar despot Xardarack Sunblight plans an attack on the Ten-Towns, and it will be soon. The party are shown in her vision to be the ones who must stand against this attack, and she warns them that they must spend the following months gathering their strength in preparation. Tentative alliance made, Ravice speaks with Avarice, a Tiefling mage taking residence below the Caer.    The party gather themselves and set off, saving Mara's love interest from sacrifice in Easthaven, though this gets them banished from the town's limits. Purchasing and furnishing a home in Goodmead, the party set off to one of the ruins of the Netheril Empire in the tundra. They find many old tomes which may prove useful, and witness the second death of Dzaan, who's simulacrum is transformed by an arcane mishap. The party then take their leave, preparing to deliver the spoils to Avarice......


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