Pirates from the Shackles Organization in The Shackles | World Anvil
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Pirates from the Shackles

The Shackles is renowned as the home of the fiercest and most ruthless pirates. The prosperity of the region relies heavily on piracy, with non-pirate residents supporting the trade through various services. The pirates in the Shackles benefit from tradition and experience, boasting impressive ships and loyal crews. Despite their lack of trust for each other, they cooperate when called upon by a Free Captain or the Hurricane King. The history of the Shackles is intertwined with the emergence of the Eye of Abendego, a devastating perpetual hurricane. After its appearance, most sailors fled, leaving behind the bravest and those with nothing to lose. These individuals formed groups of brigands and buccaneers, initially fighting among themselves. However, the strongest captains eventually united under Captain Kerdak Bonefist, who became the feared Hurricane King. The pirate council, consisting of captains with powerful fleets, took control of various ports.   Since then, the Free Captains have coordinated raids along the coast, venturing farther each year to expand their reach and avoid competition. Their primary goals include maintaining their positions, accumulating more loot, and expanding their fleets. Each pirate lord has their own motivations, often seeking information to protect themselves or plan their own coups. The Shackles remains a hub of pirate activity, with prosperity and freedom prevailing among its seafaring inhabitants.

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