Free Captains of the Shackles Organization in The Shackles | World Anvil
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Free Captains of the Shackles

In these pages, I chronicle the formidable force that shapes the tumultuous waters of the Shackles—the Free Captains. These audacious souls, driven by their unyielding spirit and the call of the sea, hold dominion over these treacherous realms. It is said that anyone can declare themselves a Free Captain, for their title is earned through possession of a ship and the indomitable will to command it. While some Free Captains wield their influence over the ports of the Shackles, commanding a fleet of fellow captains under their banner, the true power lies within the Pirate Council—the ruling body of the Shackles. These are the most formidable and influential individuals, steering the course of piracy in these lawless waters.   Since the year 4640 AR, the Free Captains have stood as the protectors of rebellious Sargava, defiant against the might of House Thrune and the Chelish Navy. Baron Grallus, recognizing their prowess, acquiesced to their demands, paying annual tribute to safeguard his domain. Victories in 4643 AR and 4660 AR solidified their authority, establishing their reputation as formidable adversaries.   While most Free Captains honor the agreements set forth in the treaty, there are those who defy it, casting a shadow of discord upon their brethren. The dissenters of Firegrass Isle, obstinate in their refusal to obey, have sown the seeds of division, creating a rift between themselves and the Pirate Council.   It was in the year 4674 AR that the Free Captains forged an alliance under the banner of the Hurricane King. Their mission: to harass and plunder the ships traversing the northern waters of the Shackles. This alliance birthed the legendary Free Captains' Regatta, a test of skill and audacity held three years later. The Glorious Age of the Free Captains commenced in 4681 AR, marking an era of unparalleled prosperity and influence for these seafaring outlaws.   Though camaraderie may be scarce among the Free Captains, they acknowledge the power of unity when called upon by the Pirate Council and its leader, the indomitable Hurricane King. Yet, outside of such official business, a tempest of hostility brews, threatening to engulf them in conflict at the slightest provocation. Outsiders fare no better, as the Free Captains extend little hospitality to those beyond their circle.   Yearly, since 4677 AR, independent Free Captains can vie for prestige and glory in the Free Captains' Regatta. It is a chance to elevate their standing, with the winner claiming a coveted seat on the Pirate Council, lordship over an island, and a bountiful purse as testament to their triumph.   Among the known figures who have etched their name into the annals of Free Captain legend are Gortus Svard, Bradesmar Wache, Simeon the Vain, and Stella Fane. These renowned individuals embody the spirit of the Shackles and the audacity of those who sail its perilous seas.   Led by the formidable Kerdak Bonefist, the Free Captains find their headquarters within the very heart of the Shackles, a testament to their dominance over these lawless waters. Their goal is simple yet all-consuming—to plunder the wealth that the sea offers, leaving their mark upon the history of these lands.   The Free Captains stand as a loose but formidable organization of pirate fleets, forever shaping the course of the Shackles. In this treacherous realm, where danger lurks with every wave, they embody the true spirit of the sea and the audacity of those who dare defy the conventions of civilization.

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