The Court of Air


The court is lead by The Queen of Air and Darkness, an Archfey as old as time, who rules from deep within her domain. She employes spies to gather information on enemies and allies alike, alongside soldiers, mages, seamstresses, and many more. The court rules a wide berth in which these smaller domains are ruled by different Archfey, those who found common ground with the Queen or found themselves working under her. They generally provide some sort of service to the Queen or ally with the Courts values.


The Unseelie Court is large and diverse, though there are general ideas that are usually present among those raised or living among the Unseelie. The Court favors gloom, twilight, cobwebs, fireflies, hooting owls, and croaking frogs. They Value the intuitive and instinctual (for example, mystical rituals, visionaries, and firelit parties). They dabble in mysterious magic and rituals (adventurers can run afoul of curses if they don’t follow the Unseelie ways). The Folk are accepting and forward thinking: Bringing mortals into their midst far more often then the Seelie courts, and more often voluntarily than not. They follow their whims often, and can act foolhardy oftentimes. Their homes and lands are often of the more dangerous variety, a reflection of their strong emotions, meaning that Unseelie folk often understand and stand strong against hardship.


Spies, soldiers, artisans, treasures, trinkets,


The court was officially formed by the Queen soon after Lolth's betrayal, where the Queen disagreed with her sisters decisions and decided to strike out on her own. Some report that the Queen had a stronger presence prior to the Summer Court.
Founding Date
Eons Ago
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Unseelie Court
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Related Species


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