The Raven Queen: Madness or Magic?

A book delving into what's known, believed, or rumored to be true about the illustrious Matron of Death. Domains: Life, Death, Memories, and Winter. She is believed to be Lawful Neutral in alignment though this has been subject to debate by many researchers and holymen. Additionally she is thought to, perhaps unhealthily, treasure memories and trinkets. These pages speculated that she was in fact insane, believing her methods and behavior little more than aimless curiosity or a desperate attempt to prevent her fragile existence from fading into oblivion. While others maintained that there was a cosmological function that was performed by the Queen's actions, as she purified souls by forcing mortals to deal with their fears and pains, showing the lighter side of death: not something to be feared after all, perhaps. It recounts both believed origins behind her existence, with questioning. If her memory was wiped away then how has this theory gained prevalence? The researcher attempts to find worshippers to find out but is unsuccessful as the empire shuns those who worship her. Her character is called into question by this story as well, as someone who wanted to use the souls of her loyal followers is....untrustworthy to say the least.


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