Session 43/44

Character(s) interacted with

  • The party managed to escape the watery deathtrap protecting the old library, discovering mages disguised as ghosts with hostile intent. Further into the strange maze was a warrior priest of Luna, who attacked the party alongside a construct chimera before melding into stone.


  • Vabral apologized to Taxes for not being there for her when she returned home, promising that he won't let his personal grudges get in the way of supporting her.
  • June discovers her old family home (or an illusory version of it). This gives her pause, making the full scope of the situation horribly clear.
  • Vabral goes down in combat, prompting Taxes to feel guilty. He reassures her that it isn't her fault, and she does the same for him. They share the feeling of being undeserving of their roles, finding a grim comfort in knowing that they're doing the right thing.
  • Akordia and June take time to talk, June sharing her feelings on being in the old tunnels. She feels overwhelmed and unsure, whereas Akordia is almost jealous, as she lacks a heritage to attach herself to. In a sense they're both mourning a past they never knew.
  • The door behind the party creaked open, then slowly closed, interrupting their rest.
Report Date
20 Jan 2023


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