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The largest city on the northern coast and capital of the Kingdom of Neverwinter.


65% Human, 25% Dwarf, 10% Elf


  • The city is essentially a city-state ruled by the King of Neverwinter who is an absolute monarch. He is advised by an inner circle of advisors, but ultimately all decisions are subject to the final word of the king, unless such power has been dispensed to another by order of the king. 
  • Nearby settlements have mostly pledged fealty to the Kingdom of Neverwinter in exchange for the protection of its armies. 

Industry & Trade

  • Timber harvested from Neverwinter Wood is the primary export and is shipped by land and sea throughout the Sword Coast and greater Faerun.
  • In recent months, as travel along to roads has become increasingly treacherous, many traders have ceased trading along land routes, which has led to greater impoverishment due to the lack of money coming in from exports.
  • The once plentiful farms and fields south of the city have gone foul due to the corruption of the black dragon and little grows there now.



  • As fewer and fewer shipments reach the city due to the ever increasing magical corruption in the lands surrounding Neverwinter, the docks have come into increasingly worse disrepair. The king has closed both gates to residents of the docks and pulled his guards. Only those with an official pass signed by the Dock Warden may enter. Crime and violence is rampant and hope has long since left that place. 
  • There are two gates, north gate, going into the Lake District, and South Gate, to the Protectors Enclave. Passage is blocked to all without a pass from the Dock Warden, However with corruption rife throughout the Docks, there are usually "alternative" ways to gain access.
  • Travelers can pay a boat man to ferry them from the north and south side of the docks for 2 silver pieces.

Points of interest


  Fargrim and Haralds Hammer and Flail  
  • Run by the dwarf trader Fargrim and his blacksmith brother Harald, they buy and sell standard and below quality weapons. Fargrim is a shrewd business man and Harald is good enough with a hammer to repair weapons atleas to a point, and craft some items. One will need good persuasion and tact to get a good deal from them however. 
  • The stock changes occasionally and players can roll a few times to see if the dwarves have anything interesting to sell. Harold will also take custom orders if a player wants a specific weapon with abilities or customizations.
  • 4- Dagger
  • 10- Handaxe
  • 4- Javelin
  • 4- Light Hammer
  • 10- Mace
  • 4- Spear
  • 20- Battleaxe
  • 20- Flail
  • 60- Greataxe
  • 100- Greatsword
  • 30- Longsword
  • 30- Morning Star
  • 20- Shortsword
  • 30- Warhammer
        The Mountain Mail  
  • An odd gnome woman named Virra runs this armor shop and sells standard and discount armors as well as a few random special items that can be rolled for.
  • 10- Gambeson
  • 20- Leather
  • 20- Hide (beast)
  • 100- Hide (monster)
  • 100- Scalemail
  • 60- Ringmail
  • 150- Chainmail
  • 400- Splintmail
Large city
Related Reports (Primary)


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