River Kingdoms Organization in The Shackles | World Anvil
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River Kingdoms

Piracy thrives in the Shackles, where lawless activities are fueled by the guiding principle of "You Have What You Hold." Pirates in this region operate independently, driven by their own motives and seeking to claim what they can through force and cunning. The River Kingdoms serve as a refuge for outlaws and desperate individuals looking for a fresh start. While the Outlaw Council attempts to deter major criminals, piracy continues as long as it avoids disrupting travel, trade, or involving slavery. The prevailing attitude is to repel pirates rather than eradicate them completely.   Led by the renowned figure Morgan the White, the Protectorate of the White Marquis aimed to establish a renowned pirate stronghold. However, the distribution of extortion fees through the Pirate Pact proved unstable, neglecting the maintenance of their settlements. Most pirates in the region operate independently, adhering to the River Freedoms and evading scrutiny from the Outlaw Council.

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