The Morninglord

The Morninglord Amaunator (a.k.a. The Light of The Law)

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A golden sun with the face on a solar disk.

Tenets of Faith

Follow the law to the letter. The fertile ground of society is built upon rules and tradition which must be upheld, lest that ground give way.   Understand law and the world around you. Seek safety and understanding through this knowledge, and extend this to your fellows.   Stand stalwart with your superiors, yet do not abide the tyranny of unchecked power.


Worshippers often revere the Morninglord during the Highsummer celebrations alongside Gods of similar domain and disposition.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Morninglord is believed to be dedicated to amassing followers and gaining a greater foothold upon the material plane. He serves as a judge and a scribe who takes note of all celestial business.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Amaunator's form was often depicted as a humanoid whose skin shed golden light, looked like a lanky, silver-white haired, and short man with a white week's growth of beard clad in a long, flowing, black or purple gown with silver or gold trims, the uniform of a magistrate. He always equipped himself with two tools: a scepter and a legal tome in either hand. The former was the scepter of the eternal sun, which doubled as his melee-weapon.   While male pronouns were used to describe Amaunator, he appeared fairly often in the form of a woman clad in a flowing, opalescent dress with an image of a balance of practically see-through gold on it. When this manifestation appeared to a person, this person could determine whether he stood in favor or disfavor of the god by looking at the scale. If it scaled to the left, he could be sure to spend the next seven years in poverty, debt, and servitude while losing his fortune. If the scale tilted to the right, the recipient of the manifestation could expect himself good fortune in the material sense. If the scales were balanced, the recipient was receiving an invitation to enter Amaunator's clergy.
Divine Classification
Lesser Diety, aspect(?) of The Dawnfather
Lawful Neutral


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