The Knights of the Black Sword


The cultists shun contact with outsiders and, posing as members of Speaker Crannoc's staff, turn away all visitors to the castle. Most members were recruited by Levistus directly from dire circumstances, and as such are fiercely loyal to their cause, believing this to be their rightful place in the world.


They control The Caer and everything in it, giving them a stockpile of weapons, armor, a decent amount of gold, and a defensible base in the towns.


Most of the cultists are Icewind Dale natives who would have perished in the wilderness had Levistus not intervened on their behalf. The cultists' stories are all the same: the archdevil reached out to them in their minds as they were freezing to death, offering a second chance at life in exchange for their absolute devotion. After they agreed to follow Levistus, a pale glow caught their eye in the snow nearby, leading to the discovery of a sword-shaped amulet of chardalyn. Each of these amulets has an inner radiance that provides warmth and aid, protecting its wearer against the cold while guiding them safely back to civilization.   Levistus has warned the Knights of the Black Sword that duergar are plotting the destruction of Ten-Towns, and as such they have partnered with the party, adventurers who the late soothsayer foretold to be instrumental in the warlord's undoing.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Black Swords, cultists of Levistus
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species


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