Session 38

The party prepares to depart to the Village in The Hills, saying their goodbyes to allies and convincing her parents to let Lee tag along. Akordia speaks to Taxes, saying she's willing to stay behind so Vabral can come, but Taxes denies. She's a part of this group, valued for more than her strength. As a friend. She then promises Vabral that she'll protect her, that she's a different kind of monster. He appreciates this. June assures Lee that she can tell them anything if she gets into trouble with her antics in town, no judgement. They visit a Nadrid's spring and bathe, Akordia learning that she's likely been cursed by a user of Weird or otherwise Fey magic. Arrival in town is emotional. Jolin is the village head now as Dorros was taken into imperial custody after the violence nine months ago. Jolin bows to their command, for now, planning to usher the populace out of Lunathros: Though Taxes suggests that this should be temporary, and Jolin is somewhat open to this. Taxes receives a message from her father, roots through her mother's stuff, and scrys on her: Discovering her mother to be Isodria, Werebear Paladin of Eldath.


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