History of Raugsmauda and Gray Whyrlis Myth in The Shackles | World Anvil
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History of Raugsmauda and Gray Whyrlis

During the Age of Serpents, the Shackles region was once part of the cyclops kingdom of Ghol-Gan. Many ruins from that ancient civilization still exist in the area, showcasing disturbing carvings depicting cannibalism and blood sacrifice. However, what few scholars know is that several millennia after the collapse of Ghol-Gan, two powerful sorcerers named Raugsmauda and Gray Whyrlis arrived in the Shackles and battled each other for control of the archipelago. They uncovered the potent sorceries that led to the downfall of Ghol-Gan and sought to harness them. Unfortunately, they failed to fully comprehend and control the immense powers they were dealing with. In a catastrophic event, Gray Whyrlis was lost, and Raugsmauda, severely wounded, retreated to her dungeon on Motaku Isle, where she remained for centuries.   The Shackles region was eventually explored by the Empire of Cheliax in 4111 AR. Upon discovering the cursed Ghol-Gan ruins with their grisly illustrations, the Chelish explorers deemed them as such and decided to establish a colony in Sargava further south instead of the Shackles.   It wasn't until 4512 AR that a group of adventurers descended into the Pit of Raugsmauda and discovered the sorcerer, who had transformed into a vicious lich. A battle ensued, and Raugsmauda eventually fled westward, settling on a small uninhabited volcanic isle now known as Raugsmauda's Reach, which is filled with caves.   Following the formation of the Eye of Abendego in the north, Raugsmauda took to sailing the archipelago as the captain of the black galleon Naiegoul once a month. On these nights, Naiegoul, a dreaded vessel, can appear anywhere in the Shackles, effortlessly capturing lone ships. The black flag of Naiegoul bears the chilling inscription "Geghalle Omutapura," which means "Hope Vanishes" in the ancient Ghol-Gan language that has not been spoken in millennia.   The Free Captains of the Shackles are eager to rid themselves of Raugsmauda's menacing presence, and the Pirate Council has supported three expeditions to eliminate her. However, each ship sent out on these expeditions has returned drenched in blood, devoid of crew, with only a single crucified sailor found on the main mast.

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