Session 40

The party defeat the Bodak in time to rush off in defense of the forest, as mysterious fiery fey set it alight. They fend off their attackers and blow away the blaze as Xanlis' troops arrive to help the effort. Jolin asks the party to give chase and the party agree, resting before pursuing. They enter the Ashen Wilds, but they're too slow and they decide to rest for the night. The party experience a shared dream and awaken to Akordia breaking down. She says it all: She loves Taxes, she blames her for taking her here, she asks her when she'll start putting them first, when will things stop happening? Why is she still here? No one really has an answer. The party returns to the village and celebrate their victory with their allies and neighbors. Anxious of the future, but assured by their love for each other and progress made.


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