Riddleport Plunderers Organization in The Shackles | World Anvil
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Riddleport Plunderers

Riddleport, once a notorious pirate haven, has undergone a transformation under the rule of former captain Gaston Cromarcky. Located at the mouth of the Velashu River, the city was once a hotbed of piracy, with raids on passing ships and rival pirates being commonplace. However, with Cromarcky's rise to power, Riddleport has evolved into a more civilized port city. While piratical activity still occurs, it is less frequent, and the pirates now maintain an uneasy truce, always ready to betray one another for personal gain. The city's history traces back to its origins as a pirate hideout, where buccaneers sought refuge and stashed their plunder. As time passed, Riddleport grew in size and significance, attracting scholars and adventurers due to the presence of the Cyphergate. Trading with the pirates became common, leading to the city's development into a bustling hub, albeit one rife with violence. It was under Cromarcky's leadership that Riddleport underwent a shift towards semi-legitimate commerce, leveraging protection money from merchants and establishing stability through the Riddleport Gendarmes.   Riddleport, known for its lax moral laws, remains a popular trade port along the Varisian coast. Merchants willing to pay the overlord's protection fee continue to dock, providing targets for the pirates' predatory instincts. While the pirates rarely coordinate their actions, they adhere to Riddleport's laws to maintain access to the lucrative harbor. However, some pirates have ventured farther north to plunder ships in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, targeting valuable slaves and ancient artifacts. Additionally, small ships carrying adventurers to Varisia's ancient ruins often fall victim to the pirates, who sell any acquired artifacts to the Cyphermages in Riddleport.

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