History of Ghol-Gan Myth in The Shackles | World Anvil
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History of Ghol-Gan

The lost and ancient kingdom of Ghol-Gan was a magnificent cyclops civilization that was once known for its gift of prophecy. However, over time, the civilization degenerated into worship of alien deities, bloody rituals, cannibalism, and eventual collapse. Ghol-Gan covered a vast area, including the Shackles, Mediogalti Island, the southern part of the Sodden Lands, and a section of the western Mwangi Expanse. The origins of Ghol-Gan pre-date the rise of Azlant, and it existed during the Age of Serpents. The civilization can be divided into four periods: prehistoric, pre-classical, classical, and post-classical.   During the classical period, the Ghol-Gani developed their writing system and revered the sun and moon as twin spherical deities. The civilization flourished and expanded, with cities growing into the first true Ghol-Gani cities and the construction of grand ziggurats. However, their expansion into the Darklands brought them into contact with serpentfolk and led to their gradual decline. The Ghol-Gani who dwelled in the depths adopted the dark ideologies of the serpentfolk, which spread to the surface civilization. Animal sacrifices evolved into cyclops sacrifices, and eventually descended into bloodthirsty acts of cannibalism.   The post-classical era marked the decline of Ghol-Gan civilization and the embrace of worshiping foul entities like the Blood Queen and Azathoth. The society descended into moral decay and performed unspeakable acts. The ngoga, which still exist in parts of the Mwangi Expanse, were warbeasts used by the Ghol-Gani.   By the time of Earthfall, Ghol-Gan was mostly destroyed, sinking beneath the waves and collapsing tunnels isolating the region. The last patriarch of Ghol-Gan was Ammelon VI, and his treasures are said to be located within the waterlogged temple of Xanthuun in the Sodden Lands.   Ghol-Gani culture had complex systems of distribution and corruption within its political system. The Ghol-Gani were known for their mastery of stonework, forging powerful weapons and creating stone armor and jewelry. Iblydos, an archipelago, was populated by cyclopes who had emigrated from Ghol-Gan during its decline.   Today, Ghol-Gani ruins still exist throughout the lands they once controlled, both on dry land and submerged beneath the Arcadian Ocean. Some ruins are inhabited by modern cyclopes, reflecting the civilization's decline.

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